Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Tuesday March 22, 2011

Read Daniel 9:4-11. Deuteronomy 28-29

God is described as a covenant keeping God in this passage. Many believers have no idea about covenant and what it entails. A covenant is a legally binding compact signed in blood. When two parties enter into a covenant they agree to spill their own blood should they break the terms of that covenant.

God entered into a covenant with Adam and Eve and their descendants at the creation of mankind (Hosea 6:7).  God entered into a covenant with Abraham. He promised to bless Abraham with many descendants and to make a great nation from him. He would be brought into a great land and all the families of the earth would be blessed through him.  Abraham’s children and his descendants were a part of that covenant.  God entered into, or more correctly renewed,  a covenant with Israel. This covenant  again included all Israel and her children and descendants. Through the blood of Christ Jesus God has entered a new covenant with you and I. Like all the previous covenants, this new covenant too includes our children. This is why Peter declares in his first Spirit filled sermon, ‘The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call."

As you peruse the history of the covenants throughout both Old and New Testaments, you begin to see that God has indeed been constantly faithful to His covenant. He has upheld His end of the bargain at every stage. Never has He proven to be unfaithful.  He will not change now! God will remain faithful to His covenant.

God’s covenant faithfulness means you can go forth into the world today with confidence in Him.  You can trust God as you point people to Him. You can trust God and give up being anxious. You can trust God and go on that mission He’s been nudging you about. You can trust God and give sacrificially this weekend at church. You can trust God and love Him wholeheartedly.  God’s covenant faithfulness means you can trust Him completely.


รพ Pray that our World Changers group would be granted deep wisdom and trust in God as they seek to lead us into mission. Ask God to give each one of us a world changer heart that aspires to share the Gospel with anyone who will listen.

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