Thursday, 28 May 2015

Thursday May 28, 2015

Read Jeremiah 19:1-20:6

Hubert and Harry (not their real names) served in different churches but in the same type of ministry with young people. Both started about the same time but one lasted only 2 years while the other lasted over 15 and is still serving in that ministry. What’s the difference in the ministry longevity of these two people? How can one give up so quickly while the other soldiers on for over a decade?

Yesterday we saw that pouring our heart out to God and letting out our frustrations in His presence is a good and healthy thing. Each of us involved in ministry and service needs to make time, quality and quantity time, to be with the Lord so that we can pour out our hearts to Him. We need to create a sanctuary where we can cry out to God and, if need be, to yell and scream and cry and rant and rave. We need a secure place to be with God where we can be ourselves.

We need a release from ministry and service. Often pressure and frustration build up. Many people in ministry and service bottle up these frustrations, hurts and the let downs and unfortunately people tend to snap or explode. Such snapping or exploding has caused people to leave ministry, to leave the particular church and in extreme cases to leave the faith altogether.

The release valve for ministry and service is spending time, quality and quantity time with the Lord where we can lay bare our souls before Him. And will it work? In Jeremiah 18:19-23 Jeremiah poured his heart out to God. In chapter 19 he’s called to present a message of judgement to the king and the people, see 19:1-15. As he preaches the Lord’s word, Jeremiah is arrested, beaten up and locked up in stocks for the night.

Jeremiah is able to endure because he is honest with God. Jeremiah is able to continue ministering because he has a deep, intimate relationship with the Lord that is built on honesty not formality and pretence. Jeremiah refused to go through the motions. When he prayed, he cried out to God. He wept. He shared and unburdened his heart. He bared his soul before the Lord. He was open and honest before the Lord.

If we are to persevere in ministry and service we need such an outlet. The difference between Harry and Hubert was not their spiritual giftings, nor their personal abilities. It was not their personalities nor their make up or constitution. The difference was that one spent regular, intimate time with the Lord while the other was so caught up in life and ministry that God was often overlooked.

Using the passage and reading for today spend time in prayer. Use the blank space below to add your own supplications.




· As we approach the Lord’s Day pray that God would be preparing each person to meet with Himself, to worship in spirit and truth and to stand in awe of the majesty and grandeur of God.

· List the people you know of that are suffering or doing it tough in ministry and service. Ask the Lord to bring comfort and blessing to those who are suffering in their ministry and service. Ask God to be drawing these people near to Himself and healing hurts and wounds.

 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Describe in more detail what it was like for Jeremiah in 20:1-6.
2.  If you were in Jeremiah’s shoes, how do you think you would have reacted?

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