Read Psalm 103: 1-22
Praising God does not come easy to many people. I remember being in a church service where the excited and enthusiastic leader asked for 50 reasons to praise the Lord. Sadly, we the audience couldn’t quite get there!
To help you praise the Lord start by reading a Psalm to the Lord as your own praise. Psalm 103, for example, could well be read to God as our own praise. The forgiveness that the Psalmist has enjoyed and been blessed with is something that every believer can relate to. Over the next week, as you spend time praising God, read a Psalm of praise to the Lord as your own praise and as part of your quiet time.
As you develop and grow in the ability to praise you can use the tactic of the Psalmists. They begin with a note of praise or adoration and then begin to draw that out and develop it by focusing on one characteristic of the Lord. You could almost pick any characteristic (His forgiveness, His love, His mercy, His faithfulness, His enduring nature ...etc.) and spend time praising God for that characteristic. It’s amazing what effect praising God has in our own lives. But I’m not going to tell you about it. Next week, read a Psalm of praise to the Lord as your own praise and experience first hand what it means to praise God.
Looking Forward to Christmas
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Friday, 30 July 2010
Friday July 30, 2010
Read 2 Corinthians 12:11-21
As you read the last part of chapter 12 and Paul’s dealings with the Corinthian church, what thoughts come to mind that sum up Paul’s attitude and approach ? I think of the words, ‘Other centred’ or ‘selfless’.
Paul is struck with a thorn in the flesh - a messenger of satan has been tormenting him. He is possibly going blind and has suffered immensely in his life of ministry. Read 2 Corinthians 11:23-29 as a refresher. And even so, he can still be concerned for the Corinthian church. He talks about the church as being his children. He is happy to spend all he has and all he is for their benefit. He is willing to do everything for their strengthening. He is ready to expend himself for them.
Here is a mark of Christian maturity - to be able to consider others and to continue to work for the good of others even when we ourselves are suffering or doing it tough. There is no hint of ‘self’ in Paul. This is the power of God at work in him and through him.
As we consider Jesus we see the source of Paul’s strength and other centeredness. By dying on the cross for us, Jesus gained relatively little, if anything. He did not benefit by taking our sins upon Himself. There was no advantage to Himself in being forsaken by God the Father. Jesus loved you so much that He willingly went to Jerusalem to die for you. He loved you so much that He willing suffered the wrath of God in your place. He loved you so much that He willingly died your death so you could live. Jesus loved you so much that He willingly wore the crown of thorns and the nails for you. There was no ‘self’ in Jesus love for you.
As I contemplate what Jesus has done for me, it’s easier to love others with that same kind of selfless love that Paul modelled. As I reflect on what it cost Jesus to love me, I am inspired, spurred on to love and good deeds. As I sing about the sacrificial giving of Jesus I am motivated to give sacrificially to others.
Focus your entire life, your entire being on Jesus and you too will have that selfless kind of love that glorifies God.
Pray that the love of Christ would motivate more and more believers in your church and in the world wide church to be loving, to be sacrificial and to be doing good deeds appropriate
As you read the last part of chapter 12 and Paul’s dealings with the Corinthian church, what thoughts come to mind that sum up Paul’s attitude and approach ? I think of the words, ‘Other centred’ or ‘selfless’.
Paul is struck with a thorn in the flesh - a messenger of satan has been tormenting him. He is possibly going blind and has suffered immensely in his life of ministry. Read 2 Corinthians 11:23-29 as a refresher. And even so, he can still be concerned for the Corinthian church. He talks about the church as being his children. He is happy to spend all he has and all he is for their benefit. He is willing to do everything for their strengthening. He is ready to expend himself for them.
Here is a mark of Christian maturity - to be able to consider others and to continue to work for the good of others even when we ourselves are suffering or doing it tough. There is no hint of ‘self’ in Paul. This is the power of God at work in him and through him.
As we consider Jesus we see the source of Paul’s strength and other centeredness. By dying on the cross for us, Jesus gained relatively little, if anything. He did not benefit by taking our sins upon Himself. There was no advantage to Himself in being forsaken by God the Father. Jesus loved you so much that He willingly went to Jerusalem to die for you. He loved you so much that He willing suffered the wrath of God in your place. He loved you so much that He willingly died your death so you could live. Jesus loved you so much that He willingly wore the crown of thorns and the nails for you. There was no ‘self’ in Jesus love for you.
As I contemplate what Jesus has done for me, it’s easier to love others with that same kind of selfless love that Paul modelled. As I reflect on what it cost Jesus to love me, I am inspired, spurred on to love and good deeds. As I sing about the sacrificial giving of Jesus I am motivated to give sacrificially to others.
Focus your entire life, your entire being on Jesus and you too will have that selfless kind of love that glorifies God.
Pray that the love of Christ would motivate more and more believers in your church and in the world wide church to be loving, to be sacrificial and to be doing good deeds appropriate
- Pray that the love of Christ would motivate more and more believers in your church and in the world wide church to be loving, to be sacrificial and to be doing good deeds appropriate to those who claim to worship Christ.
- Pray that our brothers and sisters in North Korea would be able to respond to their attackers and persecutors with the love of Christ. Pray that this love would melt hearts and bring many into the kingdom by faith.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Thursday July 29, 2010
Read 2 Timothy 3:12, 4:18, 1 John 5:19
Losing is not fun. Being picked on is no fun. Being the butt of other people’s jokes is no fun. And because we live in a world that is obsessed with fun and self indulgence Christianity is no fun. Christianity, in the eyes of the world is for losers. It’s for those who can’t stand on their own and who need a crutch. Christians are easy to pick on, easy to joke about because they are intolerant and narrow minded. Christians are easy to attack because they stand out a mile away.
But of course there are so called believers trying to make Christianity fun, by not talking about sin and judgement, by revamping worship services to be pleasing to the world, by preaching feel good sermons and even by running services or seminars on how to have better sex with your spouse and so on. But unbeknown to these believers is the unnerving truth that as Christians we are to expect persecution and trouble in this world. Jesus said it clearly, ’In this world you will have trouble.’’ Paul told Timothy that we can expect persecution if we desire to live a righteous life for Jesus. Of course we will. The evil one controls the non believers of this world. When he sees Christ in us and is threatened or worried that we may have an impact in the lives of those around us, he will stir up persecution to deter us and to seek to stop us shining the light of Jesus. The more serious we are about shining the light of Jesus (in word and deed), the more we will face persecution.
But even in the midst of persecution we can breathe easy. We can be confident that God will rescue us from every evil attack and will bring us safely into his heavenly kingdom. Nothing or no one in this world will undo your salvation in Christ Jesus. Please hear this verse carefully. God is not saying He will spare your life all the time. He is saying that He will bring you safely into His heavenly kingdom. When your time is up, God will call you home and welcome you with open arms. You will be in God’s presence for all eternity. You will see the Lord and His glory. Nothing can take that away from you. Go forth today in the confidence that comes from knowing that God is in complete control.
Losing is not fun. Being picked on is no fun. Being the butt of other people’s jokes is no fun. And because we live in a world that is obsessed with fun and self indulgence Christianity is no fun. Christianity, in the eyes of the world is for losers. It’s for those who can’t stand on their own and who need a crutch. Christians are easy to pick on, easy to joke about because they are intolerant and narrow minded. Christians are easy to attack because they stand out a mile away.
But of course there are so called believers trying to make Christianity fun, by not talking about sin and judgement, by revamping worship services to be pleasing to the world, by preaching feel good sermons and even by running services or seminars on how to have better sex with your spouse and so on. But unbeknown to these believers is the unnerving truth that as Christians we are to expect persecution and trouble in this world. Jesus said it clearly, ’In this world you will have trouble.’’ Paul told Timothy that we can expect persecution if we desire to live a righteous life for Jesus. Of course we will. The evil one controls the non believers of this world. When he sees Christ in us and is threatened or worried that we may have an impact in the lives of those around us, he will stir up persecution to deter us and to seek to stop us shining the light of Jesus. The more serious we are about shining the light of Jesus (in word and deed), the more we will face persecution.
But even in the midst of persecution we can breathe easy. We can be confident that God will rescue us from every evil attack and will bring us safely into his heavenly kingdom. Nothing or no one in this world will undo your salvation in Christ Jesus. Please hear this verse carefully. God is not saying He will spare your life all the time. He is saying that He will bring you safely into His heavenly kingdom. When your time is up, God will call you home and welcome you with open arms. You will be in God’s presence for all eternity. You will see the Lord and His glory. Nothing can take that away from you. Go forth today in the confidence that comes from knowing that God is in complete control.
- Pray that God would encourage the believers in Pakistan with 2 Tim 4:18 as they endure harassment, economic sanctions and negative treatment from other religions. Pray that the preachers and teachers would be able to encourage the flock with their eternal salvation.
- Pray that we would have opportunity to go forth into mission and ministry with confidence and boldness knowing that the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us. Pray for the ministries and outreaches of your church that are particularly close to your heart.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Wednesday July 28, 2010
Read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
I often wonder why our Christianity in the western world is so impotent when we compare it to what God is doing in so many countries around the world. I often wonder why we have to substitute academia or hype for spirituality in our church services. Why does God remain silent when we cry out to Him? Why does God not lead the way clearly and powerfully as He did in history and as He does in the persecuted church?
As I was praying about this the Lord clearly said to me that we really don’t need Him. Huh? (that was my reaction too!!!). As I thought about it He was right. Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 again and think about what Paul is going through. Paul is brought into a situation where he is weak, unable to use his human resources and strength to push on. Paul needed God and could rely only on God to see him through.
As I was reflecting on this passage and the Lord’s answer to my plea, it dawned on me that we are never really weak and desperate for the Lord to intervene. Let me share a few illustrations to show you what I mean. We give to the Lord but we never give to the point of needing God to provide our daily bread. We would never give sacrificially, all we have to live on, like the woman in the temple. Our preachers are trained in academia, in public speaking, in answering objections and so on. They know the Bible inside out. The Spirit doesn’t need to talk to them. Our services are so meticulously planned and so tuned and tweaked that God has no room to work. Most of us, when we go on mission, go for the short term. We have a job waiting for us back home. Our family waits to welcome us. We can step easily into our comfortable life. I don’t need God to provide because I can hack it for a few weeks in the rough of the mission field.
As the Lord’s words - "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness"- rang in my ears, it became evident to me that we are never weak. We don’t need God to work because we have been so blessed with everything we need and want.
Now please don’t hear this as a call to sloppiness. We need to plan. We need to think through implications. We need to be on the ball. But can we delight in weakness when we are obsessed with image and perfection? Can we endure hardship and insults when we believe that our creature comforts are a sign of God’s true love for us? Can we walk through persecution with the power of God and singing His praises when we think that the be all and end all of our life is ending the persecution?
