Saturday, 3 July 2010

Saturday July 3, 2010

Read John 15:1-17

As you prepare yourself for our gathered time of ‘worship’ tomorrow take time to think seriously about what Jesus is saying in John 15.

As you are well aware already, this passage talks about Jesus being the vine, God the vine dresser and us being the branches.

The passage culminates with vs 7-8.

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

How do we remain in Christ Jesus? As you read the passage, it’s clear that remaining in Him means walking in obedience, and obedience means loving each other as Jesus has loved us.

Think about tomorrow. As the body of Christ gathers you have the perfect opportunity to love others, to be obedient to Christ. You have the opportunity to share the Word and your life with others, to give to them sacrificially and to give to the Lord.

How will that play itself out for you tomorrow? My guess is that it depends largely on how your prepare yourself for tomorrow today.


  • Pray that tomorrow’s service will be acceptable to the Lord and that all who come, will come with a pure heart and a desire to meet with God.

  • Pray for our brothers and sisters in Vietnam and Laos who meet in secret or in fear of the authorities. Pray that God would protect them and use them to grow His kingdom. Pray that we see many more come to the Lord through their witness.

Do It Today

Spend time asking God how He wants to use you tomorrow in church. Ask God how you can serve, who you can serve and what you can bring to worship

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