Thursday, 24 May 2012

Thursday May 24, 2012

What spiritual boundary stones can you see       society has moved ?  Think of one  positive action in response to this and do it.


Read Deuteronomy 19: 14, 27:17;

Proverbs 23:10-11;  Hosea 5:10


Our God is just God. He loves justice and conversely, He hates injustice. He hates lying, false measures and weights and wrongful claims against others, all of which are forms of injustice.

As Israel entered the Promised Land God would parcel out the land to the 12 tribes. No one had the right to move the boundary stones the Lord had set up. At the end of each 7 years land would revert back to its original and intended owner.  What God was doing was ensuring that justice was done and kept. He was making sure that no one was wrongfully defrauded or ripped off. This law is a practical expression of the eighth commandment which states, “Thou shalt not steal.”


The passage has a powerful spiritual application as well. In the entire area of faith and morality God has established “ancient boundary stones”  in His Word. They are primarily found in the Law, but are elaborated on and repeated throughout the entire Bible. Our spiritual ancestors through the history of the Church have set a pattern for living by these ancient landmarks. These may be our fundamental doctrines, our Biblical pattern for living, or deeply held spiritual convictions.


In ancient Israel boundary lines were sacred because all property was a gift from the Lord. A timeless application is that life is a gift from the Lord and He has set forth His boundary stones for our good.


But these ancient boundary stones have always been meddled with and are now being tampered with, moved and even removed in ways that our forefathers would never have imagined. Many are being seduced and deceived by radical, revisionist, blasphemous attempts to reinvent Jesus, reinterpret the Bible and redefine marriage, the most foundational of human relationships.


Man has always been tampering with boundary stones, moving them one way or another to suit his whims, sometimes removing them altogether. The cultural and intellectual elite purport to know best and so many of the undiscerning masses follow. “Get rid of that ancient boundary stone”, so many shout, “we don’t need it anymore”. The sacred teachings of Scripture are so often mocked and ridiculed by those who claim to be an authority but know nothing of God’s Spiritual Word and basis for life. It’s time for the church to stop listening to these authorities and to start listening to the Word and the boundaries that God has placed in the Word.



¥ Pray that God would grant repentance to those churches that have moved spiritual boundaries and that have negated the Word of God by their choices and their actions. Pray that we would see all churches coming back to the Word of the Lord.

Pray that preachers would be preaching seriously and faithfully from the Word and not from movies, articles or their own opinions. Pray that there would be a powerful return to the Word and that this love for the Word would cause a revival, first in the churches and then in Australian society.


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