Thursday, 30 May 2013

Thursday 30 May 2013

Read: Matthew 6

People live to please those who are most important to them. Think about it. If my family is my highest priority I will seek to provide for them, spend time with them and make their lives happy and enjoyable. If my boss is my highest priority I will work long hours and work hard to please him. If I am my own highest priority I will do whatever gives me greatest pleasure and satisfaction at any cost to others. These three examples are common ones amongst all people in our society but Jesus has other plans for His followers.


Notice the underlying theme throughout Matthew 6? Followers of Jesus are to be living to please God. Followers of Jesus are to give to others in order to bring God pleasure rather than for their own reputation or glory. Followers of Jesus are to pray and fast focused on God rather than on the opinion of men around them. Followers of Jesus are to use their treasure for the Kingdom of God rather than for themselves. Those who follow Jesus are to have their focus and attention on God rather than on themselves.


Look at verse 33 and 34. God's people are not to worry about themselves and their lives, they are to be focused on God's Kingdom first, to live for God's glory first and to seek His righteousness first. The focus of God's people is not firstly on family or on work or on self, it is on God. Everything that God's people do is for the Kingdom of God and is focused on our great King. God's people use their time, their talents and their treasures for His sake rather than their own. God's people are 100% sold out for Him.


How does this look in your life? Is your greatest pleasure and focus God? Do you live for His glory or for your own? Do you give for your reputation or for God's reputation? Do you pray to make yourself look good or to make others look good? Do you live for God's Kingdom and seek after His righteousness first? Pray today about how you can live for God's glory and kingdom today.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









¥ Pray that  God would grow in your heart and in the hearts of all in your church a deep passion and love for Him. Pray that you would be living for His glory alone and that you would be focused on Him alone in all things.

Pray for the men of the church as they gather together tonight to encourage one another and challenge each other in their faith. Pray that God would strengthen the men of the congregation in their love for Him and help them to lead their families well.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. What would it look like in 21st Century Australia to be a person with your mind on the kingdom of heaven?

2. How can you counter worry and anxiety in your life with the biblical truth from this chapter? What are some practical ways you can remember the teaching of Jesus?

3. How can you use your finances for the Kingdom of God?



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