Paul can cry out, ‘When I am weak then I am strong’, because it’s in the weakness that the power of God begins to shine forth. Can you cry out with Paul?
I often wonder why our Christianity in the western world is so impotent when we compare it to what God is doing in so many countries around the world. I often wonder why we have to substitute academia or hype for spirituality in our church services. Why does God remain silent when we cry out to Him? Why does God not lead the way clearly and powerfully as He did in history and as He does in the persecuted church?
As I was praying about this the Lord clearly said to me that we really don’t need Him. Huh? (that was my reaction too!!!). As I thought about it He was right. Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 again and think about what Paul is going through. Paul is brought into a situation where he is weak, unable to use his human resources and strength to push on. Paul needed God and could rely only on God to see him through.
As I was reflecting on this passage and the Lord’s answer to my plea, it dawned on me that we are never really weak and desperate for the Lord to intervene. Let me share a few illustrations to show you what I mean. We give to the Lord but we never give to the point of needing God to provide our daily bread. We would never give sacrificially, all we have to live on, like the woman in the temple. Our preachers are trained in academia, in public speaking, in answering objections and so on. They know the Bible inside out. The Spirit doesn’t need to talk to them. Our services are so meticulously planned and so tuned and tweaked that God has no room to work. Most of us, when we go on mission, go for the short term. We have a job waiting for us back home. Our family waits to welcome us. We can step easily into our comfortable life. I don’t need God to provide because I can hack it for a few weeks in the rough of the mission field.
As the Lord’s words - "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness"- rang in my ears, it became evident to me that we are never weak. We don’t need God to work because we have been so blessed with everything we need and want.
Now please don’t hear this as a call to sloppiness. We need to plan. We need to think through implications. We need to be on the ball. But can we delight in weakness when we are obsessed with image and perfection? Can we endure hardship and insults when we believe that our creature comforts are a sign of God’s true love for us? Can we walk through persecution with the power of God and singing His praises when we think that the be all and end all of our life is ending the persecution?
Paul can cry out, ‘When I am weak then I am strong’, because it’s in the weakness that the power of God begins to shine forth. Can you cry out with Paul?
- Pray that the power of God will be seen in your life and the life of your congregation. Ask God to show you what that power will really look like.
- Pray for the believers in Shiloh Church Ministries who have lost literally everything. Some have had homes destroyed and even families killed for their faith in Jesus. As they shelter in Shiloh Church Ministries’ compounds, they need the power of God to forgive their enemies, to bless the persecutors and to continue preaching the Word. Pray for the power of God to be evident and working in their lives.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Tuesday July 27, 2010
Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-9
Paul must have been in some kind of agony. He had a thorn in the flesh (probably a physical ailment and possibly his deteriorating eyesight (see Gal 6:11)) that caused him enough angst and pain to cry out to the Lord again and again. I often wonder how I would react if I were in Paul’s shoes.
“Lord, please take away this thorn”.
“Lord, please please please take away this thorn”.
“Lord Why? Please take away this thorn. Please Lord. I’m being tormented by satan. Lord I can’t take it any more”
What would I do? Throw a spiritual hissy fit? Accuse God of being unjust? Leave the church? Refuse to speak to God for a few months???
Paul knew that the Lord had given him an ailment/thorn in the flesh to stop him from becoming conceited. He had received a great revelation and the potential for pride was there. Three times Paul pleaded with the Lord to take away the thorn but God revealed to Paul that His grace was all that was needed.
Tough times are often sent our way by the Lord for our good. Sometimes God needs to remove our pride. Sometimes, He needs to sand the rough parts. Sometimes, He may want to hone down our attitude. As we read in Romans God works all things for the good of those who love Him. God is working in you and His grace is working out in your life. Like Paul, we need to learn to see the Grace of God and to praise Him for it and to boast in Him, even when we walk down a rocky road.
Do It Today
If you know a believer who is going through a tough time, ring them and make a time to drop in to encourage them.
Think of a way to be a blessing to them.
Paul must have been in some kind of agony. He had a thorn in the flesh (probably a physical ailment and possibly his deteriorating eyesight (see Gal 6:11)) that caused him enough angst and pain to cry out to the Lord again and again. I often wonder how I would react if I were in Paul’s shoes.
“Lord, please take away this thorn”.
“Lord, please please please take away this thorn”.
“Lord Why? Please take away this thorn. Please Lord. I’m being tormented by satan. Lord I can’t take it any more”
What would I do? Throw a spiritual hissy fit? Accuse God of being unjust? Leave the church? Refuse to speak to God for a few months???
Paul knew that the Lord had given him an ailment/thorn in the flesh to stop him from becoming conceited. He had received a great revelation and the potential for pride was there. Three times Paul pleaded with the Lord to take away the thorn but God revealed to Paul that His grace was all that was needed.
Tough times are often sent our way by the Lord for our good. Sometimes God needs to remove our pride. Sometimes, He needs to sand the rough parts. Sometimes, He may want to hone down our attitude. As we read in Romans God works all things for the good of those who love Him. God is working in you and His grace is working out in your life. Like Paul, we need to learn to see the Grace of God and to praise Him for it and to boast in Him, even when we walk down a rocky road.
- Are you going through tough or difficult times? Spend time asking God what He wants to do in you and/or through you. Spend time asking God to allow you to see the grace that He has poured out into your life.
- Pray that our brothers and sisters in Burma know the grace of God and rely on that grace each and every day (pray that for all of us too). The Burmese government has the worst human rights record at present and certain groups (such as the Karen people) are particularly persecuted. Pray that a new Christian friendly government will come into power.
Do It Today
If you know a believer who is going through a tough time, ring them and make a time to drop in to encourage them.
Think of a way to be a blessing to them.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Monday July 26, 2010
Read 2 Corinthians 12:1-6
Have you ever been engaged with or approached by cult groups that knock on your door and seek to tell you why their faith is the true faith and your religion is a lie? These people come around regularly and target weak willed people and lead them astray. Many of these groups use the unclear and vague parts of the Bible as the cornerstone of their beliefs.
One such cultish group tried to convince me that there are levels in heaven and that each person can become a god on their own planet or level in heaven. The key passage was Paul’s mention of the ’third’ heaven and the ’paradise’. Everything they said was twisted to suit their interpretation of ’third’ heaven - which, by the way, isn’t really talked about elsewhere in the Bible.
As a general rule we need to let Scripture interpret Scripture. This rule simply says that I need to interpret the Nible in the light of the rest of Scripture. If my interpretation of a particular passage or verse contradicts another passage of Scripture then my interpretation is wrong. If I interpret one passage in line with another passage or many other passages then my interpretation is correct. The problem is that cults often use passages such as these to delude and brain wash people with the express goal of leading them astray. There are very few passages about the different levels in heaven and hell (though it is suggested). We need to make sure that our theology is not built and founded on such rare and unsure passages of Scripture. Rather we need to build a solid foundation on the bits of Scripture that are understandable, and able to be interpreted in the light of the rest of the Scripture. Passages such as this one, about the 3rd heaven, may be worked into our theology but they should never form the core component of it, as they do in many cults.
Be wary and careful as soon as someone wants to string a difficult passage and milk it for more than it’s worth. Always be looking and asking for other passages that support that person’s theory. If they are hanging all their arguments on one single verse, let alarm bells ring.
Do It Today
Can you defend the faith against the following (heretical) arguments
1. Jesus, who is called the first born over all creation, was actually created before all things. He is not eternal.
2. Each and every believer will have their own planet which they will rule as god.
3. Jesus didn’t really worry too much if people returned to their life of sin. He saved them anyway.
Have you ever been engaged with or approached by cult groups that knock on your door and seek to tell you why their faith is the true faith and your religion is a lie? These people come around regularly and target weak willed people and lead them astray. Many of these groups use the unclear and vague parts of the Bible as the cornerstone of their beliefs.
One such cultish group tried to convince me that there are levels in heaven and that each person can become a god on their own planet or level in heaven. The key passage was Paul’s mention of the ’third’ heaven and the ’paradise’. Everything they said was twisted to suit their interpretation of ’third’ heaven - which, by the way, isn’t really talked about elsewhere in the Bible.
As a general rule we need to let Scripture interpret Scripture. This rule simply says that I need to interpret the Nible in the light of the rest of Scripture. If my interpretation of a particular passage or verse contradicts another passage of Scripture then my interpretation is wrong. If I interpret one passage in line with another passage or many other passages then my interpretation is correct. The problem is that cults often use passages such as these to delude and brain wash people with the express goal of leading them astray. There are very few passages about the different levels in heaven and hell (though it is suggested). We need to make sure that our theology is not built and founded on such rare and unsure passages of Scripture. Rather we need to build a solid foundation on the bits of Scripture that are understandable, and able to be interpreted in the light of the rest of the Scripture. Passages such as this one, about the 3rd heaven, may be worked into our theology but they should never form the core component of it, as they do in many cults.
Be wary and careful as soon as someone wants to string a difficult passage and milk it for more than it’s worth. Always be looking and asking for other passages that support that person’s theory. If they are hanging all their arguments on one single verse, let alarm bells ring.
- Pray that all believers in your congregation would be equipped and ready to defend biblical Christianity when the cult groups knock on their door. Pray that we would be able to distract them long enough to stop them from dragging other people into hell with them, and that we would sow enough seeds of doubt into their minds so that they question the teachings they have been brainwashed with.
- Pray that every believer in your congregation clearly understands the gospel of grace and is able to explain it easily and simply to others. Pray that each person would receive open doors to share the gospel message this week. Ask God to allow you to share with a particular person this week.
Do It Today
Can you defend the faith against the following (heretical) arguments
1. Jesus, who is called the first born over all creation, was actually created before all things. He is not eternal.
2. Each and every believer will have their own planet which they will rule as god.
3. Jesus didn’t really worry too much if people returned to their life of sin. He saved them anyway.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Saturday July 24, 2010
Read Psalm 94
As we prepare for our gathering tomorrow it’s good to remember just who we are worshipping. Our God is the judge of the earth and hears the words of the wicked and knows their thoughts. Their plans are futile and will not prevail against the Lord. Even though the unrighteous attack us or seek to destroy us, we can rest secure in the safety of the Almighty. He is our shield. He is our rescue. He is our strength and our victory. You and I have nothing to fear for the Lord our God is our warrior. It is the Lord who fights for us. It is God who stands in front of us.
You and I can be greatly encouraged by the Words of our Lord - For the LORD will not reject His people; He will never forsake His inheritance. In the day of disaster and when our foot is slipping we can take heart. When we are bound with anxiety we can breathe easy.
When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.
God is with us in the most powerful way and we can walk forward in victory what ever situation may befall us.
Do It Today
As you prepare for tomorrow’s gathering, spend time today preparing. Read Psalm 94 and spend time praising and adoring God.
