Friday, 4 May 2012

Friday May 4, 2012

Be prepared to invite someone out to lunch this Sonday or to a coffee.


Read Deuteronomy 15:12-18


The year of cancelling debts also applied to Hebrew slaves. Such slaves were not like the oppressed slaves we are accustomed to in US history. In Israel, a person could voluntarily sell himself or herself as a slave and use that to pay off debts and even to grow in wealth and prosperity. At the end of 7 years, the slave was set free and was to be generously supplied from the master’s flocks and herds.


As a general rule, the children of God were called to be  generous in every area of life. They were to be open handed in all their dealings with others, even their slaves, their employees, their servants and so on. Christians too are called to be generous in every area of life. We are to be open handed in all our dealings with people, especially the people of God.

Generosity communicates love. It communicates love in a way that few other actions can.


If your cell is on morning tea be generous with what you provide. If your cell is on greeting and welcoming, be generous in the way you greet people. If your cell is having a meal together soon, be generous in the food you bring along.

If your church is giving to the poor and needy give generously. If your church is helping people practically give generously of your time and talents. You as a church can be generous. As an individual you can be generous with the time you give people at church. Rather than setting aside one or two hours for church, make a day of it and be generous. Invite a new family or person around for lunch or out for coffee. You can be generous in your tithes and offerings. Rather than jiggling a few coins into the plate, give to God sacrificially and generously. Give Him a tithe (1/10th) plus a bit extra. You can be generous with your talents. Offer to use your talents in your local church and be a blessing to those around you.  You can be generous as a cell, as a congregation and even as an individual.


Your generosity will communicate love in enormous ways far beyond the reach of mere words.


¥ As churches prepare to meet this Sonday, pray that we would see the people of God being exceedingly generous. Pray that churches would be able to support the poor and needy through the generosity of their members.

¥ Pray for your youth group tonight. Pray that the youth would learn more of Christ’s love, experience that love and submit their entire life to Him. Pray that the leaders would be wise and creative in the way they teach and guide the youth. Pray that youth group would expand as the youth share the love of Christ with their friends and family.


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