Saturday, 1 November 2014

Saturday November 1, 2014

Genesis 2:2-3
Did you know God rests? It seems like a crazy idea. Why would God the Father, the all powerful creator and ruler of the universe, choose to take a break? Surely He doesn’t get tired like we do. And yet here, at the very beginning of the Bible and the very beginning of time God takes a break. He has just spent six very busy days speaking into being the universe in all it’s splendour. He has shaped the sky and land, He has created plants and animals and to top it all off He has fashioned a creature in His own image: Man. And after His work is finished He rests on the seventh day. Why? Not because God needs to rest, but because we need to rest. God rested to provide an example and illustration to us.

Over the next couple of months we will be spending our Saturdays looking at God’s command for us to rest. This seventh day of rest was called the Sabbath in the Old Testament and fell on a Saturday. In the New Testament we rest on the Lord’s Day, Sonday, to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. We practice the rest that God commands on a Sonday instead of a Saturday. But why? Why should we as Christians rest? Wasn’t this abolished or something? What should this look like for us? Over the coming weeks we will answer all of these questions but we must begin all the way back at the beginning, at God resting after creation.

This is the basis of the principle of rest that God has established. Right from the beginning He created mankind to work six days and to rest one. He established this pattern in creation right from the beginning. This day is set aside to be holy, spent resting from normal work and engaging in worship of the creator God who made all things.

God established this principle even before the fall. Sin had not yet entered the world. There was no curse yet. Mankind was still in perfect relationship with God without any effects of sin dragging them down. Yet even then God saw fit for them to rest and to engage in intentional worship for one day a week. The need for rest and worship does not stem from the fall or from sin. It is a need that God has built into mankind from the very beginning.

Some groups will teach that the concept of Sabbath rest is an institution from the law of Moses and as Christians in the New Covenant we are freed from the obligation to rest. But here at creation we see that God rests as an example to mankind thousands of years before the law is given to Moses. Here, before the fall God provides an example not only to the nation or Israel, not only to Adam and Eve, but to all mankind. God has created mankind to operate in this way.

This must cause us to pause and examine ourselves. If God  commanded and demonstrated a principle of rest and worship even at creation then that principle applies to us today. Are we serious about setting aside one day in seven to rest and to worship God? Do we take seriously the command of our creator God?

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray
¥ Thank God for His demonstration of rest even at creation. Thank God that we can gather together as His people tomorrow for rest and worship and to grow in relationship with Him. Pray that in your church tomorrow the word would be faithfully preached, that people would be challenged and encouraged and that the fellowship would be rich.
 Walk Moment:
God instituted the principle of rest and worship not for His sake but for the sake of mankind. Being serious about this is essential in order to live in the way that God intended His people to live and to grow in relationship with Him.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What sort of things have you heard about how the Sabbath relates to Christians?
2. What questions do you have about the Sabbath? Write them down as a group to see if they are answered over the coming weeks.
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Sometimes it’s great to take a break! Have you ever been doing something for a long time until you were totally worn out?
Share: A time when you were totally worn out and needed a rest. How did it feel when you did get to rest?
Read: Genesis 2:2-3 Did you know even God rested? Why do you think God rested? God was showing us that we need to spend one day a week to rest and to worship Him. What day do we do that on? What do you think we should do on that day to rest and worship God?
Pray Together: Thank God that He showed us how we need to rest. Pray that He would help us worship Him.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Sometimes it’s great to take a break! Have you ever been doing something for a long time until you were totally worn out?
Share: A time when you were totally worn out and needed a rest. How did it feel when you did get to rest?
Read: Genesis 2:2-3 Did you know even God rested? Why do you think God rested? God was showing us that we need to spend one day a week to rest and to worship Him. What day do we do that on? What do you think we should do on that day to rest and worship God?
Pray Together: Thank God that He showed us how we need to rest. Pray that He would help us worship Him.

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