Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Tuesday March 29, 2011

Read Daniel 12:2 Revelation 20

Daniel looks ahead to the end of time and sees the resurrection of the final day. Revelation 20 captures the same resurrection.  While there is much debate (often unhelpful) and a lack of consensus on the thousand years, let us not tarry over the arguments but let us seek to be encouraged by the Words of our Lord.

On that day of the resurrection, satan and his angels will be finally and ultimately dealt with. The beast, the false prophet and the devil are all thrown into the lake of fire and burning sulphur where they are tormented for ever and ever. That’s such a horrid picture isn’t it? But also notice that as all people are raised up certain books are opened up.   A Book of Deeds is opened up and people are judged by what’s in that book. Is it written in that book that you have given your heart to Christ Jesus? Is it written in that book that you put your faith and trust solely in Jesus and not in your own merits or deeds? Is it written there that you loved the Lord your God with your heart and soul and mind and strength and that you loved your neighbour as yourself?

O joy of joys! What grand hallelujahs will erupt from our hearts and through our mouths as we see our names in the book of life. What Hosannas will sing forth as Jesus bids us welcome into the eternal kingdom prepared for us. What praises will be shouted as we realise the goal of our faith, the salvation of our souls.

But notice Revelation 20:14 and it’s placement before vs 15 (where else could vs 15 go but before 15 anyway, right??). In vs 14 death and Hades (the abode of the dead as they await the resurrection and judgement) are thrown into the lake of fire. What’s happening? Death is being destroyed and nullified. From this point there will be no death! That’s great news for some, horrid news for others. Those who are thrown into the lake of fire in verse 15 will never die. They cannot die because death has been destroyed. That really breaks my heart and causes an incredible ache. Some people are choosing now, by rejecting Christ, a living eternity in this lake of burning sulphur and fire. But the good news is that everyone who believes in Christ shall not perish (in this eternal torment) but shall have eternal life. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

This is the hope that every believer has in the face of death is to motivate you and spur you on in this life. If nothing else let it do 2 things - let is fill you with joy that God has spared you and given you eternal life. and let it motivate you to share the good news with those who are headed to eternal destruction.


รพ Pray that God will save those you know whom are headed to the lake.

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