Ask God to show you what involvement you are to have in the body tomorrow.
Ask God to show you who you can encourage and serve tomorrow.
Ask God to reveal to you what you can give and share tomorrow and how you can be a blessing
As we prepare for our gathering tomorrow it’s good to remember just who we are worshipping. Our God is the judge of the earth and hears the words of the wicked and knows their thoughts. Their plans are futile and will not prevail against the Lord. Even though the unrighteous attack us or seek to destroy us, we can rest secure in the safety of the Almighty. He is our shield. He is our rescue. He is our strength and our victory. You and I have nothing to fear for the Lord our God is our warrior. It is the Lord who fights for us. It is God who stands in front of us.
You and I can be greatly encouraged by the Words of our Lord - For the LORD will not reject His people; He will never forsake His inheritance. In the day of disaster and when our foot is slipping we can take heart. When we are bound with anxiety we can breathe easy.
When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.
God is with us in the most powerful way and we can walk forward in victory what ever situation may befall us.
Do It Today
As you prepare for tomorrow’s gathering, spend time today preparing. Read Psalm 94 and spend time praising and adoring God.
Ask God to show you what involvement you are to have in the body tomorrow.
Ask God to show you who you can encourage and serve tomorrow.
Ask God to reveal to you what you can give and share tomorrow and how you can be a blessing
Friday, 23 July 2010
Friday July 23, 2010
Read Ephesians 6:18-20
Prayer is the greatest weapon we have in spiritual warfare. Prayer should not be the last thing on our agenda but the first, the second, the third, the fourth and so on. We should be praying constantly.
We are encouraged to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. We are summonsed to be prayerful. No one type of prayer will suit every occasion. Different prayers for different situations and different circumstances. The greatest battles are won through prayer.
To help you in your praying, read these following prayers and incorporate them into your own prayer life.
Ephesians 1;17-20, 3:14-21
Phil 1:9-11, Col 1:9-12
2 Thess 1:11-12, 3:1-3.
Do It Today
Start a prayer journal - a note book in which you keep a record of your prayers. Include the passages on the left so that you can pray them regularly for different people or groups associated with your church.
Prayer is the greatest weapon we have in spiritual warfare. Prayer should not be the last thing on our agenda but the first, the second, the third, the fourth and so on. We should be praying constantly.
We are encouraged to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. We are summonsed to be prayerful. No one type of prayer will suit every occasion. Different prayers for different situations and different circumstances. The greatest battles are won through prayer.
To help you in your praying, read these following prayers and incorporate them into your own prayer life.
Ephesians 1;17-20, 3:14-21
Phil 1:9-11, Col 1:9-12
2 Thess 1:11-12, 3:1-3.
- Choose 6 families/individuals from your church phone directory and pray for them in line with the passages above.
Do It Today
Start a prayer journal - a note book in which you keep a record of your prayers. Include the passages on the left so that you can pray them regularly for different people or groups associated with your church.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Thursday July 22, 2010
Read Ephesians 6:13-17
Let’s play a game to start with today. I want you to define these biblical words as best you can in line with their biblical meaning/usage.
The Gospel:
The Word of God:
Having done that, re-read the set passage for today. Having re-read it, doesn’t it make a lot more sense. Often we focus on the armour we have in Christ rather than on what those bits of armour really are! The bits of armour are the metaphor. The important part is the things we have in Christ to fight the good fight.
As a soldier for Jesus we have the Truth. This truth (the Word of God, see John 17:17) is the standard by which we assess all things. If something rejects or negates or opposes the Word we don’t accept it or give it time in the church. We have the righteousness of Christ given to us by faith. All my sins are pardoned and I am fully acquitted. I am fully righteous in Christ. Therefore I seek to be righteous in all I do, say and think. I strive to become all that God, in Christ, has declared me to be. We have the gospel of peace. As we battle the evil one, we share the gospel with non believers. As they repent and believe in Jesus, they too will be at peace with God. Whatever else we do with, to, or for people, we must be sharing the gospel of peace with them. We have faith. No matter how bad life gets we trust God. We know that His love will never be taken away. We know that our salvation is secure and His love will never leave us. Our doubts will dissolve as we cling to Christ through faith. We have salvation. God has redeemed us and purchased us by the blood of Jesus. The price is fully paid and nothing can remove salvation from us. Finally we have the Word of God. The Word of God is living and active. It is powerful. It needs to remain in us and we need to speak it out into the various battles and situations we find ourselves in.
As you think about what we have been given in Christ I pray that you are overwhelmed with the love and generosity of Christ. I pray that you are ready, willing and eager to fight the good fight, to run with perseverance the race marked out for you, to battle the enemy in whatever way shape or form needed today.
Do It Today
Write out your testimony about how God has worked in your life to bring you to Himself.
Pray that God will give you a chance to share it with another person today.
Let’s play a game to start with today. I want you to define these biblical words as best you can in line with their biblical meaning/usage.
The Gospel:
The Word of God:
Having done that, re-read the set passage for today. Having re-read it, doesn’t it make a lot more sense. Often we focus on the armour we have in Christ rather than on what those bits of armour really are! The bits of armour are the metaphor. The important part is the things we have in Christ to fight the good fight.
As a soldier for Jesus we have the Truth. This truth (the Word of God, see John 17:17) is the standard by which we assess all things. If something rejects or negates or opposes the Word we don’t accept it or give it time in the church. We have the righteousness of Christ given to us by faith. All my sins are pardoned and I am fully acquitted. I am fully righteous in Christ. Therefore I seek to be righteous in all I do, say and think. I strive to become all that God, in Christ, has declared me to be. We have the gospel of peace. As we battle the evil one, we share the gospel with non believers. As they repent and believe in Jesus, they too will be at peace with God. Whatever else we do with, to, or for people, we must be sharing the gospel of peace with them. We have faith. No matter how bad life gets we trust God. We know that His love will never be taken away. We know that our salvation is secure and His love will never leave us. Our doubts will dissolve as we cling to Christ through faith. We have salvation. God has redeemed us and purchased us by the blood of Jesus. The price is fully paid and nothing can remove salvation from us. Finally we have the Word of God. The Word of God is living and active. It is powerful. It needs to remain in us and we need to speak it out into the various battles and situations we find ourselves in.
As you think about what we have been given in Christ I pray that you are overwhelmed with the love and generosity of Christ. I pray that you are ready, willing and eager to fight the good fight, to run with perseverance the race marked out for you, to battle the enemy in whatever way shape or form needed today.
- Ask God to strengthen Christians in Iran and Iraq as they face pressure to leave the country. Pray that these men and women and children will be a great light for Jesus.
Do It Today
Write out your testimony about how God has worked in your life to bring you to Himself.
Pray that God will give you a chance to share it with another person today.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Wednesday July 21, 2010
Read Ephesians 6:10-12
There are two key elements to remember as we engage in spiritual warfare. The Scriptures make these clear in Ephesians 6.
Firstly we are to find our strength in the Lord. As Paul says in vs 10.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
We do not fight or soldier on in our own strength with our own devices. We are strong in the Lord and His mighty power which works in us and through us. Paul highlights this in his letter to the Colossian church when he says:-
To this end I labour, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.
Paul struggles and labours powerfully but not with his own energy but with Christ’s energy that so powerfully works in him. As we fight the good fight, as we run the race with perseverance it is the Lord and His mighty power that is our source of strength.
Secondly, we need to realise where the battle really lies. In vs 12 we see the truth.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
The real battle is against satan and his henchmen. The evil one will use other people to attack and persecute us. He will use the world to lure us away. He will deploy people against us, to discourage us and to de-motivate us. As we realise that our battle is not against these people, but against authorities and powers in this world, and in the heavenly realms it becomes easier to love our enemies. It becomes easier to pray for those who persecute us and to bless those who curse us. The whole world is under the control of the evil one (1 John 5:19)! If we realise this, we can love the person being controlled and used against us by satan in the deadly game of eternity.
Do It Today
Think of ways to show Christian love to your enemies. Do these today as best you can.
There are two key elements to remember as we engage in spiritual warfare. The Scriptures make these clear in Ephesians 6.
Firstly we are to find our strength in the Lord. As Paul says in vs 10.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
We do not fight or soldier on in our own strength with our own devices. We are strong in the Lord and His mighty power which works in us and through us. Paul highlights this in his letter to the Colossian church when he says:-
To this end I labour, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.
Paul struggles and labours powerfully but not with his own energy but with Christ’s energy that so powerfully works in him. As we fight the good fight, as we run the race with perseverance it is the Lord and His mighty power that is our source of strength.
Secondly, we need to realise where the battle really lies. In vs 12 we see the truth.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
The real battle is against satan and his henchmen. The evil one will use other people to attack and persecute us. He will use the world to lure us away. He will deploy people against us, to discourage us and to de-motivate us. As we realise that our battle is not against these people, but against authorities and powers in this world, and in the heavenly realms it becomes easier to love our enemies. It becomes easier to pray for those who persecute us and to bless those who curse us. The whole world is under the control of the evil one (1 John 5:19)! If we realise this, we can love the person being controlled and used against us by satan in the deadly game of eternity.
- Pray for opportunities to love those who attack, persecute you or make your life difficult. Pray that you would have open doors to minister to them, to serve them and to be like Christ to them.
- Pray this for our brothers and sisters in Nigeria as they are attacked and persecuted by muslims.
Do It Today
Think of ways to show Christian love to your enemies. Do these today as best you can.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Tuesday July 20, 2010
Read 2 Corinthians 10:7-18
Boasting is detrimental to Christian fellowship and to the body. Indeed Proverbs warn us that pride (the source of boasting) comes before a fall. And the Corinthians were boasting. They were boasting at every opportunity. Unfortunately, they were pulling down Paul in their boasting because he was not a super-apostle. He was not worthy of their allegiance and love even though he was their spiritual father. He brought the gospel to them and they were rejecting him.
When you and I boast we forget that all that we have and all that we are comes from the Lord. I often think of it as a rusted out old bomb of a car in the dump yard. That was us before Christ intervened - headed for the metal crusher. But God sent Jesus into the dump yard and sought us out. He took us into His work shed. He painstakingly renewed and restored us. We have been rebuilt in Christ Jesus. Now as we drive along, what have we to boast in? Everything we are, we are because Jesus has rebuilt us. Our boasting should be in the Lord not in ourselves. Our boasting should be about what God has done, not what we’ve done.
How often do you and I boast in the Lord? How often do we tell our friends and family how great our God really is? How often do we burst into song and praise because of what God has done in our lives? As Paul says, ‘Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord’.
Do It Today
Spend about half an hour telling God how great He is - that is, spend time boasting in the Lord.
