I’m cautious of the health, wealth and prosperity gospel that I see so often on TV and hear on the radio. The preacher urges us to give more, to give even more and God will give back to you. He will bless you 1,000 fold if you give to the Lord’s work. I know of several people who have sent off their last meal ticket or rent cheque to such preachers, only to get a photocopied standard “Thank-you” letter in the mail. I certainly pray that you have not heard or will not hear me preach such unscriptural theology in these pages.
But there is a sense in which God blesses our giving. Verse 6 sums up the thought in agricultural terms.
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
When we give generously we can expect a bountiful harvest. We can expect to reap back in proportion to what we have sown. The problem with prosperity theology is that it always equates reaping with financial rewards - If you give generously God will give generously back to you in dollar terms. But God does NOT promise dollars back to us. He promises a bountiful harvest. I would rather a thousand souls enter the kingdom than a thousand dollars in my pocket. I would rather have ten believers grown in the faith than to see an extra $400 in my pay check each month! That’s why vs 8 talks about abounding in good works. That’s why vs 9 mentions enduring righteousness. That’s why vs 10 mentions an enlarged harvest of righteousness.
In terms of giving, we must decide between ourselves and the Lord, what we will give. A tithe is a good biblical position to start but our giving should never be limited to a tithe. Sometimes the Lord will require more. And having decided what we are to give, we should give it cheerfully or graciously because the Lord has been gracious to us. It is not a religious duty or a gift given begrudgingly but a gift given with overflowing joy. If I am not giving with joy and giving graciously I am probably committing idolatry for I am loving Money more than God. And we all know that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
Perhaps the climax of giving generously comes in vs 11:-
You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
God will allow us to be generous on every occasion and thanksgiving will flow out to the Lord from others. Is there any other greater joy than knowing that others are praising and thanking God because of your input into their lives?
- Pray for the work of Creation Ministries as they seek to spread the knowledge of God and to teach about Genesis 1-12 as real history. Pray that churches and Christians would be generous to their work so that they have all they need to surge ahead.
- Pray that the churches across the land would be generous in supporting the various missionary bodies. Pray that these bodies would be able to support and care for the missionaries in their care. Pray that they would be wise in the use of their funds and willing to pray about their spending.
Do It Today
Determine your level of giving.
- Calculate all of your income, from all sources. Work out gross figures not net figures.
- Start with a tithe (10%) and use that as a basis.
- Prayerfully ask the Lord how much more you should give regularly.
- Pray for a joyful and gracious heart in your giving.
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