Read Romans 4:13-17
In Genesis 12 Abram, later to be called Abraham, is given the promise that he would be greatly blessed. He will become the father of many nations. Up to that time, no mention is made of Abraham, short of a genealogy. We have no record of Abram’s good deeds or his perfect lifestyle up to that point. When God made this promise to Abraham it was not because he had kept the Law, or sorted out his affairs to the point of being useful to God and His purposes. Abraham had done nothing to merit the promise given to him. The promise was given by grace and was received by faith.
In fact, Paul stresses that if those who live by the law are heirs to the promise then the promise itself is worthless and faith has no point. The point of the law was to bring wrath or at least a knowledge of wrath. Law makes us conscious of sin and drives us to the God of grace to find mercy against the law.
If, however, the promise came by Law it could not be guaranteed to any except those who have a remarkable ability to keep the Law to the letter. In reality, this means that very few, if any, individuals would receive the promise. None of us can live up to the standard of the Law of God. If the promise came by Law, heaven would be empty as none of us could ever earn or work hard enough to deserve the promise.
In contrast, Paul teaches that the promise comes by faith and is by grace to all who believe and is thus able to be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring - both Jews and Gentiles. If the promise is by grace then all peoples sinners and saints alike can come to God with empty hands to receive the promise as a gift. Only grace can open the pathway to God for sinners who cannot meet the stringent requirements of the Law.
As we think about the promise coming by grace we realise how life changing it really is. A wayward son can come back to God. A pregnant, unmarried daughter can reconnect with God. A violent husband can receive the promise of God. A broken prostitute can find that promise. A habitual offender can receive the promise. A saint stained by habitual sin can reclaim that promise. Since the promise comes by grace it can be received by anyone, even those who cannot keep the Law of God in their own strength. Since the promise comes by grace it creates hope for everyone.
Given today’s reading jot down your own prayer points:
¥ There are many teenagers from Christian homes who have walked away from the Lord and the faith. Pray that God would reach out to these people and draw them back to Himself. Pray that the parents and the siblings would live in the hope that grace creates.
¥ Pray that God’s Grace would change the lives of everyone in your congregation and would cause a revolution in love and forgiveness. Pray that reconciliation would happen in previously broken relationships.
Witness Moment:
The world is confused by the number of denominations we have. They see it as division and don’t want a bar of that kind of separation.
Unity draws people to Christ simply because it’s another side of loving each other as Christ loved us.
1. What is Christian unity and why is it important?
2. What is the difference between tolerance and genuine biblical unity?
3. How can a congregation work towards unity?
4. How can the various churches in a city work towards unity?
Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: The church is described by God as a body. Just as all of the parts of the body have a role, so too everyone in the church has a role. No one is to be inactive at church.
Share what you think is your role in the church and how you fulfil that role.
Read: Romans 12:4-8.
What are some of the jobs that God describes here?
What are some things that younger girls might be able to do at church?
Which ones do you think you would be good at or would like to try?
How can you move forward in getting involved in these things?
Pray for your church that every member is actively involved and is using their gifts to serve others and to glorify God.
Intro: The church is described by God as a body. Just as all of the parts of the body have a role, so too everyone in the church has a role. Imagine trying to play football with a blindfold on or with your legs tied together!
Share what you think is your role in the church and how you fulfil that role.
Read: Romans 12:4-8.
What are some of the jobs that God describes here?
What are some things that younger boys might be able to do at church?
Which ones do you think you would be good at or would like to try?
How can you move forward in getting involved in these things?
Pray for your church that every member is actively involved and is using their gifts to serve others and to glorify God.
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