Boasting is detrimental to Christian fellowship and to the body. Indeed Proverbs warn us that pride (the source of boasting) comes before a fall. And the Corinthians were boasting. They were boasting at every opportunity. Unfortunately, they were pulling down Paul in their boasting because he was not a super-apostle. He was not worthy of their allegiance and love even though he was their spiritual father. He brought the gospel to them and they were rejecting him.
When you and I boast we forget that all that we have and all that we are comes from the Lord. I often think of it as a rusted out old bomb of a car in the dump yard. That was us before Christ intervened - headed for the metal crusher. But God sent Jesus into the dump yard and sought us out. He took us into His work shed. He painstakingly renewed and restored us. We have been rebuilt in Christ Jesus. Now as we drive along, what have we to boast in? Everything we are, we are because Jesus has rebuilt us. Our boasting should be in the Lord not in ourselves. Our boasting should be about what God has done, not what we’ve done.
How often do you and I boast in the Lord? How often do we tell our friends and family how great our God really is? How often do we burst into song and praise because of what God has done in our lives? As Paul says, ‘Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord’.
- Our brothers and sisters have very limited opportunities to boast in the Lord. Once it’s known that they are Christian, their very lives are at risk. Pray that God would allow these believers to share the greatness of the Lord with trusted friends, family and relatives. Pray that they would be encouraged as they see people come to the Lord. Pray too that more Bibles would get into Korea.
- Pray that pride in your congregation would be removed. Ask God to humble all the members of your church so that together, you rely fully on the Lord and do not seek welfare or rescue from men’s efforts and skills but wholly and solely rely upon our great and mighty God.
Do It Today
Spend about half an hour telling God how great He is - that is, spend time boasting in the Lord.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Monday July 19, 2010
Read 2 Corinthians 10:1-6
Spiritual warfare is not necessarily something we like to talk about or think about but it is something a believer is involved in at every moment of his/her life. The evil one does not take a break from deceiving the world, nor does he rest in his pursuit to render the lives of believers inactive and unfruitful.
As Paul battled with his own brothers in the battle, he states the most important principle in spiritual warfare is that we do not wage war as the world does. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we do not use deception, lies, hypocrisy, slander, stand standover tactics, gossip, character attacks and so on. These worldly tactics are unbefitting the Christian character.
On the contrary, the weapons of the Christian have the power to pull down or demolish strongholds. Paul was able to take the Corinthian’s thoughts captive, make them obedient to Christ and to bring about repentance. He was able to destroy their arguments that were against Christ and through prayer and loving service was able to bring about repentance.
For Paul, spiritual warfare involved writing a severe letter and seeking the Lord’s intervention to bring about repentance. Spiritual warfare is not always about casting out demons and suppressing the evil one with the blood of Jesus. A loving rebuke to a brother who holds false teaching is spiritual warfare. Teaching the truth to a sister is spiritual warfare. Evangelism is spiritual warfare. Praying that God reveals the truth to those who oppose you is spiritual warfare. Taking necessary steps to discipline a wayward believer is spiritual warfare. Praying for other believers is spiritual warfare.
When we think of spiritual warfare we immediately think of spirit battles, exorcisms and the like. But every day you are on the spiritual battle field. Walk in obedience. Walk in truth. Walk in prayerfulness and you are fighting the good fight.
Do It Today
Ring up one believer today and ask how you might be praying for them.
See if you can turn this into a habit by ringing and speaking to people about prayer needs every 2 or 3 days.
Spiritual warfare is not necessarily something we like to talk about or think about but it is something a believer is involved in at every moment of his/her life. The evil one does not take a break from deceiving the world, nor does he rest in his pursuit to render the lives of believers inactive and unfruitful.
As Paul battled with his own brothers in the battle, he states the most important principle in spiritual warfare is that we do not wage war as the world does. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we do not use deception, lies, hypocrisy, slander, stand standover tactics, gossip, character attacks and so on. These worldly tactics are unbefitting the Christian character.
On the contrary, the weapons of the Christian have the power to pull down or demolish strongholds. Paul was able to take the Corinthian’s thoughts captive, make them obedient to Christ and to bring about repentance. He was able to destroy their arguments that were against Christ and through prayer and loving service was able to bring about repentance.
For Paul, spiritual warfare involved writing a severe letter and seeking the Lord’s intervention to bring about repentance. Spiritual warfare is not always about casting out demons and suppressing the evil one with the blood of Jesus. A loving rebuke to a brother who holds false teaching is spiritual warfare. Teaching the truth to a sister is spiritual warfare. Evangelism is spiritual warfare. Praying that God reveals the truth to those who oppose you is spiritual warfare. Taking necessary steps to discipline a wayward believer is spiritual warfare. Praying for other believers is spiritual warfare.
When we think of spiritual warfare we immediately think of spirit battles, exorcisms and the like. But every day you are on the spiritual battle field. Walk in obedience. Walk in truth. Walk in prayerfulness and you are fighting the good fight.
- The church phone directory is a great prayer tool. Count the number of families listed in your church phone directory. Divide the total by seven. Spend each day praying for that many families. By the end of the week you’ll have prayed for every listed family in your church.
Do It Today
Ring up one believer today and ask how you might be praying for them.
See if you can turn this into a habit by ringing and speaking to people about prayer needs every 2 or 3 days.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Saturday July 17, 2010
Read Psalm 113:1-9
Upside down worship. Back to front worship. That’s how we often think about out worship services. We can fall into the trap of thinking that our services are about me and my needs. We can go to church with a consumer mentality, shopping for our own needs to be met. Churches that fail to meet my needs or make me happy or entertain me are struck off the list.
Psalm 113 gives a great corrective on true worship. Worship is about praising the Lord and living for Him.
Tomorrow we will sing praises to the Lord, but I must give my entire life to the Lord in worship. I live to praise Him in word and in deed. I live to bring glory to my God in word and in deed. I exist not to be ministered to, to be served or to be fallen over but to serve the Lord my God. I exist to bring praise to Him by serving others and by ministering to them.
Tomorrow we will gather to “worship” the Lord but worship doesn’t end when we walk out the doors. Worship is only beginning. Our meeting should encourage and motivate us to worship God with our entire life. Our gathering should push us to be righteous and holy and God pleasing throughout the rest of the week. Our worship is a foretaste of heaven and should be motivating all that we do.
Do It Today
Prayerfully consider how you will contribute to the gathered body tomorrow. Ask God what He would have you give or do.
Upside down worship. Back to front worship. That’s how we often think about out worship services. We can fall into the trap of thinking that our services are about me and my needs. We can go to church with a consumer mentality, shopping for our own needs to be met. Churches that fail to meet my needs or make me happy or entertain me are struck off the list.
Psalm 113 gives a great corrective on true worship. Worship is about praising the Lord and living for Him.
Tomorrow we will sing praises to the Lord, but I must give my entire life to the Lord in worship. I live to praise Him in word and in deed. I live to bring glory to my God in word and in deed. I exist not to be ministered to, to be served or to be fallen over but to serve the Lord my God. I exist to bring praise to Him by serving others and by ministering to them.
Tomorrow we will gather to “worship” the Lord but worship doesn’t end when we walk out the doors. Worship is only beginning. Our meeting should encourage and motivate us to worship God with our entire life. Our gathering should push us to be righteous and holy and God pleasing throughout the rest of the week. Our worship is a foretaste of heaven and should be motivating all that we do.
- Pray that our gathering tomorrow will be acceptable to the Lord. Pray that He would walk among us and do great things among us.
- Pray that the church meeting in Iran would be a powerful witness to the love of Jesus. Pray too for the Iraqi church
Do It Today
Prayerfully consider how you will contribute to the gathered body tomorrow. Ask God what He would have you give or do.
Friday, 16 July 2010
Friday July 16, 2010
Read 2 Corinthians 9:11-15
As you read these verses, the words ‘thanks’ and ‘praise’ come up four times. It’s repeated over and over because our generosity leads to thanks and praise - to God and not to us.
That’s a great motivator. I’ve seen this repeated many times over. As a church grows in generosity, as the individuals grow in generosity that church can then help meet others’ needs. These people, having their needs meet, give praise and glory to God because of the help given to them by brothers and sisters in the Lord. Personally, I find it a great joy to know that others are praising God and giving thanks to Him from my service to Him. What a joy to know that the Lord is glorified by my service and my generosity.
Added to this, others will see our obedience to the Lord as we give generously and this too will lead to praise and thanks being offered up to God. Giving is not optional. Generosity is not optional. As Paul says in vs 13, it is the obedience that accompanies our confession of the gospel.
Finally, our generosity is a marker showing how much we have understood the generosity of the Lord to ourselves. As we grow in grace and understanding of what the Lord has done for us, generosity becomes easier and easier. No wonder Paul finishes this section with, ‘Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.’ God has given us everything in Jesus Christ. He has given up His one and only Son. He has poured out His wrath on Jesus rather than on you and I. God has adopted us as His children. He has given us an inheritance - the inheritance of Christ. He has poured out the Holy Spirit into our hearts and has sealed us for the day of redemption. He is leading us home towards our eternal inheritance kept in heaven for us.
God has given you and I so much. His indescribable gift is enormous and often unfathomable. He alone deserves glory, honour and praise.
Do It Today
Spend time praising and thanking God for his generosity to us in Christ Jesus.
As you read these verses, the words ‘thanks’ and ‘praise’ come up four times. It’s repeated over and over because our generosity leads to thanks and praise - to God and not to us.
That’s a great motivator. I’ve seen this repeated many times over. As a church grows in generosity, as the individuals grow in generosity that church can then help meet others’ needs. These people, having their needs meet, give praise and glory to God because of the help given to them by brothers and sisters in the Lord. Personally, I find it a great joy to know that others are praising God and giving thanks to Him from my service to Him. What a joy to know that the Lord is glorified by my service and my generosity.
Added to this, others will see our obedience to the Lord as we give generously and this too will lead to praise and thanks being offered up to God. Giving is not optional. Generosity is not optional. As Paul says in vs 13, it is the obedience that accompanies our confession of the gospel.
Finally, our generosity is a marker showing how much we have understood the generosity of the Lord to ourselves. As we grow in grace and understanding of what the Lord has done for us, generosity becomes easier and easier. No wonder Paul finishes this section with, ‘Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.’ God has given us everything in Jesus Christ. He has given up His one and only Son. He has poured out His wrath on Jesus rather than on you and I. God has adopted us as His children. He has given us an inheritance - the inheritance of Christ. He has poured out the Holy Spirit into our hearts and has sealed us for the day of redemption. He is leading us home towards our eternal inheritance kept in heaven for us.
God has given you and I so much. His indescribable gift is enormous and often unfathomable. He alone deserves glory, honour and praise.
- Pray for our children’s ministry. Pray that Jane and team would be able to mentor our young children, grow them in the faith and ground them soundly in the Word. Pray that the children would mature and develop in the Word, growing into strong Christian ambassadors.
