Friday, 6 June 2014

Friday June 6, 2014

Read Romans 3:26

Have you ever wondered why Jesus had to die such a painful and horrible death? Couldn’t He just have died of old age? Either way He died right? Roman crucifixion was the cruellest form of punishment and was designed to exact maximum pain upon the criminal. It’s reported in history that the flogging that preceded crucifixion often killed people. The broken bone/glass or lead in the whip ends could tear out the entrails of the criminal and leave him dead at the post. Crucifixion was so bad that it wasn’t spoken of in polite company and was the stuff of graffiti around the city.  Why did Jesus have to suffer so much? Why did He have to endure such a horrid death?
To help arrive at the answer consider a judge before whom stands a notorious criminal. The case has been run and evidence has been presented that proves beyond a measure of doubt that this man is guilty. The evidence is clear that he deserves to be punished. But the judge simply drops the case and lets him go free. That judge would face a barrage of criticism and accusations of unjustness could well be levelled against him.

God, in contrast to that judge, is perfectly just and will allow no accusation to be levelled against Himself. The evidence presented at the heavenly court (ie our lives) proves that we all deserve punishment. God, in being just, could not simply let us go free. In sending Jesus to die on the cross He justly and fairly deals with our sins. We are not set free at the whim of a judge. We are set free because the penalty has been completely and justly paid.

Why does the penalty have to be so harsh? It’s because our sin is not against an ordinary person. Our sin is against a perfectly holy and perfectly righteous God.  All sin against this holy and righteous God deserves punishment.

By sending His only Son Jesus into the world to be punished as our substitute God proved Himself to be a just God. The full sentence of the law has been metered out. No sin has been left unpunished. Added to this, God is the one who justifies the guilty.  For those who accept the offer from God, God grants justification.  This is a legal term meaning that our crime has been paid for in full and no further punishment is to be metered out for the crime. Even more so, it is wiped from our record and our slate is completely clean. God is willing to justify all those who come to Him and place their faith in Jesus Christ.

God never lets a guilty sinner simply walk free. He asks that person if he is willing to accept full payment for his crime by His Son Jesus. God grants justification to everyone who says ‘yes’ to that offer. Have you said ‘Yes’ to that offer?
Given today’s reading jot down your own prayer points:



¥ Ask the Lord to work powerfully in your church this weekend bringing many people to the point of receiving the justification he offers through Jesus Christ. Pray that the believers will be strengthened in their faith and emboldened in their readiness to take that offer of justification into their respective worlds.
¥ As the youth group meets tonight, pray that each person would clearly understand what it means to be justified by faith in Jesus’ blood. Pray that those who are not yet in relationship with God are granted repentance and faith in Jesus.
 Walk Moment:
 A life of holiness grows as we realise the horror of our sin and the measure to which Jesus suffered to pay for our sin and to set us free from it. As we grow in that understanding and appreciation it gets harder and harder to sin wilfully.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. How can you tell if you are justified by faith in Jesus’ blood?
2. What should a person do if they think that they aren’t yet justified by God’s grace?
3. How do good works and justification sit together?

 Discipleship Moment For Girls

Intro: Julie and Jasmine were friends until Julie stole a pen from Jasmine’s bag. She really liked the pen and knew that her mum and dad would never buy her such a nice pen. Jasmine found out and when Julie was confronted she confessed and asked for forgiveness.

Share: is possible, a time when you found it hard to forgive someone.

Read: Colossians 3:13
What does Col 3:13 command Jasmine to do?
What does it look like to completely forgive someone?
What should the relationship look like after Jasmine forgives Julie?
Should we offer forgiveness to our friends only or to all people? Explain your answer with reference to Christ.

Pray: that you will grow in your ability to truly forgive others as Christ has forgiven you.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys

Intro: Jake and Shaun had a fight at school over something Jake said. After the fight, Jake said he was sorry for what he said.  Shaun, however, was still really really really angry.

Share: is possible, a time when you found it hard to forgive someone.

Read: Colossians 3:13
What does Col 3:13 command Shaun to do?
What does it look like to completely forgive someone?
What should the relationship look like after Shaun forgives Jake?
Should we offer forgiveness to our friends only or to all people? Explain your answer with reference to Christ.

Pray: that you will grow in your ability to truly forgive others as Christ has forgiven you.

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