Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Read: Matthew 5:1-16

Just like every speech should have a gripping and memorable conclusion the introduction should also grab and maintain people's attention. The people who study these things say that a speaker has less than a minute to capture the attention of the audience if they wish them to listen. As a master of speech and teaching Jesus understood this and begins his sermon with a very curious introduction.


Jesus begins by listing the characteristics that should describe His followers. Things like: poor in spirit, those who mourn, meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, those who are persecuted. Based on this passage it is easy to understand why the world is amazed at true followers of Jesus. These aren't things that one would expect to hear at a non-Christian rally or pep-talk. That is the point of Jesus teaching however. Followers of Jesus should be living totally differently to the world. Our standards are totally different. Our behaviour is totally different. We are totally different because we are transformed and changed by Christ and His work within us. It is when we live according to these principals of the kingdom that we will be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. When we live by Jesus' teachings those in the world will see something different and be drawn to Christ.

How often do Christians, rather than live the kingdom life, simply live according to the ways of the world instead? How often do we just do our best to blend in, to live like everyone else. We sit in the corner and try not to make any commotion that would get us noticed by the world. Rather than follow the teachings of Jesus we follow the teachings of TV, movies, music, books or popular opinion. Rather than live radical lives to follow Jesus we live lives of quiet submission to the world.


How do you live? Do you follow the teachings of Jesus no matter the cost? Do you live in a way which is totally different from the world? Do you stand out as a follower of Jesus or do you blend into the background, afraid to be seen? How can you live radically for Jesus today? How can you be the salt of the earth and the light of the world by how you live today?



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.










¥ Pray for the congregation of your church. Pray that God would raise up in the hearts of each member a passion to live radical lives for His kingdom. Pray that God would build amongst the church a passion for Him and a fervent desire to see the gospel preached and God's kingdom grown.

¥ Pray for Jim and Faye Lyons and their involvement with Straight Talk Australia. Praise God for the encouraging times they have had recently sharing their message. Pray that God would strengthen them and give them opportunities to speak in schools and youth groups. Pray that the young people who hear the message would be receptive and choose to live by God's standard for sexuality.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. What are some ways that Christians try to blend in with the world and accept its standards?

2. How would it look different to live as a follower of Jesus?


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