Read: Colossians 2:6-7
What does the Christian life look like? Imagine that someone asked you to describe the Christian life in one short sentence. How would you describe it without leaving anything out? It’s not an easy question. You could say that we are saved by grace through faith but you are missing how we ought to respond to God’s grace. You could say that we live in response to God’s mercy but now you are missing the element of faith.
Paul’s words here in Colossians 2:6 serve as an incredible, one sentence summary of the Christian life. Notice what he says: “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him “rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Notice the parts of this sentence.
Firstly, Paul establishes that we received Christ. We did not earn Him or deserve Him, we received Him as a gift. We receive this undeserved gift of God’s mercy through faith.
Secondly, Christ Jesus is Lord. There is no one greater or higher than Him. He is Lord. This very title is a title that belongs to God. We see here that Jesus Christ is God and He is Lord. This is the foundation of our faith, that Jesus Christ is God who would suffer and die to reconcile us to God.
Thirdly, just as we have received Him we are to continue to live in Him. This is our response to God’s mercy to us through Jesus Christ. We are to give our lives to Him and live entirely for Him. But notice that we are to live in Him in the same way that we have received Him: by faith. Even our Christian life, our response to God’s mercy to us, is lived by faith. It’s not about our effort, about making ourselves right with God, about working as hard as we possibly can to live in a way that honours Him. It is about living a life that honours God by faith.
In verse 7 Paul describes what it looks like to continue to live in Christ. The believers are to be rooted and built up in Christ. This means that their roots must be sunk down deep in Christ alone. Their foundation is to be Him as they are built up firmly on Him.
They are to be strengthened in the faith as they were taught. As they focus on Christ and as He is their root and their foundation they will be strengthened, established and firm in their faith. This means that they won’t be swayed and deceived by false teaching. Instead they are firmly established in the gospel.
Finally, the Christian life is to be ‘overflowing with thankfulness.’ As we come to truly understand all that God has done for us through Christ Jesus we must overflow with thankfulness to our good and gracious God. This is a vital part of the Christian life. You can’t be a grumpy, sour, thankless Christian. If we really have faith in Christ then we must be overflowing with thankfulness. Such thankfulness doesn’t depend on whether we are having a good day or a bad day, it depends on the grace of God. Let us continue to live in Christ.
Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray for the MOPS group as they meet at ChristLife today. Pray that the mums would be encouraged as they meet together. Pray that God would be at work in the community mums that they might trust in Christ.
It is a powerful witness to a broken world when Christians are overflowing with thankfulness regardless of the circumstances in their lives. We must always be ready to explain why we can remain joyful and thankful in trial. Is your thankfulness on display to a broken world?
1. What role does faith play in the everyday life of the believer?
2. What would it look like for someone to be rooted and built up in Christ?
3. The Christian life is one overflowing with thankfulness. Share with each other some of the things that you can be thankful for.
Intro: Faith is the most important part of being a Christian.
Share: What do you think faith is? Why is faith important? How much is being a Christian about our effort and how much is about faith?
Read: Colossians 2:6-7 Paul says we are to live in Jesus just as we received Him. How did we receive Jesus? What does it look like to live in Jesus by faith? Paul tells us a bit about what it looks like in verse 7. See if you can make a list of the things he mentions. How would you explain those things to someone?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has given us Jesus and that we can receive Him by faith. Pray that He would help us to live for Him.
Read: Colossians 2:6-7 Paul says we are to live in Jesus just as we received Him. How did we receive Jesus? What does it look like to live in Jesus by faith? Paul tells us a bit about what it looks like in verse 7. See if you can make a list of the things he mentions. How would you explain those things to someone?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has given us Jesus and that we can receive Him by faith. Pray that He would help us to live for Him.
Intro: Faith is the most important part of being a Christian.
Share: What do you think faith is? Why is faith important? How much is being a Christian about our effort and how much is about faith?
Read: Colossians 2:6-7 Paul says we are to live in Jesus just as we received Him. How did we receive Jesus? What does it look like to live in Jesus by faith? Paul tells us a bit about what it looks like in verse 7. See if you can make a list of the things he mentions. How would you explain those things to someone?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has given us Jesus and that we can receive Him by faith. Pray that He would help us to live for Him.
Read: Colossians 2:6-7 Paul says we are to live in Jesus just as we received Him. How did we receive Jesus? What does it look like to live in Jesus by faith? Paul tells us a bit about what it looks like in verse 7. See if you can make a list of the things he mentions. How would you explain those things to someone?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has given us Jesus and that we can receive Him by faith. Pray that He would help us to live for Him.
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