Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Read: Colossians 1:15-17, John 1:1-5, Hebrews 1:1-4
Jesus is Creator

Few things reveal the incredible and awesome power of our God in such a tangible way as the wonders of creation. Have you ever stood on a mountain and marvelled at the sheer size of what God has shaped? Have you ever been rendered speechless by the seemly endless palette of colours in a sunset? Have you ever paused to look at the intricacies and minute detail on the leaves of a tree? Have you wondered at the night's sky? Have you been awed as you consider the sheer scale of the universe? Have you admired the form and intricate design of the human body? Enjoyed the soothing tones of sweet music? Had your nose tickled by a vast array of wonderful smells? We could keep going forever listing those things in creation that reveal the incredible creative power of our infinite God.

Have you ever paused to consider the role that God the Son played in creation? We have seen already that God the Son is God but we see also in Scripture that God the Son is creator. In Colossians 1:15-20, one of the most incredible passages in Scripture about God the Son, Paul tells us that all things were created by God the Son and for God the Son. Paul couldn't be clearer. In case we would be tempted to leave something out of this (like the Jehovah's witnesses do) Paul gives us a remarkably comprehensive description of what things were created by God the Son: "Things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him."

The apostle John confirms this in John 1:3. God the Son was involved with the creation of everything. By implication this means that God the Son could not possibly be a created being. Everything was created through Him and nothing was created without Him. This would not make sense if He Himself was created first.

The writer of Hebrews gives us a little more detail on what it means that all things were created through God the Son. In writing about God the Father in Hebrews 1:2 the author writes: "But in these last days He [God the Father] has spoken to us by His Son [God the Son], whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe."
Both God the Father and God the Son are involved intimately in the creation of the universe. God the Father created the universe (all things as we read in Colossians 2 and John 1) through God the Son. Both were totally involved.

What does all this mean for us? So what, that God the Son is also Creator? The writer of Hebrews makes the implication clear: God the Son is superior even to the angels. In fact, as we learn from other passages, God the Son is superior to all of creation. He is God, creator and sustainer of the universe, worthy of all honour, praise, glory and worship. How does this perspective of God the Son change the way that we worship? We are not merely serving Jesus, meek and mild baby in a manger. We are serving the all powerful creator God of the universe - the one who was involved in the creation of all things. Who sustains and rules all things. We serve the all powerful God! Spend some time praising Him now as the creator God.

Worship Moment
It is good to be accurate in the way that we pray and the way that we praise our God. Make an effort today to praise Jesus for who He is as creator, sustainer, ruler, redeemer, king and judge. Can you think of any other roles of the God the Son that you can praise Him for today?

Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
  1. How should an understanding of God the Son as creator change your personal prayer and worship times? How can you incorporate this understanding into those times?
  2. How do you think an understanding of God the Son as creator could be incorporated into our corporate worship times as a church?

Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.




  • Praise God the Son as the creator of all things. Praise Him for the things that He has made. Praise Him that He is creative and has shaped something so beautiful. Take a moment today to notice creation around you and to praise Him as creator.
  • Pray for the elders in your church as they seek to lead and guide the congregation in their relationship with God. Pray that God would give them wisdom and understanding as they seek to lead. Pray that they would be loving and have a deep and sincere care for the congregation. Pray that they would be encouraged and would persist in their difficult and important work.

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