Monday, 18 May 2015

Monday May 18, 2015

Coming up this Sonday : Jeremiah 14-17 Effective Ministry Costs

 Read Jeremiah 14:1-10
 Australia has seen its fair share of drought over the centuries. We’ve seen our fair share of devastation and hardship. We seen people’s lives ruined and areas wiped out by drought. All of us, if not personally then through the media, have witnessed scenes of cattle and crop dying, hectares and hectares of land lying cracked and parched, famers and families leaving the land for another life. Dorothy Mackellar was right in her poem “I Love a Sunburnt Country’ about the land we live in being a ‘sunburnt country’, a land of ‘droughts and flooding rains’.

In a similar way, Judah was gripped by vast and long running drought that caused major havoc and upheaval. The people were crying out for the land (vs 2). The nobles and princes were desperate and sent servants out on vain searches for water. Each time the servants would return as parched as before. Despair and hopelessness filled the air (vs 3). Even the animals in the region are suffering and dying. The doe was so desperate for water and food that she couldn’t feed her young but had to abandon it. Wild donkeys, accustomed to  tough  conditions were physically suffering from the drought (vs 5 - 6).

In the midst of such devastation, Jeremiah takes up the prayer for God’s people. He prays in the first person. Verse 7 hits the nail on the head. The drought was not the result of global warming or some 7 year cycle. It was the sins of the people, God’s own people, that had led to the drought.

As Jeremiah cries out to God, notice that his cry is based on his characteristics not on bargaining and vain promises.
8 O Hope of Israel,
its Saviour in times of distress,
why are you like a stranger in the land,
like a traveller who stays only a night?
9 Why are you like a man taken by surprise,
like a warrior powerless to save?
You are among us, O Lord,
and we bear your name;
do not forsake us!

Intercession for people is the key to ministry and longevity. As we intercede for people and nations we need to stand in their shoes and not have an ‘us and them’ mentality.

But as Jeremiah found out intercession is tiring and exhausting . It’s hard work to identify with the people. The answer is not to make glib or vain promises to God that we have no intention of keeping. The solution is to turn to God and to seek His character and His mercy rather than looking to ourselves.

When it comes to things like droughts, there is nothing we can do or say to change the situation. But there is a God who can change the situation.

Prayer Points:
Using today’s Bible passage and reading notes spend time in adoration, confession, thanks and supplication.




· Pray for our nation Australia. Pray that God would pour out His Spirit and bring repentance to many people and that as a nation we would turn back to Him in repentance and faith. Pray that our leaders would be men and women who love the Lord and seek to serve Him.
·  Pray for the Committee of Management that meets tonight. Ask God to grant this Committee great wisdom and expertise as it seeks to further the Kingdom through the funds it’s been entrusted with.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Do you intercede for others? what does that intercession look like?
2. Why should our intercession be based on God’s characteristics rather than our abilities or our promises to do better?
3. Which characteristics of God would help you in interceding for Australia at present? Why did you pick these characteristics?

                          P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C e l l

Read this weeks passage and jot down any problems or issues that come to mind about the passage, its application or meaning to you and/or your church.

                             O n Y o u r O w n

Key Words/Phrases                          Jeremiah 14-17

Use this space to write down and define key words/phrases. Look for repetition and biblical themes from other parts of the Bible.

                       P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C e l l

After your cell has met, jot down the solutions you found having studying the passage together.

                                S o l u t i o n s


How does this passage lead you to pray in terms of

Adoration: Confession Thanks Supplication:

Non Believers to be Praying for

              C e l l G r o u p - D i g g i n g D e e p e r .

The Passage:      Read Jeremiah 14-17

Before Cell, complete the On Your Ownsection on the next page. Describe the context of this passage?

List the key words/phrases and what they mean? Use the next page

In Jeremiah 14, Jeremiah stands in the shoes of the people and intercedes for them. What clues are there in the passage that this is happening?

What is the basis of Jeremiahs prayer in chapter 14?

In chapter 15 Jeremiah is called to deliver a terrible message of judgement. What is his response to God? What is Gods response to Jeremiah?

How does Gods response encourage us and bless us?

In Jeremiah 17:1-18 we read timeless truths about the heart and Gods plan. What truths about the heart do you see in these verses? How does the New Testament change or fulfil these truths?

In what way is Jeremiahs intercession for the people of Judah a model for us today?

Jeremiah was often broken before God. See Jeremiah 15 for example. Yet he was bold before men. How can this practice of being broken before God sustain us in our ministry and calling?

Does God have a warning today for the church, as He had for the nation of Israel?

Ministering faithfully today costs. What blessings and encouragements do we have from this weeks passage to remain faithful to our ministry and calling?

Given all that youve read and learnt from Jeremiah 14-17 message is the Lord giving to your church?

Describe one practical thing you can take away from this passage that gives you stamina in terms of maintaining your ministry and calling. Think of your

head heart hands

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