Read Daniel 5:10-12. Psalm 18
We don’t often associate the Bible with comedy but there are some very funny scenes in the Bible. Picture the situation in the throne room of Belshazzar. After throwing down the gauntlet before Yahweh by drinking from the sacred goblets, a hand appears and writes on the wall. This great king grows pale, his knees knock together and after the wise men and enchanters prove impotent he grows even paler as the fear wells up even further. He is almost scared to death.
And in comes the queen, or more probably the queen mother, and cries out the fitting salutation, ‘Long live the King!!’ Fitting words to a king scared to death! Then she dribbly commands the king not to be alarmed and not to be pale (as if he could help it, anyway). And to rub salt in the wounds the queen mother speaks of Nebuchadnezzar as the real king, emphasizing the delicate reign Belshazzar has over the kingdom. Can you hear the sting in her words, “ ... King Nebuchadnezzar your father--your father the king, I say...”? Can you hear the mockery to this young, impotent king. Nebuchadnezzar would have known what to do. Nebuchadnezzar was not a scared weasel as you are! Nebuchadnezzar, the King, your father was NOT like you. OUCH!!!
But being in trouble is no laughing matter. Yesterday, we were encouraged to call out to the Lord of Lords in our time of need. But in reality, how often do we turn to God first and foremost? How often do we exhaust our own wisdom and expertise and ideas before we fall prostrate before the Lord?
We need to build dependence upon the Lord into our psyche and approach to life. Prayer and seeking God should be the first item on our agenda. We need to walk closely to God day by day so that we can call on Him at every step. As God delivers us from each situation we will grow in trust and confidence in our God. The cycle will snowball and we’ll call upon Him more so. As we trust God and allow Him to work in and through our lives, we will see Him powerfully at work because we are stepping out of the way and letting God be God and allowing Him to do what He does best.
þ If there is any situation in your life that needs God’s intervention spend time telling God about it now and asking God to intervene. Pray for the wisdom and the ability to step out of God’s way and to allow Him to work powerfully.
þ Pray for Glenvale Chaplaincy. Ask God to be bless the ministry of the chaplain. Pray for doors to open to speak about Christ with students, parents, staff and workers. Pray for a rich harvest in the school.
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