- Pray that our teens would grow into strong capable men and women who love the Lord with their heart and soul and mind and strength. Pray for the youth leaders who train, equip and lead them each week.
Do It Today
Spend time praising and thanking God for his generosity to us in Christ Jesus.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Thursday July 15, 2010
Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
I’m cautious of the health, wealth and prosperity gospel that I see so often on TV and hear on the radio. The preacher urges us to give more, to give even more and God will give back to you. He will bless you 1,000 fold if you give to the Lord’s work. I know of several people who have sent off their last meal ticket or rent cheque to such preachers, only to get a photocopied standard “Thank-you” letter in the mail. I certainly pray that you have not heard or will not hear me preach such unscriptural theology in these pages.
But there is a sense in which God blesses our giving. Verse 6 sums up the thought in agricultural terms.
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
When we give generously we can expect a bountiful harvest. We can expect to reap back in proportion to what we have sown. The problem with prosperity theology is that it always equates reaping with financial rewards - If you give generously God will give generously back to you in dollar terms. But God does NOT promise dollars back to us. He promises a bountiful harvest. I would rather a thousand souls enter the kingdom than a thousand dollars in my pocket. I would rather have ten believers grown in the faith than to see an extra $400 in my pay check each month! That’s why vs 8 talks about abounding in good works. That’s why vs 9 mentions enduring righteousness. That’s why vs 10 mentions an enlarged harvest of righteousness.
In terms of giving, we must decide between ourselves and the Lord, what we will give. A tithe is a good biblical position to start but our giving should never be limited to a tithe. Sometimes the Lord will require more. And having decided what we are to give, we should give it cheerfully or graciously because the Lord has been gracious to us. It is not a religious duty or a gift given begrudgingly but a gift given with overflowing joy. If I am not giving with joy and giving graciously I am probably committing idolatry for I am loving Money more than God. And we all know that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
Perhaps the climax of giving generously comes in vs 11:-
You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
God will allow us to be generous on every occasion and thanksgiving will flow out to the Lord from others. Is there any other greater joy than knowing that others are praising and thanking God because of your input into their lives?
Do It Today
Determine your level of giving.
I’m cautious of the health, wealth and prosperity gospel that I see so often on TV and hear on the radio. The preacher urges us to give more, to give even more and God will give back to you. He will bless you 1,000 fold if you give to the Lord’s work. I know of several people who have sent off their last meal ticket or rent cheque to such preachers, only to get a photocopied standard “Thank-you” letter in the mail. I certainly pray that you have not heard or will not hear me preach such unscriptural theology in these pages.
But there is a sense in which God blesses our giving. Verse 6 sums up the thought in agricultural terms.
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
When we give generously we can expect a bountiful harvest. We can expect to reap back in proportion to what we have sown. The problem with prosperity theology is that it always equates reaping with financial rewards - If you give generously God will give generously back to you in dollar terms. But God does NOT promise dollars back to us. He promises a bountiful harvest. I would rather a thousand souls enter the kingdom than a thousand dollars in my pocket. I would rather have ten believers grown in the faith than to see an extra $400 in my pay check each month! That’s why vs 8 talks about abounding in good works. That’s why vs 9 mentions enduring righteousness. That’s why vs 10 mentions an enlarged harvest of righteousness.
In terms of giving, we must decide between ourselves and the Lord, what we will give. A tithe is a good biblical position to start but our giving should never be limited to a tithe. Sometimes the Lord will require more. And having decided what we are to give, we should give it cheerfully or graciously because the Lord has been gracious to us. It is not a religious duty or a gift given begrudgingly but a gift given with overflowing joy. If I am not giving with joy and giving graciously I am probably committing idolatry for I am loving Money more than God. And we all know that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
Perhaps the climax of giving generously comes in vs 11:-
You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
God will allow us to be generous on every occasion and thanksgiving will flow out to the Lord from others. Is there any other greater joy than knowing that others are praising and thanking God because of your input into their lives?
- Pray for the work of Creation Ministries as they seek to spread the knowledge of God and to teach about Genesis 1-12 as real history. Pray that churches and Christians would be generous to their work so that they have all they need to surge ahead.
- Pray that the churches across the land would be generous in supporting the various missionary bodies. Pray that these bodies would be able to support and care for the missionaries in their care. Pray that they would be wise in the use of their funds and willing to pray about their spending.
Do It Today
Determine your level of giving.
- Calculate all of your income, from all sources. Work out gross figures not net figures.
- Start with a tithe (10%) and use that as a basis.
- Prayerfully ask the Lord how much more you should give regularly.
- Pray for a joyful and gracious heart in your giving.
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Wednesday July 14, 2010
Read 2 Corinthians 9:1-5
Generosity, like most Christian character traits, are caught as well as taught. That’s why we’re told to spur one another onto love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). That’s why Paul talks about giving and being generous. That’s why Paul boasts of the churches generosity. Generosity rubs off onto others.
The enthusiasm and generosity of the church had spurred others into action. There was a flow on effect as Paul boasted to others about the Corinthian churches. That flow on effect is still alive and well today. There are many blockages and barriers to giving generously.
Your enthusiasm in giving, your generosity will rub off onto others and pretty soon your congregation will be known as a generous congregation. Please pray about it.
Do It Today
Ask God to show you if your level of giving is adequate. Ask Him to direct you in this matter.
Generosity, like most Christian character traits, are caught as well as taught. That’s why we’re told to spur one another onto love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). That’s why Paul talks about giving and being generous. That’s why Paul boasts of the churches generosity. Generosity rubs off onto others.
The enthusiasm and generosity of the church had spurred others into action. There was a flow on effect as Paul boasted to others about the Corinthian churches. That flow on effect is still alive and well today. There are many blockages and barriers to giving generously.
- Some people think the funds just sit there. Most churches do not have a spare allotment of funds but use them to the very dollar to meet needs.
- Some believe that the church couldn’t use the extra funds. More money would enable more ministries to be run and more outreach opportunities to be opened.
- Some believe that churches would squander the money and not use it wisely. Most churches are struggling just to pay their bills. Extra funds would relieve this burden and allow wider use of funds, poor relief etc.
- Some people in bigger churches believe that their giving would make no difference. In reality even big churches are often struggling to pay their bills and meet their costs.
Your enthusiasm in giving, your generosity will rub off onto others and pretty soon your congregation will be known as a generous congregation. Please pray about it.
- There are many church plants in Toowoomba struggling to keep a full time minister in the seat. Pray that God would provide for them. Pray that the congregation would grow and that we’d see a change in their situation.
- There are many super-wealthy churches in Australia. Pray that some of their wealth would be released for the struggling church plants.
Do It Today
Ask God to show you if your level of giving is adequate. Ask Him to direct you in this matter.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Tuesday July 13, 2010
Read 2 Corinthians 8:13-15
I read with teary eyes the account of an overseas church that had about $250,000 to give to the needy each and every year from the members of the congregation. These were not investments or win-falls gained by the people. It was ordinary folk giving sacrificially. One of the pastors would sit with the needy and destitute and give them what they needed. What a beautiful testimony to the Lord’s grace and love. Many people turned to the Lord for salvation because of the generosity of that church.
The church of our Lord and Saviour should, as Paul points out, be a place of equality. Paul encourages us to give sacrificially but not to the point of being a burden upon the church. That would be counter productive. We are encouraged to give sacrificially so that the church can support the needy and destitute.
Let me encourage you to dream. Let me encourage you to dream of a church that has a reputation for being generous, not frivolous and not unwise. When Joe is still sick and cannot take any more time off work because his sick leave and annual leave is all gone, the church can step in to help him financially for another 3 months while treatment continues. The church runs a soup kitchen for the needy in the community and blesses the homeless with a meal each week. When Jack and Janine look like defaulting on their house payments because of an unexpected bill, the church can help out. Mary and Mike can’t afford to pay for their daughter’s wedding so the church can foot some of the bill. Shane can’t afford a suit for his new job. The church is there to help.
It sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? But scripturally speaking, the church should be a place of generosity. The church should be able to spread wealth evenly to those in need. The church should never have to turn someone away because there’s not enough to meet the bills.
Over the years I’ve served on several Management Committees. I’ve been deeply ashamed that most of these churches (even the large ones) could barely meet their own costs and bills, let alone parting with money for the poor and destitute. Most churches have to send the needy and poor to the government agencies to get help because they can’t help them. What an indictment on the church!
I dream of a generous church like the one described in Acts 2 and 4. People selling worldly things and using the money for blessing of others. I dream of a church where we can bless the poor, help the homeless, feed and clothe the needy. I dream of a church where the non Christian world comes along to find charity, help and support, knowing that these Christians love God so much that they are generous. I dream of a church so generous that we can support and uphold smaller churches that are struggling with finances. I dream...
Let’s stop dreaming. Let’s make it a reality. Be generous in all you do. Be generous in your time, your words, your assets and, yes, even your money.
Do It Today
You can be generous in many ways. You can be generous with your money, your assets, your time, your words (this doesn’t mean talking lots!!), your presence and your help. Try it today. Be generous.
I read with teary eyes the account of an overseas church that had about $250,000 to give to the needy each and every year from the members of the congregation. These were not investments or win-falls gained by the people. It was ordinary folk giving sacrificially. One of the pastors would sit with the needy and destitute and give them what they needed. What a beautiful testimony to the Lord’s grace and love. Many people turned to the Lord for salvation because of the generosity of that church.
The church of our Lord and Saviour should, as Paul points out, be a place of equality. Paul encourages us to give sacrificially but not to the point of being a burden upon the church. That would be counter productive. We are encouraged to give sacrificially so that the church can support the needy and destitute.
Let me encourage you to dream. Let me encourage you to dream of a church that has a reputation for being generous, not frivolous and not unwise. When Joe is still sick and cannot take any more time off work because his sick leave and annual leave is all gone, the church can step in to help him financially for another 3 months while treatment continues. The church runs a soup kitchen for the needy in the community and blesses the homeless with a meal each week. When Jack and Janine look like defaulting on their house payments because of an unexpected bill, the church can help out. Mary and Mike can’t afford to pay for their daughter’s wedding so the church can foot some of the bill. Shane can’t afford a suit for his new job. The church is there to help.
It sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? But scripturally speaking, the church should be a place of generosity. The church should be able to spread wealth evenly to those in need. The church should never have to turn someone away because there’s not enough to meet the bills.
Over the years I’ve served on several Management Committees. I’ve been deeply ashamed that most of these churches (even the large ones) could barely meet their own costs and bills, let alone parting with money for the poor and destitute. Most churches have to send the needy and poor to the government agencies to get help because they can’t help them. What an indictment on the church!
