Email your local member and tell them your views on abortion or some other hot topic.
Read Deuteronomy 19:8-10
How cheap has human life become when a couple considering the abortion of their baby put up the idea for online comment, debate and vote! To consider abortion like one considers whether or not to go to the movies shows how far down the devaluation of life scale we have slipped. If that child is born and reads of the online vote his parents encouraged, that child will be shattered and destroyed. Imagine knowing that your own parents weren’t sure whether or not to allow you to live. God never intended for us to weigh up the pros and cons of a human life. As we said yesterday, every single human life is precious to God.
In fact, it’s so precious that God commanded Israel to set up 3 more cities of refugees as the nation expanded. People who accidently killed others (Note the example of being out in a forest cutting wood in verse 5) were able to flee to the closest city of refuge and not be killed by the avenger of blood.
Once abortion is legally on-demand it won’t be a far step forward to killing children for any and every reason. Pretty soon parents will be able to abort their children because school is too expensive, because they eat too much or because they didn’t turn out to be the school athletics champion! It won’t be long before economic concerns and performance criteria and are used to determine one’s right to live. If you think it’s just a fantasy remember this: every rapist began by using pornography. How many rapes would have been avoided if pornography were not accessible and acceptable?
It’s time for the church to take action. It’s time to make a stand and to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. It’s time to reclaim the morality of our nation and to bring it back to Christ Jesus.
You are the one who will make the difference. Be active today.
¥ Pray that Christians would be voicing their concerns over policies and laws that allow wilful and deliberate destruction of life. Pray that we would be supporting those organisations that protect life and bring peace to all.
¥ Pray that our denominations would stand up and voice their concerns as a denomination and bring pressure to bear upon the authorities to make just and fair rulings and laws. Pray that the nation would see the churches standing together on these issues.
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