Coming Up: Sonday July 6, 2014
Psalm 1
It doesn't take much imagination to picture the effects of a drought on trees and other plants. For many of us, especially those in Australia, this picture is all too familiar after years of drought. Imagine a tree without water. It cannot flower or bear fruit. Gradually healthy green leaves turn brown, shrivel up and fall off the tree. Given long enough without water the tree will die completely.
In Psalm 1 the Psalmist employs this metaphor powerfully to vividly contrast the life of the wise person and the life of the foolish person. The foolish or wicked person is like the tree without water, they cannot bear fruit, they wither and ultimately die. On the other hand the wise person is like a tree planted by a stream of running water. They are constantly being nourished and fed by fresh water. As a result their lives are fruitful and they prosper rather than withering and dying.
When the Psalmist writes about wisdom and foolishness he is not talking about wisdom and foolishness in the way that we think of it. It's not about smart and dumb or knowing what is right from what is wrong. When the Old Testament talks about the wise and the foolish it is talking about those who are in relationship with God and those who are not. Those who do right because they know God and live for Him as opposed to those who do not live for Him and do only evil. One person has a rich and living relationship with God, the other does not.
What is the difference between these lives? The life of the wise man is a life soaked in God's Law. We see this in verse 2: "But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law he meditates day and night." For the wise man God's law is a constant and refreshing source of life.
The idea is not that we must somehow work our way into relationship with God by delighting in and meditating on His word. That would be works righteousness. The Psalmist is writing to God’s people, to those who have already come into relationship with God because of God’s grace and mercy. Rather, the idea is that those who have that relationship with God will delight in and meditate on His word. Those who are wise and who are in relationship with Him cannot help but desire and feed on the words of God.
As we study this Psalm in detail this week spend time to actively meditate on God’s word and to cultivate a deep delight for all that He says to us. Sink the roots of your heart deep into the fresh, living stream of God's word and allow the spirit to work in you in a new way. Let the words of the living God change you and grow you so that you might bear fruit this week.
Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray that God would work in your heart and the hearts of all those in the church to stir up a deep delight and passion for the word of God. Pray that He would help you to meditate on it day and night and grow in your love for Him and for His people.
¥ Pray for those families that are on school holidays at the moment. Pray that this time would be at time of rest and recovery for both children and parents. Pray that through their time together that the family might grow closer and grow in love for one another.
Those who are in relationship with God find nourishment and life in the stream of fresh water that is His word. Do you set aside time to feed from it? Do you nourish yourself from God’s word? Don’t neglect time to feed on His word.
1. If you are comfortable, share with the group about your quiet times. If you are having trouble it’s okay to share it and ask for prayer.
2. How could you encourage one another in this area?
3. How can you make an effort this week to meditate on God’s word?
Intro: People need water. When we are thirsty after running around or because it is hot, we all need water.
Share: A time when you have been super thirsty for some water. How did it feel when you finally had a drink?
Read: Psalm 1:1-3. The Psalmist talks about the Bible like a stream of fresh water. Trees need water to grow and survive just like people need the Bible to grow in relationship with God. What does it mean to delight in the Bible? (vs 2) How can you make sure that you are getting fed from the Bible?
Pray Together: Pray that God would help you to read and to understand His word. Pray that He would help you to put it into practice.
Intro: People need water. When we are thirsty after a big game or because it is hot, we all need water.
Share: A time when you have been super thirsty for some water. How did it feel when you finally had a drink?
Read: Psalm 1:1-3. The Psalmist talks about the Bible like a stream of fresh water. Trees need water to grow and survive just like people need the Bible to grow in relationship with God. What does it mean to delight in the Bible? (vs 2) How can you make sure that you are getting fed from the Bible?
Pray Together: Pray that God would help you to read and to understand His word. Pray that He would help you to put it into practice.