I dream of a generous church like the one described in Acts 2 and 4. People selling worldly things and using the money for blessing of others. I dream of a church where we can bless the poor, help the homeless, feed and clothe the needy. I dream of a church where the non Christian world comes along to find charity, help and support, knowing that these Christians love God so much that they are generous. I dream of a church so generous that we can support and uphold smaller churches that are struggling with finances. I dream...
Let’s stop dreaming. Let’s make it a reality. Be generous in all you do. Be generous in your time, your words, your assets and, yes, even your money.
- Pray that we will be a generous church in everything.
- Pray that the love of Christ so overwhelms us that we give willingly and generously.
- Pray that our Committee of Management will be so overwhelmed with our generosity that their work is a joy not a burden.
Do It Today
You can be generous in many ways. You can be generous with your money, your assets, your time, your words (this doesn’t mean talking lots!!), your presence and your help. Try it today. Be generous.
Monday, 12 July 2010
Monday July 12, 2010
Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-15
“Generous.” Would that word describe your church?
“Generous.” Would that word describe you?
Christians are called to be a generous people, for God has been exceedingly generous to us.
As Paul begins this section on generosity he talks about the Macedonian churches in glowing terms. Through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ poured out into their lives they were able to be filled with joy. They were able to give generously, abundantly, even though they were suffering and hard pressed. The Macedonian churches gave above and beyond their ability because they had been overwhelmed by the Lord’s generosity to themselves.
The churches that Paul is talking about understood the concept of vs 8 very clearly.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.
Jesus left the richness and the riches of heaven and became poor for us in our world. He gave us everything, even His own life, so that we might become rich. Jesus gave His all so that we can be heirs together with Christ.
Our Congregation is reaching out to more and more people. More families are joining us. Together with this there is a pressing need, a growing need for greater pastoral care. Your church needs you to be generous, to excel in this grace of giving so that others can be released from the need to work to allow them to serve full time in ministry. As these people take on certain positions everyone benefits. The church benefits as we mature and grow and expand. The Kingdom of God benefits as we have more resources to put into evangelism, outreach and care and nurture and discipleship. The community around us benefits as we can help and support the needy more and more.
It is my prayer that this church, and indeed all churches in this land, be known in the world as generous churches. It’s my prayer that you and I are generous - as generous as the Lord has been to us.
Do It Today
Work out your weekly offering and add 15-20% more. Visit your local bank and organise for that amount to be deducted regularly through direct debit.
“Generous.” Would that word describe your church?
“Generous.” Would that word describe you?
Christians are called to be a generous people, for God has been exceedingly generous to us.
As Paul begins this section on generosity he talks about the Macedonian churches in glowing terms. Through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ poured out into their lives they were able to be filled with joy. They were able to give generously, abundantly, even though they were suffering and hard pressed. The Macedonian churches gave above and beyond their ability because they had been overwhelmed by the Lord’s generosity to themselves.
The churches that Paul is talking about understood the concept of vs 8 very clearly.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.
Jesus left the richness and the riches of heaven and became poor for us in our world. He gave us everything, even His own life, so that we might become rich. Jesus gave His all so that we can be heirs together with Christ.
Our Congregation is reaching out to more and more people. More families are joining us. Together with this there is a pressing need, a growing need for greater pastoral care. Your church needs you to be generous, to excel in this grace of giving so that others can be released from the need to work to allow them to serve full time in ministry. As these people take on certain positions everyone benefits. The church benefits as we mature and grow and expand. The Kingdom of God benefits as we have more resources to put into evangelism, outreach and care and nurture and discipleship. The community around us benefits as we can help and support the needy more and more.
It is my prayer that this church, and indeed all churches in this land, be known in the world as generous churches. It’s my prayer that you and I are generous - as generous as the Lord has been to us.
- Ask God to bring a spirit of generosity throughout the churches in this land. Pray for those churches that are struggling financially. Pray for those who have an abundance of untapped wealth. Ask God to release these funds for ministry.
- Pray for the churches in country regions in Australia and for the pastors PIM patrols who minister there. Funds are extremely tight as is the man power to take on ministry projects, outreach events etc. Ask the Lord to send in funds and people to reap the harvest. Ask God to provide more and more PIM patrols and pastors to these areas.
Do It Today
Work out your weekly offering and add 15-20% more. Visit your local bank and organise for that amount to be deducted regularly through direct debit.
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Saturday July 10, 2010
Read Psalm 91
I wonder what tomorrow will bring for you? Will it be a blessing for you? As you plan to spend time in the presence of God, what else could it possibly be but a blessing?
But there are many things in life that distract us and cause us to worry, be anxious and to forget God’s abundant blessing in our lives. The writer of the Psalm was in a perilous situation and could have faced death from his enemies. He was sought after, for all the wrong reasons. People wanted him dead.
Praising God is not the first thing that comes to my mind when people are trying to kill me. My first thoughts are run, hide and take on a definitive self protective measure. But what does the Psalmist do? He hides under the wings of the Almighty. He runs to his heavenly Father. He goes to the source of ultimate and eternal protection.
My brother/sister in Jesus. I know there are many things weighing down your heart. I know there are issues and concerns with money, with work, with children, with finding a life partner and so on. But let me encourage you to do as the Psalmist did. Run into the wings of the Almighty. Take refuge in Him. Make the Lord Most High your fortress and shield. Let Him fight the enemy on your behalf.
As for you, be confident for :-
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39.
Tomorrow stand in the Lord’s presence with confidence that God’s love will never leave you. Whatever is burdening your heart is in God’s hands and He will do what’s best. He will never forsake you nor leave you.
Do It Today
Prayerfully determine how you can be involved in worship tomorrow (not necessarily up front) by blessing others. Work out what you can bring to the worship service.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring for you? Will it be a blessing for you? As you plan to spend time in the presence of God, what else could it possibly be but a blessing?
But there are many things in life that distract us and cause us to worry, be anxious and to forget God’s abundant blessing in our lives. The writer of the Psalm was in a perilous situation and could have faced death from his enemies. He was sought after, for all the wrong reasons. People wanted him dead.
Praising God is not the first thing that comes to my mind when people are trying to kill me. My first thoughts are run, hide and take on a definitive self protective measure. But what does the Psalmist do? He hides under the wings of the Almighty. He runs to his heavenly Father. He goes to the source of ultimate and eternal protection.
My brother/sister in Jesus. I know there are many things weighing down your heart. I know there are issues and concerns with money, with work, with children, with finding a life partner and so on. But let me encourage you to do as the Psalmist did. Run into the wings of the Almighty. Take refuge in Him. Make the Lord Most High your fortress and shield. Let Him fight the enemy on your behalf.
As for you, be confident for :-
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39.
Tomorrow stand in the Lord’s presence with confidence that God’s love will never leave you. Whatever is burdening your heart is in God’s hands and He will do what’s best. He will never forsake you nor leave you.
- Pray that God would equip and fill everyone in your congregation as they gather tomorrow. Pray that God’s Spirit and His gifts would be poured out so that all can work for the common good. Pray that everyone would come to church with something to share, something to contribute or something to bless others with. Pray that Christ, our Lord and Saviour will be honoured and exalted tomorrow.
- Pray for the church in North Korea. Believers meet in secret in small groups in underground churches. Pray that these men and women will be able to encourage one another and spur one another to love and good deeds. Pray that they would be protected from the authorities. Pray that the church would grow phenomenally despite the intense persecution.
Do It Today
Prayerfully determine how you can be involved in worship tomorrow (not necessarily up front) by blessing others. Work out what you can bring to the worship service.
Friday, 9 July 2010
Friday July 9, 2010
Read Matthew 14:23-34
It must have been an incredibly amazing scene. The disciples, experienced fishermen and used to the wind and waves, were rowing across the lake in the late of the night. In the fourth watch of the night, they are startled by a figure on the water. A ghost? A spirit? An apparition? They weren’t sure. They are afraid and alarmed.
But the lonely figure identified Himself as their Lord and Master. Peter, with his normal brashness cries out, “If it is you, tell me to come to you on the water”. And of course Jesus responds, “Come.”
Nervously, Peter gently steps out of the boat towards the water. He cautiously steps forward, one foot after the other, little bit by little bit, inch by inch. He is nervous. Worried. Still, he pushes on.
But the wind and waves were too scary. Peter took his eyes off Jesus and began to cry out because of the wind and the waves. He was sinking. “Lord Jesus save me!!” he cried out.
How often do we take our eyes off Jesus and worry about the wind and the waves of life raging around us? How often do we begin to sink into the sea of sin as we turn to see the storms around us rather than the outstretched arm of our Saviour and Lord. Our confidence in Jesus waivers and our faith misses a beat. We cry out with Peter, “Lord Jesus, Save me!!.”
As soon as we take our eyes off Jesus and look to the storms in our life, our words will reflect our heart. Our words will change from uplifting and encouraging to self protective, to self promotion, and the like. If we keep our eyes on Jesus we will weather the storm and stand strong. If we keep our eyes on Jesus we will always be mindful of the power our words have in the lives of others.
Do It Today
What are you going to do by faith today?
It must have been an incredibly amazing scene. The disciples, experienced fishermen and used to the wind and waves, were rowing across the lake in the late of the night. In the fourth watch of the night, they are startled by a figure on the water. A ghost? A spirit? An apparition? They weren’t sure. They are afraid and alarmed.
But the lonely figure identified Himself as their Lord and Master. Peter, with his normal brashness cries out, “If it is you, tell me to come to you on the water”. And of course Jesus responds, “Come.”
Nervously, Peter gently steps out of the boat towards the water. He cautiously steps forward, one foot after the other, little bit by little bit, inch by inch. He is nervous. Worried. Still, he pushes on.
But the wind and waves were too scary. Peter took his eyes off Jesus and began to cry out because of the wind and the waves. He was sinking. “Lord Jesus save me!!” he cried out.
How often do we take our eyes off Jesus and worry about the wind and the waves of life raging around us? How often do we begin to sink into the sea of sin as we turn to see the storms around us rather than the outstretched arm of our Saviour and Lord. Our confidence in Jesus waivers and our faith misses a beat. We cry out with Peter, “Lord Jesus, Save me!!.”
As soon as we take our eyes off Jesus and look to the storms in our life, our words will reflect our heart. Our words will change from uplifting and encouraging to self protective, to self promotion, and the like. If we keep our eyes on Jesus we will weather the storm and stand strong. If we keep our eyes on Jesus we will always be mindful of the power our words have in the lives of others.
- Pray for the work of Student Life across the nation in various uni campuses. Pray that these men and women will have many opportunities to make disciples. Pray that many will come to know Christ through their witness.
- Pray for the work of India Bible Mission as David Jerald and his team seek to bring the word of life to students and young adults. Pray that the new converts will be discipled and equipped to minister and serve. Pray for David as he heads up this blessed ministry.
Do It Today
What are you going to do by faith today?
