Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Read: Genesis 1:1-2, 1 Samuel 16:1-13

C.S. Lewis coined the term chronological snobbery to describe the belief that thinking, science, art and even people of the current time are inherently superior to those of a previous time. Put simply, we fall into the trap of chronological snobbery when we think that everyone who lived before our time was stupid and we are smart. We fall into it when we think that people of the past were unsophisticated or uninterested and we are sophisticated and superior. This is mistaken and arrogant thinking that should be avoided.

As Christian's we sometimes fall into chronological snobbery regarding the work of the Holy Spirit. From our superior vantage point of the New Testament age and the benefits of the New Covenant we look back on the people and times of the prior ages with derision. We tend to think, sometimes subconsciously, that God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit are doing something incredible now whereas before they were inactive or uninvolved. We count it a great privilege to live in the age that we do (as we should) but in doing so we can disregard the work of God in the past.

The truth is much more amazing. The Holy Spirit was not simply waiting in the wings until the New Testament times so that He could swoop in and get to work. In fact, the Holy Spirit has been active and involved in His people ever since the beginning of time. His work is not limited to the New Testament ages, although His work has taken different forms. He has always been deeply involved in the work of redeeming God's people.

We cannot read the Old Testament without seeing this work. Before we have even read 30 words we encounter the work and involvement of the Spirit. Here in Genesis 1:2 we read that the Spirit was involved even right at the beginning in the work of creation.

As we continue reading the Biblical account we see time and time again that the Holy Spirit is involved in the work of redeeming God's people. This involvement certainly takes a different form to what we see and experience in the New Testament age. In the Old Testament the work of the spirit is mainly in empowering key individuals for key moments in history.

We see this in the book of Judges where we are told that the Spirit of the Lord comes in power upon both Gideon (Judges 6) and Samson (Judges 13-16). In the same way both Saul (1 Samuel 10:10) and David (1 Samuel 16:13) receive the spirit of the Lord to enable and empower them to do the work that God has prepared for them although the Spirit is later taken from Saul because of his disobedience (1 Samuel 16:14). Later, we read of prophets like Isaiah (Isaiah 61:1) and Ezekiel (Ezekiel 11:5) upon whom the Spirit of the Lord comes with power to empower them for their ministry.

Ever since the very beginning of history the Holy Spirit has been at work amongst God's people. In the Old Testament the power of the Holy Spirit was something special given to few for the sake of God's great purpose. We are extremely privileged to live in an age where that special blessing of the Holy Spirit is given to each and every believer through the work of Jesus Christ.

We must also remember that just as the Holy Spirit was given for a purpose and a mission in the Old Testament we are given a purpose and a mission by Jesus. We are not given the Spirit merely for our own good but to equip and enable us to serve each other and to share the good news of Jesus Christ. How will you carry out that mission today?

Witness Moment
Each and every believer is given the power of the Holy Spirit to equip and enable us to do the work of ministry and to share Christ with others who haven't heard about Him. Each day this week pray that God would give you opportunities to share your faith with your co-workers, your family, your friends or whoever you come into contact with. Pray that He would give your courage and wisdom to take advantage of the opportunities that He provides.

Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

  1. See if you can think of some other examples of the Holy Spirit being active in the Old Testament.
  2. Does this change the way that you view the Holy Spirit? If so how?

Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.





  • Praise God that He has freely gifted the Holy Spirit to all believers. Pray that He would grow a passion in your heart for those who are lost. Pray that He would give you opportunities to share Him with those you know who don't know Him and that He would give you the courage and wisdom to take full advantage of those opportunities.
  • Pray for the Committee of Management in your church. Pray that God would give them great wisdom in their decisions. Pray that they would be encouraged in their service and that they might continue to serve the church joyfully. Pray that God would be glorified and the church encouraged and grown through all their decisions.

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