Weekly Challenge
Make a list of the sources from which you receive teaching about the Bible. This could include books, radio, church, small groups etc. Consider this week how you might be able to discern whether the teaching from these sources is true teaching or false teaching.
Read: Matthew 7:15,
2 Peter 2:1-3
In my experience Christian's seem to fall somewhere between two extremes. At one extreme sits 'everyone's-a-heretic' Harold. Harold can and will pick an argument with just about anyone. Harold thinks he has a monopoly on the truth. Unless you believe the very, very specific set of beliefs which he holds in his mind you are a total heretic. If he can't convince you of his views, to him you might as well be unsaved. At the other extreme sits 'nobody's-wrong' Nelly. Nelly has never picked a fight with anyone. She would never speak up or disagree about theology or teaching. Instead she is more than willing to accept almost anything she is told. In Nelly's mind it doesn't matter what you believe. After all, we're all saved aren't we?
Let's start with 'nobody's-wrong' Nelly. Is it really true that it doesn't matter what you believe or what you take in? Is it really 'anything goes' when it comes to teaching about the Bible? Jesus would disagree. In Matthew 7:15 Jesus commands us to "watch out for false prophets". Think about the implications of this. For there to be false prophets or false teachers there must be false teaching. There is true teaching and there is false teaching. There is right and wrong. God's people are called to discern between the two.
Peter doesn't mince words about these false teachers in 2 Peter 2:1, "They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them - bringing swift destruction on themselves." We would often prefer to assume that all those who teach the Bible have the best interest of the people at heart, but the truth is that there are those who are actively seeking to pervert the Gospel. There are those in the Christian church who are maliciously trying to deceive people for their own purposes. Jesus is commanding us not to be 'nobody's-wrong' Nelly but to be discerning and wise about teaching that we hear.
So how? How do we wisely discern true and false teaching, being careful about false prophets and false teachers, while not swinging to the other extreme and becoming 'everyone's-a-heretic' Harold? This week we will be discussing a Biblical approach for weighing up teaching, discerning about teachers and staying true to the gospel.
What about you? Do you consume whatever teaching is served before you? Are you happy to accept whatever is said without discernment? Do you measure all teaching you hear against the standard of God's word? Think this week about how you can be more discerning with what you consume.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Pray for the preaching of God's Word around the world this coming week. Pray that everywhere where believers gather to hear the Word that the teaching would be faithful and true. Pray that through the preaching of the Word this week that many would come to saving faith in Christ.
¥ Pray for all the cell groups that are gathering throughout this week. Pray that those who gather would be an encouragement to one another and that God would change lives through His Word.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Should a Christian confront someone who is teaching falsely? Why or why not?
2. Imagine you have a Christian friend who is listening to or reading false teaching. Should you get involved? Why or why not?
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