Read: Colossians 1:25, Acts 9:1-19
If there’s ever a testimony that should give us incredible hope in the gospel, it’s the testimony of Paul. Paul was rescued from the depths of sin so deep that few of us could even imagine and used by God for ministry so amazing that it’s still being spoken about 2,000 years later. Here in Acts 9 we read about the moment when God miraculously intervened in Paul’s life and changed him forever. Let’s have another look at the story together.
Saul (before he was called Paul) was a violent and murderous man. Not only was he violent and murderous, he was violent and murderous towards God’s people. He travelled the ancient world throwing believers in jail, rounding them up and even having them killed. When we meet Saul at the beginning of this account he is still breathing out murderous threats against God’s people. I don’t know about you but I don’t know many people whose past has included persecuting the church and murdering believers.
But something miraculous happens. While Saul is travelling to Damascus to persecute the church Jesus appears to Saul in an incredible vision. This vision renders Saul blind and he has to be helped into the city by his colleagues. God sends Ananias to heal Saul and Saul is filled with the Holy Spirit and is baptised. Through God’s miraculous intervention Saul goes from someone who is killing and persecuting believers to one who willingly suffers for the sake of the gospel. Saul is a totally changed man.
Yet even here, right at the beginning of Saul’s walk with Jesus we see the incredible plans God has for Saul. When God tells Ananias to go to Saul Ananias protests, reminding God (as if He has forgotten) that Saul is a dangerous man who is persecuting the church. God responds by telling Ananias His plans for Saul’s future. Saul is God’s chosen instrument to carry His name and the gospel before the Gentiles, before Gentile Kings and before the people of Israel. God has taken an enemy of the church and will use him as one of the church’s greatest ministers.
This is what Paul is talking about in Colossians 1:25. God gave Paul a commission to present the gospel to the gentiles in all its fullness. He has the mission of proclaiming the gospel across the ancient world.
What hope we can find in God using Paul as His chosen instrument. If God can use Paul for the sake of His kingdom He can surely use us, no matter how terrible our past. In fact, whilst we don’t have the specific commission or miraculous calling that Paul had we too have been commanded by God to preach the gospel to all who would hear. He has graciously saved us from the penalty of our sin, news that we must share with all who would hear. What confidence and encouragement we have knowing that the same God who took a murderer like Paul and used Him to preach the gospel is at work in us.
Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray for those believers around the world who are suffering terrible persecution for their faith. Pray that God would strengthen and encourage them and they would faithfully preach the gospel even in the face of danger
¥ God commands us to pray for our enemies. Pray for those around the world who are persecuting the church and harming believers. Pray that God would miraculously intervene in their lives, bring them to faith in Him and that they might be used powerfully to proclaim the gospel.
Some people you meet will think that their past is too horrible, their sins too great and that they are too broken for God to forgive them and accept them. The story of Paul is powerful proof otherwise. Will you give hope to broken and hurting people.
1. It is encouraging to remember what God has done in our lives. Take time together to share how you became a Christian and how God has shown His grace to you.
2. Share some of the ways that God has worked in your life since you put your faith in Him.
Intro: Our God is so amazing that He can work in absolutely anyone’s life, even people who have done terrible things.
Share: About how God worked in your life to help you know Him.
Read: Acts 9:1-19 (Try to make the story exciting. If you can find the story in a children’s Bible you might like to read it there.) What was Saul like before God worked in His life? (vs 1) What happened? Act the scene out if you want to. What was he like after God worked in His life?
Pray Together: Praise God that He can work in anyone’s life. Thank Him for His love for us. Pray that He would help us share Him with others.
Read: Acts 9:1-19 (Try to make the story exciting. If you can find the story in a children’s Bible you might like to read it there.) What was Saul like before God worked in His life? (vs 1) What happened? Act the scene out if you want to. What was he like after God worked in His life?
Pray Together: Praise God that He can work in anyone’s life. Thank Him for His love for us. Pray that He would help us share Him with others.
Intro: Our God is so amazing that He can work in absolutely anyone’s life, even people who have done terrible things.
Share: About how God worked in your life to help you know Him.
Read: Acts 9:1-19 (Try to make the story exciting. If you can find the story in a children’s Bible you might like to read it there.) What was Saul like before God worked in His life? (vs 1) What happened? Act the scene out if you want to. What was he like after God worked in His life?
Pray Together: Praise God that He can work in anyone’s life. Thank Him for His love for us. Pray that He would help us share Him with others.
Read: Acts 9:1-19 (Try to make the story exciting. If you can find the story in a children’s Bible you might like to read it there.) What was Saul like before God worked in His life? (vs 1) What happened? Act the scene out if you want to. What was he like after God worked in His life?
Pray Together: Praise God that He can work in anyone’s life. Thank Him for His love for us. Pray that He would help us share Him with others.
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