Friday, 3 May 2013

Friday 3 May 2013

Jesus Challenge:

There are many people in the congregation at Christlife who are not connected with a cell or close to other people in the church. With an attitude of humility and love consider how you might be able to bless some of these people as a cell. Feel free to use your imagination regarding how this might look. It could include things like inviting them to your normal gathering or inviting them for dinner or lunch or maybe something more radical. If you don't know who to invite look for visitors or people who are by themselves this Sonday.

Read: Matthew 7:3-5, Colossians 3:1-14

Remember our friend who took us out for a hypothetical coffee yesterday? Not only did our friend confront us about our sin in an unloving and rude manner, he also showed a great deal of pride in his approach. I once heard the story of an elder who stood before the congregation and said, "Why can't you be more like me?" In today's readings we see why such a proud or arrogant approach is not fitting for God's people. Instead, before we confront another about their sin, we should carefully and humbly consider the sin in our own lives.


Look again at the word picture Jesus gives in today's reading from Matthew 7. The image is quite striking when you imagine it. Can you see the plank or tree sticking out of the person's eye as they say, "Now hold still for a minute". I wouldn't be letting that person anywhere near my eye! Jesus is not only entertaining us with amusing imagery though. He is making an important point. Unless we first examine ourselves and deal with our own sin we will be unable to confront others about their sin in a way which is helpful and encouraging.


Paul's words in Colossians 3 give us more detail about what this should look like. As those who follow Christ we should put to death sin in our lives and grow in holiness. We are to put to death the actions listed in vs 5-9 and grow in godliness as described in vs 12 to 17. This work isn't passive! We don't just wait to become more holy, instead we are to actively be putting sin to death. Now I'm not denying the role of the Holy Spirit in changing us to be more like Christ. Without His work we would be unable to put to death sin. But we also have a responsibility. We have an active role in dealing with sin in our lives and living in a holy manner.


When we are actively dealing with sin in our lives and keeping our eyes on Christ it becomes easier for us to be humble instead of proud; gracious instead of judgmental. Often though, we are our own harshest critic or judge. It is important for us to understand that humility is not beating ourselves up or thinking less of ourselves than we ought to. Rather, humility is seeing ourselves accurately as sinners who are saved by grace through Christ. We no longer have to hold onto the guilt or shame of old sin because Christ has freely, fully and forever forgiven us. Once we have an accurate understanding of ourselves and our standing before God we are free to live in service to God and others and to actively put to death sin in our lives. Now that is true humility.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









¥ Pray that God would show you areas of sin in your life and help you to put them to death by His power. Pray that He would grow you in humility and love for other believers and help you to encourage them in love.

¥ Pray God would raise a passion for Christ and to share Him with others in your church. Pray that each member of the congregation would be bold in sharing their faith and that many would come to know Christ.


My Additional Prayer Points.





Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Practically, how can you work to put to death sin in your life?

2. How could you help each other to be putting sin to death in your lives? How can you encourage one another to live lives of holiness before God?


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