Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Wednesday May 27, 2015

Read Jeremiah 18:18-23

Ministry is hard work and often filled with negatives, set backs and complaints from those to whom you seek to minister. I’ve heard from many ministers and servants in the Christian church that they feel trapped. No matter what they do, they know that someone will complain and be upset.

As an example, consider the young minister in a particular charge who wanted to introduce change for the sake of the Gospel and for the growth of the congregation. He worked slowly and sought to include everyone in the changes so as to avoid needlessly upsetting anyone. Two polarised groups formed in the church – those who thought that the changes were being implemented too slowly and those who thought it was too fast and too radical. The result was a burnt out minister that left the congregation!

Jeremiah faced a similar problem. He had been interceding for the people and urging them to repent and to return to the Lord. For his ministry and work he was rewarded with attack. In verse 18 the people respond to Jeremiah’s ministry.

Jeremiah 18:18 (NIV84)
They said, “Come, let’s make plans against Jeremiah; for the teaching of the law by the priest will not be lost, nor will counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophets. So come, let’s attack him with our tongues and pay no attention to anything he says.”

Many today would simply pack up and leave or at least change churches. Some might cease ministry and service all together. Some might walk away from God. What does Jeremiah do? In vs 19-23 he pours his heart out to the Lord. Jeremiah laments before the Lord and vents his anger and frustration.

Can you hear the pain in Jeremiah’s words in Jeremiah 18:19–20 (NIV84)?
19 Listen to me, O LORD; hear what my accusers are saying!
20 Should good be repaid with evil? Yet they have dug a pit for me. Remember that I stood before you and spoke in their behalf to turn your wrath away from them.

In the face of frustration and heartache you and I need to learn to pour out our hearts to the Lord. We need to learn to confide in Him, to weep in His presence and even to vent our anger before Him. God is big enough and strong enough to cope with our emotions. He’s secure enough and stable enough to listen to our heart, to hear our cries and to continue loving us.

The next time you are frustrated or feel like giving up, spend time pouring out your heart to the Lord. Spend time in God’s presence. Be with God and you’ll be refreshed and renewed for more ministry.

Using the passage and reading for today spend time in prayer. Use the blank space below to add your own supplications.




· Pray MOPS and Playpals ministry that runs at ChristLife. Ask God to provide all the needs of these ministries both human and non human so that the Gospel will continue to reach out and so that many families will come to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

· Pray that God would bring a growing depth to each believer in your congregation, that they would know Him better and understand more of the depth, breadth, width and height of the love of God for them personally and corporately

 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Have you ever poured out your heart to God? Share how you felt afterwards and how pouring out your heart to God helped you personally?
2.  What conditions are necessary for us to be able to pour out our hearts to the Lord?
3. What might happen if we refuse to be honest and open before the Lord?

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