Unfortunately we are all prone to worry or anxiety. Though some are more prone than others we are all subject to bouts of worry or anxiety. Even more unfortunately, anxiety draws us away from God and causes us to act in ways that may be contrary to the will or desire of God.
Anxiety arises when we take our eyes off God and focus on the situation before us. As we move away from God we begin to think of all the ‘what ifs’ and all the possibilities - usually the negative ones and usually the worst possible scenarios. The result is anxiety or worry.
What ensues is really a battle of the mind. While we are anxious or worried we simply cannot trust God or praise God! Worry and worship are mutually exclusive. They cannot and will not occur together. It’s one or the other. When we think anxious thoughts we are not loving God with our entire heart and mind.
Jesus teaches us about how much God loves the believer. He feeds the birds and clothes the grass of the field. How much more will He not look after you. You are far more important to God than birds and grass! We do not need to worry about our needs and requirements. Jesus wants us to seek first the Kingdom of God and to put all these other things into proper perspective. Jesus wants us to pursue His Kingdom and His righteousness and He promises that all these things will be added unto you as well.
Walk Moment
Philippians 4:6-7 shows us that anxiety and praise (giving thanks) are mutually exclusive. You will do one or the other.
Start training now to develop an attitude of gratitude. Start training now to praise God no matter what you are going through.
Make it your goal to shoot up an arrow of adoration to God at regular intervals throughout the day, say on the hour every hour!
Pretty soon the peace of Christ will overwhelm you.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
- Pray that God would teach you and your fellow church goers not to be anxious but to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. Pray that worry/anxiety will be a thing of the past.
- Pray that the children in Shiloh Church Ministry’s orphanages will grow in faith, in their trust in God and in their ability to seek first the Kingdom of God. Pray that they would be a shining light to the surrounding villages concerning the love of God and His daily provision.
My Additional Prayer Points
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