Friday, 21 November 2014

Friday November 21, 2014

Read: Colossians 2:9-10
In many ways we are all searching for a full life. Popular culture tells us we can find a full life in fame or fortune. The business world tells us we can find a full life in success and financial growth. We hope we might be able to find a full life in relationships or children or family. The party scene tells us we can find a full life in alcohol and parties. Advertisements tell us that the full life is found in anything from the car you drive to the product you use to clean your shower. We are all searching for the full life.

This might have been part of the problem in Colossae. Although we don’t know exactly how the gospel was getting murkied by the false teachers we do know that they were telling the Colossian believers to add other teachings, rules and regulations to the gospel. They were confusing them about who Jesus is and convincing them that there was something better, greater and fuller to be found in other things.

These verses blow that theory entirely out of the water. Paul reminds the believers that in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form. God  Himself dwells in Jesus in human, bodily form. Jesus is fully and entirely 100% God. There is nothing better, greater and fuller than God. He is the ultimate. All of this fullness dwells in Jesus.

But it gets better! Notice Paul’s incredibly scandalous words in verse 10: “..and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the Head over every power and authority.” For the believer we have been given fullness in Christ. Think about it. God’s fullness dwells in Christ. Christ dwells in us and we are united with Him (Colossians 1:27). Through Jesus dwelling in us we have all of God’s fullness at work in us.

This ought to absolutely boggle our minds. Jesus Christ dwells in us by His Spirit and through Him we have been given fullness, all of the fullness of God Himself. The same God who is head over every power and authority and rules the universe dwells in us. Of course we must be careful at this point. This does not make us God. We do not become God when Christ dwells in us but we are given fullness in God who dwells in us.

All the other ways that we try to find fullness seem kind of ridiculous once we realise the truth in these verses. Why would we seek fullness in fame or success (which can never really provide fullness anyway) when we already have all the fullness of God given to us. Why would we place our hope for fullness in relationships or parties or products to clean our shower when we already have all the fullness of God given to us through Christ. Why would we or the Colossian believers look to false teaching to find fullness when we have already been given all the fullness of God through Christ.

The Christian doesn’t need to look to all sorts of other things to have a full life. We already have the fullest life we could ever possibly have through Christ. Praise God!

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.

¥ Pray for the youth of your church. Pray that they would not be caught up in all sorts of other ways to try to find fullness in life but that instead they would find their fullness and identity in Christ. Pray that God would be at work in their hearts so that they might grow in love for Him.
 Worship Moment:
All the fullness of the Deity lives in Jesus in bodily form. This makes Him worthy of ultimate praise and worship forever! Think about what you can praise and worship Jesus for today.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What are some of the ‘acceptable’ ways that we look for fullness apart from Christ?
2. What do you think it means that we have been given fullness in Christ?
3. How would you explain this to a new believer?
4. How does it change the way that you live to know that you have fullness in Christ?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Many people collect things that are very rare. People might collect rare coins or stamps or rocks.
Share: Someone you know who collects something rare. What do they collect? Why do you think they collect them?
Read: Colossians 2:9 Jesus is absolutely special and rare. There has never been anyone like Jesus. Paul says that all the fullness of the Deity lives in Jesus. What does this mean? Jesus was fully God. But this doesn’t mean he wasn’t really a person. He was also fully human just like us. Why do you think Jesus became a human?
Pray Together: Thank God that Jesus became a human to die for us. Pray that God would help us grow in love for Him.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Many people collect things that are very rare. People might collect rare coins or stamps or rocks.
Share: Someone you know who collects something rare. What do they collect? Why do you think they collect them?
Read: Colossians 2:9 Jesus is absolutely special and rare. There has never been anyone like Jesus. Paul says that all the fullness of the Deity lives in Jesus. What does this mean? Jesus was fully God. But this doesn’t mean he wasn’t really a person. He was also fully human just like us. Why do you think Jesus became a human?
Pray Together: Thank God that Jesus became a human to die for us. Pray that God would help us grow in love for Him.

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