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Thursday July 8, 2010
Read James 1:19-26
The power of the tongue is perhaps seen most clearly in moments of anger. When we are angry we blurt out things, often things we didn’t mean to say. Sometimes we apologise and say something like, ‘I didn’t mean that’. But anger doesn’t create words and emotions in us. They are already there. They are shot out in anger from a seed or kernel already in our heart.
This is why James warns us to be quick to listen - so that we have all our facts straight, so that we understand the situation, so that we have not been mislead or based our feelings and thoughts on only a part of the information.
This is also why we are told to be slow to speak. Often we blurt things out, especially in anger. Often we say things that ought not to be said. And when we have, it’s too late. The reality of what’s in our heart is out. That’s why James tells us to be slow to anger. Man’s anger does not lead to the righteous life that our God has called us to.
Rather, we are to get rid of the moral filth (within our hearts and minds) and
the evil around us that is so prevalent. We are to accept the Word of God planted within us. As we’ve seen last week, the word must be bearing fruit in us. We must be good soil, encouraging growth and fruit bearing in the Word.
Verse 26 shows one area of fruit bearing in our lives that comes from accepting the Word planted in our hearts.
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
My words either prove or deny my religion (not interpreted as doing things to please God but as my actions and life flowing out of God’s love for me). If I cannot bridle the tongue, if I cannot keep a tight reign on it then my religion is shown to be utterly worthless. In a sense, with an unbridled tongue, I am like a person pretending to be a millionaire but with Monopoly money. It’s worthless and I have deceived myself.
Do It Today
Read James 1:27. Determine what you can be doing for orphans and widows in distress. What other neglected groups can you be helping?
The power of the tongue is perhaps seen most clearly in moments of anger. When we are angry we blurt out things, often things we didn’t mean to say. Sometimes we apologise and say something like, ‘I didn’t mean that’. But anger doesn’t create words and emotions in us. They are already there. They are shot out in anger from a seed or kernel already in our heart.
This is why James warns us to be quick to listen - so that we have all our facts straight, so that we understand the situation, so that we have not been mislead or based our feelings and thoughts on only a part of the information.
This is also why we are told to be slow to speak. Often we blurt things out, especially in anger. Often we say things that ought not to be said. And when we have, it’s too late. The reality of what’s in our heart is out. That’s why James tells us to be slow to anger. Man’s anger does not lead to the righteous life that our God has called us to.
Rather, we are to get rid of the moral filth (within our hearts and minds) and
the evil around us that is so prevalent. We are to accept the Word of God planted within us. As we’ve seen last week, the word must be bearing fruit in us. We must be good soil, encouraging growth and fruit bearing in the Word.
Verse 26 shows one area of fruit bearing in our lives that comes from accepting the Word planted in our hearts.
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
My words either prove or deny my religion (not interpreted as doing things to please God but as my actions and life flowing out of God’s love for me). If I cannot bridle the tongue, if I cannot keep a tight reign on it then my religion is shown to be utterly worthless. In a sense, with an unbridled tongue, I am like a person pretending to be a millionaire but with Monopoly money. It’s worthless and I have deceived myself.
- Pray for our brothers and sisters in Kyrgyzstan as racial riots and ethic fuelled violence has erupted lately. Pray that the believers (who always seem to be attacked and persecuted in these times) are courageous lights for Jesus. Pray that many would come to the faith through their witness. Pray for peace and stability in the region.
- Pray for our Committee of Management as they seek to manage the funds we have. Pray that every family and every person will give generously so that their work will be a joy not a burden. Ask God to grant them wisdom, insight and unity.
Do It Today
Read James 1:27. Determine what you can be doing for orphans and widows in distress. What other neglected groups can you be helping?
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Wednesday July 7, 2010
Read James 3:1-12
Controlling our tongue is perhaps the hardest hurdle in the journey of life with Christ. James captures the difficulty in His second verse when He says:-
We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.
The tongue is only a small part of the body but has great effects. Like a spark to dry tinder our tongues can set fire to our lives. Our tongue makes great boasts. It even sets the course of our lives. That which we talk about and dream about, is the direction we tend to take. Like the eternal fire of hell, the tongue can cause great destruction. It is relatively impossible to tame. But God has granted us a new heart. He has cleansed us and filled us with His Holy Spirit. Through His power, through His anointing, you and I can start to tame the tongue.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you and I can start to use our tongues for edification, for building up and for giving life.
Each and every single day you and I need help to control our tongue. Pray for this help each and every morning.
Do It Today
Resolve to say nothing negative, degrading, rude or destructive today, ie Resolve to use your tongue only for good for the entire day.
Controlling our tongue is perhaps the hardest hurdle in the journey of life with Christ. James captures the difficulty in His second verse when He says:-
We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.
The tongue is only a small part of the body but has great effects. Like a spark to dry tinder our tongues can set fire to our lives. Our tongue makes great boasts. It even sets the course of our lives. That which we talk about and dream about, is the direction we tend to take. Like the eternal fire of hell, the tongue can cause great destruction. It is relatively impossible to tame. But God has granted us a new heart. He has cleansed us and filled us with His Holy Spirit. Through His power, through His anointing, you and I can start to tame the tongue.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you and I can start to use our tongues for edification, for building up and for giving life.
Each and every single day you and I need help to control our tongue. Pray for this help each and every morning.
- Pray for the opportunity to use your tongue today to build up, to edify and to bring life to others. Pray that you will not use your tongue negatively.
- Pray that this same desire would spread through your congregation.
Do It Today
Resolve to say nothing negative, degrading, rude or destructive today, ie Resolve to use your tongue only for good for the entire day.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Tuesday July 6, 2010
Read Proverbs 15:1-4
Whoever wrote ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’ was an idiot. Words can hurt. Words can cause heart ache.
Words can bring a man to the point of suicide. Words can cause a life time of misery. More damage has been done through the misuse of words than by any bomb or weapon fashioned by mankind.
But words can also bring healing. Words can bring hope and meaning and life. Words can restore a broken relationship and mend a broken heart. Words can build up and edify and cheer a fallen heart. Words are powerful, whether powerfully good or powerfully evil.
The writer of the Proverbs has much to say about the way we use our words. They can turn away wrath or stir up anger. Our tongue can command knowledge or it can gush forth folly. It can be a tree of life or it can crush the Spirit.
As we think about the warning of Jesus in Matthew 12:36-37 let us be careful to use our words wisely, to speak for the edification of others, to bring healing and life. Let us make sure that no unwholesome talk (Ephesians 4:29) comes out of our mouths but only that which edifies others and benefits those who listen. Let us learn to think before we open our mouths. Let us weigh up the consequences of our words so that every word is beneficial and helpful.
Do It Today
Prayerfully consider who you might encourage today with your words. Pray about it and do it.
Whoever wrote ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’ was an idiot. Words can hurt. Words can cause heart ache.
Words can bring a man to the point of suicide. Words can cause a life time of misery. More damage has been done through the misuse of words than by any bomb or weapon fashioned by mankind.
But words can also bring healing. Words can bring hope and meaning and life. Words can restore a broken relationship and mend a broken heart. Words can build up and edify and cheer a fallen heart. Words are powerful, whether powerfully good or powerfully evil.
The writer of the Proverbs has much to say about the way we use our words. They can turn away wrath or stir up anger. Our tongue can command knowledge or it can gush forth folly. It can be a tree of life or it can crush the Spirit.
As we think about the warning of Jesus in Matthew 12:36-37 let us be careful to use our words wisely, to speak for the edification of others, to bring healing and life. Let us make sure that no unwholesome talk (Ephesians 4:29) comes out of our mouths but only that which edifies others and benefits those who listen. Let us learn to think before we open our mouths. Let us weigh up the consequences of our words so that every word is beneficial and helpful.
- Pray for the work of Shiloh Church Ministries in India as they seek to comfort, restore hope and bring healing to those displaced by the violence and anti-Christian sentiment in Orissa State, India. Pray that God would use these believers to rebuild lives, to restore hope and to bring salvation to many. Pray for the much needed funds.
- Pray for our brothers training in Myanmar to preach the gospel. These students need wisdom, financial support and the skills to go out into the world as fearless preachers. Pray that God would provide. Pray that these men (and their families) would not hesitate to bring the Word of Life to the villages they are assigned or sent to.
Do It Today
Prayerfully consider who you might encourage today with your words. Pray about it and do it.
Monday, 5 July 2010
Monday July 5, 2010
Read Luke 6:43-45
Our words reveal who we really are. They are a dead give away to what’s inside of us. Why? For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. Jesus makes it clear that my words reveal the real me. I remember meeting a significant leader in a church organisation who spoke of sexual matters more than anything else in our meetings together. Can you tell what was on his mind and in his heart? Another person I met talked incessantly about his car. Hmm? I wonder what was in his heart? The simple truth is that what we talk about reveals who we are because our mouth flows out of our heart.
Take stock of what’s coming out of your mouth and you may well be surprised.
Jesus uses the example of nature to make His point. A fig tree bears figs. A grape tree bears grapes, period. The fruit shows what kind of plant it is. Likewise our mouths show what kind of person we are and what kind of heart we have. Let me ask you the pertinent question. What are your words saying about you and our heart?
Do It Today
Carry a note book around with you this week and jot down (in summary) everything you say. On Saturday night, read what you’ve said this week and seek to determine what your words are revealing about your heart.
Our words reveal who we really are. They are a dead give away to what’s inside of us. Why? For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. Jesus makes it clear that my words reveal the real me. I remember meeting a significant leader in a church organisation who spoke of sexual matters more than anything else in our meetings together. Can you tell what was on his mind and in his heart? Another person I met talked incessantly about his car. Hmm? I wonder what was in his heart? The simple truth is that what we talk about reveals who we are because our mouth flows out of our heart.
Take stock of what’s coming out of your mouth and you may well be surprised.
Jesus uses the example of nature to make His point. A fig tree bears figs. A grape tree bears grapes, period. The fruit shows what kind of plant it is. Likewise our mouths show what kind of person we are and what kind of heart we have. Let me ask you the pertinent question. What are your words saying about you and our heart?
- Pray for those who preach and teach in your congregation - the minister, lay preachers, Cell leaders, Sonday School teachers and so on. Ask God to change the heart of these men and women as necessary so that the good things out of the goodness of their heart is being brought forth. Pray that these men and women will be close to God, learning from Him and able to teach us what they themselves have first learned.
- Pray for the teachers and preachers in China. They are literally on the firing line. Ask God to give them a holy and righteous life to match their message of salvation. Pray that God would protect them and make them courageous in the face of opposition.
Do It Today
Carry a note book around with you this week and jot down (in summary) everything you say. On Saturday night, read what you’ve said this week and seek to determine what your words are revealing about your heart.
