Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Wednesday May 30, 2012

Name 1 fear.

Then ask God to remove that fear from within you.


Read Deuteronomy 20:8-9; Luke 12:4-5


Fear is infectious. Israel found that out very early in her history. As the nation came out of slavery in Egypt, God commanded them to march in and take the Promised Land. But the nation was afraid. They sent 12 spies into the land and after 40 days these men came back with glowing reports of the land. But they were afraid because of the people in the land. Fear quickly spread and Israel refused to obey and march into the Promised Land. As a consequence, they marched around the desert for 40 years.


Fear is infectious. We need to be careful when we are afraid lest our fear be caught and multiplied in others. From God’s perspective we are not to fear any person because they can only kill the body. After they’ve done that, they can do no more. God, however, is the one to be truly feared because He can kill the body and send the soul into the depths of hell.  As we minister and serve, and as we work in this world there will be situations and circumstances and people that cause us to fear. It’s at that point that we need to remember Luke 12:4-5. We need to be secure and certain in our salvation so that we can face each and every situation or person with the confidence that comes from knowing that God has our back.


It’s only with the assurance of eternity that we’ll march headlong into the battlefield not concerned about our safety but willing to lay it all on the line for the God laid it all on the line for us. March forward today with no fear except the fear of the Lord.



¥ Pray that we would see a growing sense of victory in Christ and a growing fearlessness in our congregations. Pray that believers will rise up to challenge the world, its beliefs and its practices with a fearlessness that shows the world it is about to be judged by our Lord and Saviour.

¥ Pray that our brothers and sisters in Eritrea and Ethiopia and Somalia would be fearless as they continue to worship in life threatening situations. Pray that God would protect these believers and work powerfully through them.



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