Saturday, 30 May 2015

Saturday May 30, 2015

Read Jeremiah 20:7-18

Today’s reading is not a misprint. It’s good to read Jeremiah’s prayer/lament in one go to get a feel for the entire prayer. It’s good to understand the movement of the prayer/lament.

Jeremiah starts of feeling quite deflated or spent (vs 7) because God Himself had deceived him. He then moves to frustration because doing God’s work has brought reproach and insult (vs 8). As Jeremiah turns to consider his own heart the frustration and anger mounts because he simply can’t keep the Word of God inside. He has to let it out, knowing that further hate and rejection await him (vs 9). Perhaps vs 10 is spoken with a note of fear or trepidation, anticipating more persecution and attack. Jeremiah knows the plans of the people because he has heard their scheming. Perhaps that knowledge led to fear or trepidation.

Verses 11-12 come as an oasis, a calming and soothing relief as he focuses on God. In the centre of the cyclone there is a moment of peace and tranquillity. God is on his side. God searches the heart and mind. God will see the truth in the people and in himself. God will bring restitution and hope. Verse 13 is the natural heartfelt praise and adoration of realising that God is a warrior who is on his side. It’s a climax in his prayers.

But in vs 14-18 we again plummet to the depths of despair as Jeremiah curses his birth and wonders why he ever came out of the womb. The calm in the cyclone evaporates as the howling winds pick up and gain momentum yet again.

Jeremiah’s prayer goes up and down with emotion. He scales the heights of adoration and praise and sinks to the depths of despair. Jeremiah’s prayers are not a monotone of lifeless prayers uttered without emotion or feeling. Jeremiah’s prayers are not simply the routine motion of well learned prayers.

And interestingly, God doesn’t strike him with lightning. While we must always remember who God is and how holy and righteous He is, we can still pour out our hearts to God and tell Him our deepest secrets and fears. We can cry out to Him, yell in His presence, and even share our dreaded worries and anxieties. We can be honest and open with God in our prayers.

If we are going to persevere and endure in ministry and service over the years then we must learn to be honest and real in God’s presence.

Using the passage and reading for today spend time in prayer. Use the blank space below to add your own supplications.




· Ask our Lord and Saviour to fill each preacher in this land with His Spirit tomorrow so that the Word is powerfully and faithfully preached. Pray that God would work through the preached Word and that each congregation would willingly, even joyously, put themselves under the authority of the Word.

Pray that your fellowship tomorrow would be deep, rich and Jesus centred. Pray that people would  come to serve, to give
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Why is it good or helpful to understand the movement or flow of a passage of Scripture?
2. Why is it good to understand the movement of the prayers in Scripture?
3. How can this movement encourage and bless us?

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