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Saturday July 3, 2010
Read John 15:1-17
As you prepare yourself for our gathered time of ‘worship’ tomorrow take time to think seriously about what Jesus is saying in John 15.
As you are well aware already, this passage talks about Jesus being the vine, God the vine dresser and us being the branches.
The passage culminates with vs 7-8.
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.
This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
How do we remain in Christ Jesus? As you read the passage, it’s clear that remaining in Him means walking in obedience, and obedience means loving each other as Jesus has loved us.
Think about tomorrow. As the body of Christ gathers you have the perfect opportunity to love others, to be obedient to Christ. You have the opportunity to share the Word and your life with others, to give to them sacrificially and to give to the Lord.
How will that play itself out for you tomorrow? My guess is that it depends largely on how your prepare yourself for tomorrow today.
Do It Today
Spend time asking God how He wants to use you tomorrow in church. Ask God how you can serve, who you can serve and what you can bring to worship
As you prepare yourself for our gathered time of ‘worship’ tomorrow take time to think seriously about what Jesus is saying in John 15.
As you are well aware already, this passage talks about Jesus being the vine, God the vine dresser and us being the branches.
The passage culminates with vs 7-8.
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.
This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
How do we remain in Christ Jesus? As you read the passage, it’s clear that remaining in Him means walking in obedience, and obedience means loving each other as Jesus has loved us.
Think about tomorrow. As the body of Christ gathers you have the perfect opportunity to love others, to be obedient to Christ. You have the opportunity to share the Word and your life with others, to give to them sacrificially and to give to the Lord.
How will that play itself out for you tomorrow? My guess is that it depends largely on how your prepare yourself for tomorrow today.
- Pray that tomorrow’s service will be acceptable to the Lord and that all who come, will come with a pure heart and a desire to meet with God.
- Pray for our brothers and sisters in Vietnam and Laos who meet in secret or in fear of the authorities. Pray that God would protect them and use them to grow His kingdom. Pray that we see many more come to the Lord through their witness.
Do It Today
Spend time asking God how He wants to use you tomorrow in church. Ask God how you can serve, who you can serve and what you can bring to worship
Friday, 2 July 2010
Friday July 2, 2010
Read Mark 4:1-20,
I’ve personally witnessed the difference between good soil and bad soil. Having filled 3 vegetable growing tanks with good soil and watched an abundance of good and luscious fruit and vegies grow, our next growing tank was a disaster. We purchased the soil from a different provider and in 3 days we noticed that the intended area for vegetable growth was inhabited with spiky, sharp weeds. These weeds have come up ever since and have spread to other areas in our garden. When we think of good soil, we think of the former soil that allowed healthy luscious fruit/vegetables to grow.
As a Christian being good soil is directly related to the Word of God.
Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop--thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown."
The Word of God is sown in our hearts and that Word bears fruit - 30, 60 or even 100 times what was sown. The Word has an impact in our lives and shines out from us.
What could that fruit be in every day life? It is impossible to pin down to any one example. But we can sum it up in concept. If we are good soil then the Word produces in us the fruit of obedience. As good soil we are obedient to the Word. We do as it says. Like James the half brother of our Lord encourages us, we do not simply read the Word. We read it and do what it says. We do not deceive ourselves. We do not love the world with all its trappings but we love the Word and seek to apply it to ourselves, our own lives, before we worry about anyone else.
Are you good soil?
Pray for the World Changers as they continue to plan and organise missions among us. Pray for them as they communicate with the missionaries we support. Pray that World
Do It Today
Spend time asking God to show you which areas of your life need to be changed so that you are able to bear fruit 30, 60 or 100 times what was sown.
I’ve personally witnessed the difference between good soil and bad soil. Having filled 3 vegetable growing tanks with good soil and watched an abundance of good and luscious fruit and vegies grow, our next growing tank was a disaster. We purchased the soil from a different provider and in 3 days we noticed that the intended area for vegetable growth was inhabited with spiky, sharp weeds. These weeds have come up ever since and have spread to other areas in our garden. When we think of good soil, we think of the former soil that allowed healthy luscious fruit/vegetables to grow.
As a Christian being good soil is directly related to the Word of God.
Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop--thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown."
The Word of God is sown in our hearts and that Word bears fruit - 30, 60 or even 100 times what was sown. The Word has an impact in our lives and shines out from us.
What could that fruit be in every day life? It is impossible to pin down to any one example. But we can sum it up in concept. If we are good soil then the Word produces in us the fruit of obedience. As good soil we are obedient to the Word. We do as it says. Like James the half brother of our Lord encourages us, we do not simply read the Word. We read it and do what it says. We do not deceive ourselves. We do not love the world with all its trappings but we love the Word and seek to apply it to ourselves, our own lives, before we worry about anyone else.
Are you good soil?
Pray for the World Changers as they continue to plan and organise missions among us. Pray for them as they communicate with the missionaries we support. Pray that World
- Changers will be bearing much fruit.
- Pray for Session as we continue our new meeting structure. Pray that as the various ministry and support groups join us we will have rich fellowship, intimate prayer times and deep growth in the Word.
Do It Today
Spend time asking God to show you which areas of your life need to be changed so that you are able to bear fruit 30, 60 or 100 times what was sown.
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Thursday July 1, 2010
Read Mark 4:18-19
Worry and anxiety are almost a natural part of life, aren’t they? Worry is so common, even among believers, that we’ve forgotten that it’s actually a sin. Worry/anxiety distracts us from our Christian mission. It deprives us of energy and joy. It veils Christ’s Lordship. It leaves us hopeless and adrift in a world desperately needing hope.
As we consider the third kind of soil we again need to note that this person receives the Word. They may call themselves ‘Christian’. They may, as with the rocky soil, go through certain Christian motions. They may speak like a Christian, act like a Christian for quite some time.
But look at vs 19 closely.
but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.
The weedy soil person puts the concerns of this life above his/her walk with the Lord. There’s always too much to fix, too many things to do, too many exciting alternatives to spending time with the Lord and to do His work. There’s so little time in a day and so many things that have to be done that this person just never gets to God. God is always on the bottom of the list. God is always tacked onto the end of the day. God is…, in reality, ignored. Other things are just too important.
Hear this truth very carefully. If you sense that this is your life or if you feel as though you are rocky soil, you are probably not saved. If you are not bearing fruit (and Jesus makes it clear that the person of rocky or weedy soil doesn’t bear fruit) then you are probably at present hell bound. You need to take a drastic look at your life. You need to repent and believe in Jesus. You need a dramatic reorganisation of your life.
If you were to die tonight as weedy soil, as rocky soil, you would be in desperate straights, probably staring at an eternity separated from God. Do something about it now, before it’s too late.
Now these are harsh words aren’t they? And you may be feeling angry towards me, right? Well think of it as a doctor warning you that you have terminal cancer. Life saving surgery is available but it’s radical. It’s 100% effective and guaranteed to work but you have to take it. If you refuse you will die. Sin, a lack of fruit bearing, being rocky soil or weed soil, is terminal cancer. It will kill you and send you directly to hell. But there is a 100% guaranteed cure. You can take radical surgery.
Surgery begins with believing that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and was raised to life for your justification. Surgery involves giving your entire life (every inch of it, including money, assets, time, energy, body, thoughts, eyes and so on) to Christ and choosing to serve Him. In effect, you bind yourself to Christ and commit to doing what He wants you to do, not what you want to do. Surgery means asking God for forgiveness and handing over the controls to Christ.
But rest assured, when you turn to Christ the cancer of sin is fully removed. God cancels your sin and credits righteousness (the perfect righteousness of Christ) to your account. When you turn to Christ, God lavishes you with His forgiveness and love. He adopts you permanently into His family as a beloved son.
Do It Today
Find a quiet place to sit with God, alone. Read the parable of the soils again.
Spend time asking God to show you what type of soil you are and, if need be, how you can change.
Worry and anxiety are almost a natural part of life, aren’t they? Worry is so common, even among believers, that we’ve forgotten that it’s actually a sin. Worry/anxiety distracts us from our Christian mission. It deprives us of energy and joy. It veils Christ’s Lordship. It leaves us hopeless and adrift in a world desperately needing hope.
As we consider the third kind of soil we again need to note that this person receives the Word. They may call themselves ‘Christian’. They may, as with the rocky soil, go through certain Christian motions. They may speak like a Christian, act like a Christian for quite some time.
But look at vs 19 closely.
but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.
The weedy soil person puts the concerns of this life above his/her walk with the Lord. There’s always too much to fix, too many things to do, too many exciting alternatives to spending time with the Lord and to do His work. There’s so little time in a day and so many things that have to be done that this person just never gets to God. God is always on the bottom of the list. God is always tacked onto the end of the day. God is…, in reality, ignored. Other things are just too important.
Hear this truth very carefully. If you sense that this is your life or if you feel as though you are rocky soil, you are probably not saved. If you are not bearing fruit (and Jesus makes it clear that the person of rocky or weedy soil doesn’t bear fruit) then you are probably at present hell bound. You need to take a drastic look at your life. You need to repent and believe in Jesus. You need a dramatic reorganisation of your life.
If you were to die tonight as weedy soil, as rocky soil, you would be in desperate straights, probably staring at an eternity separated from God. Do something about it now, before it’s too late.
Now these are harsh words aren’t they? And you may be feeling angry towards me, right? Well think of it as a doctor warning you that you have terminal cancer. Life saving surgery is available but it’s radical. It’s 100% effective and guaranteed to work but you have to take it. If you refuse you will die. Sin, a lack of fruit bearing, being rocky soil or weed soil, is terminal cancer. It will kill you and send you directly to hell. But there is a 100% guaranteed cure. You can take radical surgery.
Surgery begins with believing that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and was raised to life for your justification. Surgery involves giving your entire life (every inch of it, including money, assets, time, energy, body, thoughts, eyes and so on) to Christ and choosing to serve Him. In effect, you bind yourself to Christ and commit to doing what He wants you to do, not what you want to do. Surgery means asking God for forgiveness and handing over the controls to Christ.
But rest assured, when you turn to Christ the cancer of sin is fully removed. God cancels your sin and credits righteousness (the perfect righteousness of Christ) to your account. When you turn to Christ, God lavishes you with His forgiveness and love. He adopts you permanently into His family as a beloved son.
- Pray that God would grow fruit in your life. Pray that you would be in a congregation that bears much fruit. Ask the Lord to convict the people in your congregation about the type of soil that they are and pray for receptive hearts willing to turn to Jesus in repentance and faith as necessary.
- Pray that our brothers and sisters in Myanmar would courageously proclaim the need to repent and believe to all who would listen. Pray that the college students would be strengthened in their resolve and grown in their ability to preach the word without fear or intimidation.
Do It Today
Find a quiet place to sit with God, alone. Read the parable of the soils again.
Spend time asking God to show you what type of soil you are and, if need be, how you can change.
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