Read Romans 5:18-19
I can think of no teaching with greater and more abominable implications than that of universalism. This theory argues that Christ died for the sins of the world and thus all humanity will eventually be saved without the need to repent and believe in Christ Jesus. It is, at its base, antagonistic to the teaching of the Scriptures about condemnation and judgement.
From a human perspective this theory should make us sick to the stomach. Consider the crimes that have been committed, even in just our own life time. We read regularly of rape, child abuse, murder and even genocide. The theory of universalism posits that these people are heaven bound without repentance and faith in Jesus. If we add to our list of crimes the horrors of Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia and Maoist China we see the abomination of this theory.
Biblically speaking we can also easily see the absurdity of universalism. If God intends to save all people regardless of their repentance and faith in Jesus then God proves Himself to be a liar (because he has said that we must believe in Jesus to be saved) - a condition which is impossible. Hence the foregoing conclusion is that the Bible is neither infallible nor inerrant!
Consider just one simple example. We read in John 3:16 that any one who believes in Jesus shall not perish but have eternal life. If universalism is true then Jesus’ words here are not true. No one will perish (as all are saved) and there is no need to believe because everyone is saved! If Jesus’ original words are not true then either Jesus or the Bible lied. If Jesus lied then He could not complete the work of atonement at the cross because such a substitute had to be perfect. We would still be in our sins and headed for condemnation which, according to universalism is a non possibility so we have a self contradicting and self destructing world view/interpretation.
If the Bible is incorrect at this point then the Scriptures are neither infallible nor inerrant. You have no certain way of knowing which other bits of Scripture are true or not. Hence with errors in Scripture we have no way of knowing wether or not Jesus died for our sins and we are still in sin, under condemnation. The same self destructing self contradiction result applies.
Romans 5:18-19 cannot and should not be used to defend universalism. The verse is continuing the comparison between Adam’s sin and Christ’s righteousness.
Rather than talk about universal salvation we need to differentiate and talk about the universal offer of salvation. The Church, because of Christ’s atoning work, offers salvation to all and sundry without discrimination. Salvation through repentance and faith in Christ is preached to all. Those who believe in Christ are granted eternal salvation. The others are judged and condemned.
God will not let evil and wickedness reign. He will not punish all who continue in evil and who reject the reign of Christ in their lives. Justice will reign supreme.
Use the bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray that the truth will be faithfully taught this Sonday in your church.
¥ Pray that God would use you to grow your church.
Witness Moment:
Our job is tell people about Jesus and to invite them into the kingdom. They have to make up their own minds. Unlike so many other religions we do not force people to convert.
We leave that to our God!
1. What would a church that believes in universalism look like?
2. What would a church that does NOT believe in universalism look like?
Intro: Sharing about Jesus with non believers can be scary and difficult. We fear many things about it.
What things do you fear about sharing your faith?
Discuss the things in the past that have stopped you from sharing Jesus with others.
Read Acts 2:40-47
What do you learn about evangelism in this passage?
What is God’s role?
What is your role?
Pray together that you would have opportunities to share your faith.
Intro: Sharing about Jesus with non believers can be scary and difficult. We fear many things about it.
What things do you fear about sharing your faith?
Discuss the things in the past that have stopped you from sharing Jesus with others.
Read Acts 2:40-47
What do you learn about evangelism in this passage?
What is God’s role?
What is your role?
Pray together that you would have opportunities to share your faith.
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