Read Romans 4:18-22
Most of us tend to feel justified when we sin because we’ve been hurt or let down. The unfulfilled wife feels justified in harbouring hatred and unforgiveness towards her husband. The disgruntled employee feels justified in gossiping and spreading rumours about his boss. The dumped teenager feels justified in slandering his ex girlfriend. When we feel hurt or let down we justify our sinful reaction and feel that it was appropriate.
Living by faith means reversing this concept. It means choosing to live in hope and continuing to reach out in love. A life of faith can never justify sinful reactions. Abraham had every reason to feel abandoned and cheated by God. As a young man he was promised as many descendants as there are stars in the sky. By the time he’d reached his mid nineties he had no children, not even one son! Even so we read in verse 18 that he believed in hope. He was not weakened in his faith even though his body as good as dead. He didn’t waiver through unbelief and even gave glory to God. Abraham was convinced that God could do as He promised and he lived in the light of that promise.
Do you and I live by faith in God’s promises? It’s easy to say ‘Yes’ when life is going well but when life doesn’t go our way or the way we expected, do we live by faith? Do we give glory to God and live in hope when our marriage isn’t working? Do we glorify God and trust in Him when work fails us or when money is in short supply? Do we glorify God and walk forward in hope when relationships turn sour or when our friends let us down? Do we know that God has the power to do as He promised even when friends betray us?
Walking by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7) is a day by day Spirit empowered reality for the believer. Each and every day the believer must choose to walk by faith and not by sight. That means we refuse to let the world or the situation we are in determine how we act or speak or respond. We choose to act or speak or respond in ways that bring glory to God and resonate with the faith we claim to have.
The words written for Abraham were intended for us. We read in verse 23-25.
The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.
Given today’s reading jot down your own prayer points:
¥ Pray that our youth group members would grow in faith and love as they gather and worship together. Pray that the youth group would grow in number and depth of faith.
¥ Pray that the musicians and singers and “worship leader” for this Sonday would be greatly filled with the Spirit and equipped to strengthen our hearts by grace. Pray that through their ministry we would be encouraged to live by faith and not by sight.
Walk Moment:
We are told in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that we live by faith and not sight. That means we do not let circumstance determine our actions or words. We let God determine them and walk His way regardless of the road we are on.
1. As you consider the life of Abraham, in what ways did he live by faith?
2. In what ways did he believe God?
3. In what way does grace change
· the way husband and wife relate?
· the way siblings relate?
· the way a Christian relates to an enemy?
· the way a Christian relates to another believer?
Intro: Juliana is a horrible girl in many ways. She hits people, swears a lot and never ever shares her stuff with others.
Share namelessly about people you have known in the past like Juliana. Share your thoughts about that person and how you interacted with them.
Read: Romans 5:8
Does God wait for a person to sort their life out before he saves them?
Should we wait for Juliana to become a nice person before we tell her about Jesus’ love for her?
What makes us different to Juliana?
Pray for the people in your life who aren’t nice people. Pray that God would melt their hearts and bring them to Jesus in repentance and faith.
Intro: Jackson is the schoolyard bully. He hits people, throws balls at people and never plays handball fairly. He is rude and often stomps off because he doesn’t get his own way.
Share namelessly about people you have known in the past like Juliana. Share your thoughts about that person and how you interacted with them.
Read: Romans 5:8
Does God wait for a person to sort their life out before he saves them?
Should we wait for Juliana to become a nice person before we tell her about Jesus’ love for her?
In what ways are we different to Jackson?
Pray for the people in your life who aren’t nice people. Pray that God would melt their hearts and bring them to Jesus in repentance and faith.
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