Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Tuesday March 15, 2011

Read Daniel 7:3-8

Have you ever had strange dreams and spent the day wondering what they were all about? Have you ever wished that someone could tell you what that dream meant. Daniel had spent much time interpreting other’s dreams. Now he was the dreamer and was quite perplexed at many of them.  At the outset, let us be clear that the interpretation of the four beasts with any particular kingdom, is difficult and all interpretations have problems. However we can make the following observations:-

  • There is a progressive ferociousness to the beasts. This is represented in the increasing numbers associated with each  beast. I bet you didn’t pick that up as you read it the first time, huh? Me either!

  • The lion with eagles wings and the heart of the man parallels well with the reign of Nebuchadnezzar and his ability to reflect the image of God in some of his wise counsel and rulings.

  • The bear (vs5) has nothing specific enough to relate it to any particular kingdom. The language appears to be emphasising the viciousness of the beast.  Some say it could be the Medo-Persian Empire.

  • The leopard represents dominion. The four wings allow it to fly in any direction.  It could be the kingdom of Alexander the Great.

  • The fourth beast is separated from the rest grammatically. It’s emphasising this beast as different.  This beast is not described to make it more scary. It has been associated with the mighty Roman empire because of the iron and Daniel chapter 2.

  • Out of this fourth empire comes a small horn that speaks proud and boastful words. It could be a person of history or someone akin to 2 Thessalonians 2:3,8 who exalts himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped and even sets himself up in God’s temple proclaiming himself to be God. Both these occur just before the coming of the Son of Man in his glory.

Being able to figure out which beast represents which kingdom rule is not THE important point. What matters is that God has revealed the future to Daniel and revealed that He is in charge and control of all events, even those rulers that pit themselves against God and His people.


รพ Pray for the Mustard Seed orphanage to shine the light of Jesus’ love into broken families,  to orphans and disabled people’s lives.

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