Saturday, 7 June 2014

Saturday June 7, 2014

Read Romans 3:27-31

It’s very easy as a Christian to look down our noses at others in the world and to think that we are better than them or that we were never as bad as they are now. It’s very easy to stereo type people and to think that he or she will never accept the gospel anyway. It’s very easy to think that God made the right choice in choosing to save us or that if we were God we’d choose people like ourselves as well.

While we may not ever verbalise these thoughts, they are, at their root level, a form of boasting. They arise from a heart of pride and are an abomination to the Lord.  The Jews were proud of their inheritance and began to boast in their Law keeping. They grew into looking down their noses at the Gentiles (ie Non-Jews) and automatically excluded them from the covenant made with God. The Jews grew into thinking that being Jewish was all that mattered and even in the Christian church some may have boasted in their Law keeping and their observances (see Romans 10:30-32). We know that many were advocating that Christians were required to keep the Law of Moses and others were saying that salvation without keeping the Law of Moses was impossible.

Faith, we are told, excludes boasting. If both you and I are saved by faith then I am no better than you. You are no better than me. Faith puts us all on the same playing field. We have both missed the target and we both need Jesus to save us. Faith is the great equaliser.

In fact, it’s very hard to boast about one’s own goodness when you remember what Jesus suffered at the cross. When you ponder His suffering and sacrifice pride and boasting are replaced with humility and love.

Even more so, faith doesn’t lead to a nullifying of the law or an ignoring of it. If we live by faith we uphold the law. Since we understand what Jesus suffered in our place and that we drove Him to the cross we live a life that conforms to the deeper and higher requirements of the law (hence see the Sermon on the Mount). We live that life because we love Him in return for loving us. Our life becomes a sacrifice of love and praise to the one who loved us with His very life. We know what that life looks like because the law shows us the heart of God and the desires of God.

To overcome the ease of looking down at others we need to look more intently and more consistently at the cross upon which our Saviour died and we need to continually realise that our sin, our rebellion, our hatred and unwillingness to forgive drove Him there.

Given today’s reading jot down your own prayer points:



¥ Pray that you and your fellow believers would be ready and prepared to meet with God tomorrow and that you would worship God with reverence and awe, acceptably in Spirit and in truth. Pray that you and your fellow believers would love God with your heart, soul, mind and strength.
¥ Pray that God would bless your time of worship this Sonday and be powerfully active among your congregation. Pray for a strengthening of all believers, a growth in numbers and a growth in giving.

 Witness Moment:
 The most effective witness happens when you approach people with love rather than looking down at them as desperate people who need your intervention.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What forms of Christian boasting (even the subtle ones) have you witnessed?
2. What can a Christian do if he or she sees boasting in his or her church?
3. If a person said to you, “I live by faith! The law  has no place in my life!’ how do you respond biblically?

Discipleship Moment For Girls

Intro: Sometimes we can like a person, even love that person, but dislike some thing about them. Can you think about a person you know in this situation?

Share: about someone in your own life who you love but about whom you find things you don’t like.

Read: Psalm 139
What does God know about you?
What does God dislike about you?
How much does God love you?
How has He shown that He loves you?

Pray that you will grow in your understanding and appreciation of God’s love and in your love for Him.

Discipleship Moment For Boys

Intro: Sometimes we can like a person, even love that person, but dislike some thing about them. Can you think about a person you know in this situation?

Share: about someone in your own life who you love but about whom you find things you don’t like.

Read: Psalm 139
What does God know about you?
What does God dislike about you?
How much does God love you?
How has He shown that He loves you?

Pray that you will grow in your understanding and appreciation of God’s love and in your love for Him.

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