Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Wednesday March 23, 2011

Read Daniel 9:11-14, Deuteronomy 8

Sometimes the road beneath us can  be very rocky, sometimes even fiery! The prospect of tough times and difficult journeys can instil a fear in us that leads to inaction.

The anticipation of a rocky road can cripple us.  When hard times approach we quickly look for another route. We make excuses to turn around. We look for more comfortable alternatives. Sometimes we might just run away! How do you react when tough times look like coming your way?

Yet God works through these tough situations. We should fear them as much as anticipate great things from God through them. God allowed Israel to walk through a fiery trial in exile to bring their hearts back to Himself. He had earlier allowed them to wander through the desert for 40 years to teach them that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God, to humble them and to teach them.

Hard times bring character and moral growth.  Tough roads draw us closer to God in ever deepening dependence. Fiery trials get our abilities and skills out of the way so that God can work powerfully in us and through us.  Fiery trials burn off the dross and impurities in our lives. Rather than fearing fiery trials let us approach them with a sense of expectancy - anticipating that God would do great things in us, through us and among us. Let us be prayerfully walking whatever road God has called us to walk on. Let us march confidently and victoriously homeward as we sing His praises and declare the glories of Him who called us out darkness into His wonderful light.


þ Believers in Vietnam, Iraq, Iran and Burma are doing it tough. They are persecuted by the authorities and by the community as well. Pray that God would use these tough times to glorify His great name and to bring many more into the kingdom. Pray that the believers will stand up through these tough times and remain faithful to Him.

þ Pray that Shiloh Church ministries will be well equipped and well supported to allow it to support and encourage the believers who are walking a tough road at present.

þ Pray that those in your congregation who are doing it tough will rely on the Lord and be comforted in Him. Pray that they would turn to Christ and find peace, strength in Him.

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