Read: Colossians 1:15-16, John 1:1-5
Imagine that you are telling someone the story of creation. In vivid and powerful language you describe the way that God spoke and things came to exist. God simply said the word and light sprang onto the scene. God spoke and the stars and galaxies are flung into space. God speaks and the Earth blinks into existence. Finally, God creates man in His own image, the pinnacle of creation.
Only one question, where is Jesus in all this? What is God the Son up to during the process of creation? Is He off taking a nap somewhere while the Spirit does the hovering and God the Father does the creating? Is He waiting to get involved only after humanity has fallen, begrudgingly getting up of His heavenly throne to roll up His sleeves and clean things up?
This isn’t the picture that the Bible paints at all. In fact, God the Son is right there in the middle of everything, involved in the act of creation. Paul tells us that Jesus is the firstborn over all creation, that by Him, through Him and for Him all things were created. God the Son is right there with the Father, involved in an integral way in the creation of the universe. Everything that is created; light, the stars and galaxies, the Earth and even mankind itself is created by God the Son and through God the Son. That is also John’s point in John 1. God the Son, described here as the Word, made all things and without Him, nothing was made. Everything that exists does so through the creating work of God the Son.
Some groups like the Jehovah’s Witnesses will teach that Jesus was a created being, the first created being. They change their translations of the Bible to say that through Jesus everything else was created. This is not at all what Paul teaches. When he says that Jesus created “things in heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him” he is describing absolutely everything in existence. Everything in the universe that was created was created by Jesus. It is impossible that Jesus is a created being.
But Paul goes even further than that in Colossians 1. Not only was God the Son involved in the work of creation, but everything was created for Him. All of creation, everything that exists, was created for the purpose of bringing glory to God the Son. Even from before creation it was God’s intention that God the Son would become a Man, would live a sinless life on our behalf and would die to take the penalty for our sin and rebellion. Jesus is not only the creator of all things, He is the goal and purpose of all things. God always intended that He be our Saviour and that He be glorified as Saviour and King. This is the purpose of everything, to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ. Let us join with creation as we worship Him as God the Son.
Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Praise God that He is creator of everything. Thank Him that He always intended for Jesus to come and to die as our saviour. Pray that He would give you opportunities to share this news with others today and that He would give you wisdom and courage to take those opportunities.
Jesus isn’t just in the New Testament. In fact, the whole Bible points to Him and is ultimately about Him. Jesus even told us that Himself in Luke 24:27. When you read any part of the Bible think about how it points you to Jesus. You’ll be amazed at what you find out!
1. How does it change our faith if Jesus is merely a created being and not God? Do you think this is important? Why or why not?
2. Imagine you are telling someone the story of how God created the world. How would you adjust your story to include what we learn from Colossians 1:15-16?
Intro: The story of how God created the Earth is one of the most amazing stories in the Bible.
Share: If you can, tell the story of how God created the world without looking at your Bible. Make sure you make it exciting!
Read: Colossians 1:15-16 What was Jesus doing when God was creating the world? What does this mean about who Jesus is? If Jesus created everything then what is He the king of? How would you tell the story of creation differently after you have read this passage?
Pray Together: Praise Jesus that He is the creator and king of all things. Praise Him that He is God. Pray that He would help us to love Him and worship Him.
Read: Colossians 1:15-16 What was Jesus doing when God was creating the world? What does this mean about who Jesus is? If Jesus created everything then what is He the king of? How would you tell the story of creation differently after you have read this passage?
Pray Together: Praise Jesus that He is the creator and king of all things. Praise Him that He is God. Pray that He would help us to love Him and worship Him.
Intro: The story of how God created the Earth is one of the most amazing stories in the Bible.
Share: If you can, tell the story of how God created the world without looking at your Bible. Make sure you make it exciting!
Read: Colossians 1:15-16 What was Jesus doing when God was creating the world? What does this mean about who Jesus is? If Jesus created everything then what is He the king of? How would you tell the story of creation differently after you have read this passage?
Pray Together: Praise Jesus that He is the creator and king of all things. Praise Him that He is God. Pray that He would help us to love Him and worship Him.
Read: Colossians 1:15-16 What was Jesus doing when God was creating the world? What does this mean about who Jesus is? If Jesus created everything then what is He the king of? How would you tell the story of creation differently after you have read this passage?
Pray Together: Praise Jesus that He is the creator and king of all things. Praise Him that He is God. Pray that He would help us to love Him and worship Him.
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