Sunday, 26 May 2013

Saturday 25 May 2013

Read: 1 Peter 2:9-12, Matthew 5:13-16

How do you think unbelievers would view the different characters we met at the beginning of the week? Firstly we met 'everyone's-a-heretic' Harold who judges everyone's salvation and state before God on the basis of his own beliefs and standards. In his eyes if you don't adhere to Harold's beliefs you might as well be an unbeliever. Imagine that Harold also has a number of sins in his life which he is unwilling to admit to or work to deal with. In the eyes of the world this would seem to be the typical fundamentalist Christian: a person who is unwilling to budge on any issues with no grace for anyone else. How effective do you think that Harold's witness is going to be to the non-Christians around him?


Secondly we met 'nobody's-wrong' Nelly who will willingly accept any kind of teaching or beliefs without question or argument. 'Nobody's-wrong' Nelly won't stand for anything, let alone argue about true and false teachings. Imagine how the non-Christians in Nelly's life will view her and her beliefs. She probably won't bother or trouble them but, without standing for the gospel how can she possibly accomplish the mission of sharing her faith? When she refuses to stand up for Christianity around others what does that communicate about the gospel?


What about our friend 'discerning' Damian? Damian is willing to stand up and fight for his beliefs but approaches them in a way which is gracious and humble. Damian is more than willing to have a spiritual conversation with someone who doesn't know Jesus, in fact he often initiates those conversations. Imagine too that Damian is always striving to be more like Jesus in the way that he lives his life and is actively striving for holiness. Damian is going to be much more effective in sharing the gospel with others than either Nelly or Harold because of the way that he lives and the way that he approaches sharing his faith.


Jesus command to judge true and false teachers by their fruits cuts both ways. If we are going to effectively teach the world about their sinfulness and brokenness before God and preach to them the wonder of salvation through Christ the fruit of our lives must match the message we preach. Those around you who don't know Christ will be constantly assessing you by your fruit and judging your message by it. Peter commands us to live such holy lives before those who don't know Christ that they cannot help but turn and give the glory to God for what He has done. It is only by standing for the truth and backing up our message by our fruit that we can truly be the salt and light in our fallen world.


What about you? Does your life properly reflect the wonder of what Christ has done for you? Does the message of your life confirm the message of Christ? Are you preaching the gospel by how you live and by the things that you stand for?



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









¥ Pray for the gathering of God's people at your church tomorrow. Pray that God would be glorified in every aspect of the service. Pray that the preaching of God's word would be faithful to His word and bold in its delivery. Pray that many around the world would hear today about what Christ has done for them and that many would come to faith in Him.

¥ Pray for the Presbyterian church in Maranoa. Praise God for the increase He has brought in regular numbers. Pray that God would raise people who are passionate to get involved in ministry and to share the gospel with others. Pray that God would grow all the members of the congregation in their relationship with Him.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Tell the group about an area of your life where you are involved with those who don't know Jesus. What would it look like to do such good deeds in that area so that those who don't know Jesus would glorify Him?

2. How can you practically help one another to live out these ideas this week?



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