Read Jeremiah 10.
As a parent it’s easier to understand the anger and heartache of God as He watches the nation of Judah and Israel worship false gods - idols and statues made of gold and wood by human hands. I can imagine the pain if I think about how I would feel if my children made a statue of wood or even of Lego and then began to treat that wooden or Lego statue as if it were their very own father. Can you imagine that depth of pain and heartache?
Throughout chapter 10, the Lord through Jeremiah shows us the difference between Himself and statues/idols. The chapter really is meant to show us the sheer stupidity of praying to an idol that we ourselves have made.
Considering idols, they are not to be feared (vs 1-2) as they are made by craftsmen (10:3-4). They cannot speak (vs 5) and must be carried around from place to place (vs 5). They can do no good nor can they do any harm (vs 5). The prophets of these idols are fools (vs 8) because they are taught be wooden images and statues of stone, which are crafted by mere men (vs 9). These idols and their makers and worshippers will be judged and condemned. They will perish (vs 11). They are but idols of mockery (vs 15) and will come to ruin.
God on the other hand is great and His name is mighty in power (vs 6). He is the one that all the nations should revere and worship (vs 7) and none of the wise men in all the nations can compare to the one true living God (vs 7). Unlike these lifeless forms worshipped by the nations God is the living God. He is the eternal King (vs 10). When God is angry the nations tremble and they cannot endure His wrath. It is God, not the idols, who made the earth (vs 12). It is He who sends thunder (vs 13) and the rain and lightning (v14). The Lord is the maker of all things even of the nation of Israel (vs 16). It is He who brings judgement against the nations, including the nations that were once called the people of God (vs17-25).
As we consider the difference between God and the idols we begin to see the utter and sheer stupidity of worshipping idols and man made things. And yet we see churches worshipping and trusting in idols rather than in God. Buildings are often worshipped above God. Music, performances, money and even pastors or staff in churches are worshipped above and beyond God. None of these things can save. None of these things can deliver us from the judgement and spiritual/eternal death coming upon the entire world. None of these things have eternal value.
While God may choose to bless a church with some or all of these things we should continually remain humble and appreciative to God for every blessing He’s given us. We should always seek to keep these things in their proper perspective and never ever think that we have arrived at spiritual maturity because we have been blessed with certain things from the Lord.
Prayer Points:
Using today’s Bible passage and reading notes spend time in adoration, confession, thanks and supplication.
· Pray that your church service tomorrow would be honouring to the Lord and glorifying to Him. Pray too that it would be edifying to the saints. Ask the Lord to give the saints a humble heart that sits joyfully under the Word of the Lord and submits to it.
· Pray that the people in your congregation, if any, who are distant from the Lord or are keeping God at arm’s length would bow the knee and confess Him as Lord tomorrow. Pray that this would spur the saints on to greater heights of depth and love and evangelistic fervour.
1. What are some of the idols a church might have today?
2. How can a congregation ensure that its things do not become idols?
3. How would you sum up the warning from today’s passage?
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