Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Tuesday May 29, 2012

Think about what cost you are willing to pay in your love and service of God.

Read Deuteronomy 20:5-7


There will be casualties. People will die in the battle. It’s a hard reality to come to grips with but for Israel, going to war would involve casualties and death even though God would fight for them.


Hence those who have built a new house or planted a vineyard without enjoying its crop and those who are yet to enjoy the blessing of marriage are to return home lest they die in battle.


Today in ministry and service we have to realise that there is a cost. For our brothers and sisters in certain countries, the cost may well be death. But more often it’s economic deprivation, hostility from other villagers, harassment by the police or government authorities and so on.


In our land, the cost comes in terms of our time, talents and treasures. God is calling us to give our time, our talents (or abilities, whether spiritual or carnal) and our treasure into His service.  We should never count this cost as a loss or to our detriment but rather, let us see it as a great privilege in serving God and working for His kingdom.



¥ Pray that our brothers and sisters in North Korea would willingly pay the cost of their faith. Pray that God would strengthen them, encourage them and use them powerfully to minister his Kingdom to a nation that is lost. Pray that they would never shrink back and be afraid

¥ Pray for the believers in Laos who face economic hardship and deprivation and even expulsion from their homes for following Christ. Again, ask God to strengthen these believers and ask Him to bless them and to draw them near so that they can willingly, even joyously, pray the cost of their faith.

¥ Pray that every single believer in your congregation would be willing to invest their time, their talents and their treasures into the Kingdom of God.



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