If there was ever a moment when God would have given up on creation, this was it. God had created for mankind an incredible and wonderful world. Everything was good. There was no evil, no sickness and no suffering. He placed mankind into this world and He walked closely with them, in intimate and perfect relationship. Everything was very good.
God gave Adam and Eve eternal life in the garden with only one prohibition, one thing that they were not to do if they were to remain in relationship with Him and in that perfect state. That prohibition was that they do not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or they would surely die.
What did they go and do? In a way which has become typical of mankind they rejected God and ate of the tree. In a terrible act of rebellion and defiance against the almighty God they did the one thing which was prohibited for them to do.
We read in Genesis that after Adam and Eve had sinned they hear God walking in the garden, calling out for them. Afraid of how God will respond to their act of defiance they hide themselves in fear. Imagine the scene. Adam and Eve have defied the living God and now He is coming in the garden. They are about to be face to face with the one that they have rebelled against. They tremble in fear as they anticipate what will happen. How will God respond to such a terrible thing that they have done? Will He kill them outright? Will they suffer some kind of terrible punishment? What will God do?
If there was ever a moment when it would seem fit for God to totally reject His creation and choose to never again be involved this was it. He had created a paradise and His people had responded by turning against Him. They had responded to His rule with rebellion. They had responded to His love with disinterest. They had responded to His kindness with disobedience. They had responded to His abundant provision with dissatisfaction.
How does God respond to this terrible sin? After confronting Adam and Eve about their sin He dishes out His just yet gracious punishment. The curse is a terrible act of justice. God deems that mankind and the Earth shall live with the results of the fall. But even here, in God’s just punishment for sin, God confirms His commitment to mankind and to creation and promises that He will work to undo the terrible results of sin. In verse 15 God promises that He will send a seed of the woman who will crush the serpents head. This is the way that He will deal with sin and how He will be involved in His creation forever.
God did not abandon creation as the Deists would say. Even after mankind rebelled He graciously committed to work in creation to bring about redemption and rescue from sin. God is not uninvolved. God did not see the terrible things that were happening and abandon His creation, God is intimately involved in all that happens. Praise God that He did not abandon us but loved us enough to be involved!
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
There are hundreds of moments in the Old Testament that point forward to Christ like this moment in Genesis.
- What other moments like this can you think of?
- Imagine that you are talking with someone who says that nothing in the Old Testament actually talks about Christ. How would you explain each of these moments to them?
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
- Praise God for His grace and love towards mankind that He would choose to stay involved despite man's horrible rejection of Him and rebellion against Him. Thank Him that He is involved and active in your life despite your sin against Him. Thank Him that He is working to bring about a reversal of the effects of sin and a redemption for His people.
- Pray for all those in your congregation who are currently sick or unwell. Pray that God would strengthen and encourage them. Pray that God's healing hand would be upon them. Pray that the church would encourage and serve them well during this time.
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