There are not many issues that have caused so much contention, disagreement and debate amongst Christians as the issue of spiritual gifts. On one extreme there are many churches who teach that if God is not working regularly in the church through the overtly miraculous gifts then God is not active and working in that church at all. These groups are always looking for the obvious and extreme examples of the Spirit working. Such churches tend to look down on major denominations and deny any involvement of the Spirit in churches there.
On the other hand, many major denominations and Christian churches tend to the other extreme. Rather than respond with a healthy, biblical view of spiritual gifts some churches tend to minimise and deny the involvement of the Spirit in the church. Such churches, rightly disagreeing with the extreme focus on the miraculous, will deny the miraculous
altogether and deny the work of the Holy Spirit in the church.
Both extremes are far from the teaching of the Bible on spiritual gifts. While it would take a whole week of studies to completely understand this area, these two passages from Paul’s letters to the churches in Corinth and Ephesus will help us to get a biblical overview of spiritual gifts.
Firstly, each and every believer receives a gift. In 1 Corinthians 12, verse 7 Paul says that to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given. There aren’t some better Christians who receive gifts and others who do not. It’s not the haves and the have-nots of spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit gives a spiritual gift (or gifts) to each believer. These gifts are not always miraculous. In fact, right alongside gifts like healings and prophesy, Paul lists gifts like faith, wisdom and even the gift of administration (vs 28). These gifts are not something that a believer can take credit for, as if they did something to earn the gift. Instead, Paul makes it clear that they are a gift and a work of God (vs 4-6).
Even more importantly than this, however, is the reason that God has given us spiritual gifts. Some churches will teach that God gives spiritual gifts so that believers can live powerful and effective lives. They might also teach that these gifts are given primarily to grow a persons relationship with God and bring them greater joy. These things might happen but they are not the main reason God gives spiritual gifts to believers. Paul makes this clear in verse 7: ”Now to each one the manifestation of the spirit is given for the common good.” In Ephesians 4:12 Paul reiterates this when he writes that spiritual gifts were given to believers “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”
Spiritual gifts are given by God for the good of all believers. They are given for the growth and encouragement of the church and for the growth of the kingdom through evangelism. They are not given for the good, joy and pleasure of the individual. They are given for the common good of all believers.
How about you? If you have faith in Christ then you too have been given spiritual gifts for the common good and for the growth of the church. You have gifts that can be used to build up other believers, to grow the church and the increase the Kingdom. You have been given gifts for the sake of others. Are you using those gifts for the common good? Are you involved and contributing towards others with your gifts. You gifts are not for you, they are for others. Are you using them?
Walk Moment
Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? See if you can write a list. If you don't know what your gifts are, there are many things that can help you. Pray that God would show you where He has gifted you, talk to other mature believers about what gifts they see in you, even consider taking one of the many surveys available to assist you. (Check out one here: http:// Congregations-and-Synods/Faith- Practices/Assessment-Tools)
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
- Share your spiritual gifts with each other if you know them.
- What ways can each of you use your spiritual gifts in your church? Think about what areas need help and how you might be able to serve.
- How can you encourage one another in this area of service?
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
- Praise God that He has gifted individuals for the growth and encouragement of the church.Pray that He might give you wisdom and understanding as to how best use your giftings for the sake of others. Pray that others in the church would also seek to use their gifts for others.
- Pray for the gathering of believers tomorrow in your church. Pray that God's Word would be rightly and powerfully preached. Pray that believers would be encouraged and grow in the love for each other and their love for the Lord.
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