Thursday, 31 March 2011

Thursday March 31 2011

Read Revelation 21

Some believers are said to have their head so far in the clouds that they are of no earthly use! I wonder if you have ever described someone in these words. The truth is quite the opposite. The more our head and heart are in the heavens the more useful we will be here on earth.

Just think for a moment how this oxymoron can be true. As you meditate on heaven and as you contemplate the beauty and peace of being with God for all eternity, that truth will filter outwards into the lives of others.  Since heaven is relational and since our God is relational it’s virtually impossible to taste the delights of heaven and then to keep it to yourself. The more you understand of heaven and God’s eternal plan, the more you will yearn and cry out for opportunities to share your faith and invite others into that eternal kingdom. The more you know of heaven the more your prayers for others will take on an eternal perspective.  It really is parallel to our bodies and food. If you put good food into your body, your body reacts well and grows healthily. But if you put bad food into your body, you suffer in sickness.. Setting our heart and mind on Christ in the heavenlies and meditating on the beauty of heaven is good food for our soul and grows outwards in joy, other centeredness and Christ-likeness.  Filling our heart and soul and mind with bad food (like pornography, greed, material things, lusts and covetings etc) results in spiritual sickness. Shallow Christianity, greed, selfishness, anger and unforgiveness and so on are all symptoms of a misdirected heart and mind that have been fed bad food.

This is why so much of the New Testament is spent telling us to focus and to keep our mind fixed on Christ in the heavenlies. See Colossians 3 and how the heavenly perspective flows outwards in our lives.  Hebrews 12 encourages us to set our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who sits at the right hand of the throne of God.  1 Peter 1 tells us to be filled with hope and rejoicing because of our heavenly inheritance.

What are you doing each day to set your heart and mind on Christ Jesus sitting at the right hand of God? How are you ensuring that you have the correct focus each and every single day? How are you drawing near to God moment by moment?


þ Ask the Lord to give our brothers in the Myanmar Bible Colleges a greater heavenly focus so that they can serve and teach and give selflessly of themselves. Pray this for your congregation as well. Pray that both groups see the fruit of such a focus.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Wednesday March 30, 2011

Read Daniel 12:1-3. 1 Corinthians 15

The death of death is a fascinating concept isn’t it? Death will cease to exist and mankind will be returned to an Eden like state.  On that final day of the resurrection 1 Corinthians 15:54 will be fully realised.

When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory."

"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"

But right here right now you and I live in the surety that death has no sting for us. The law has been fulfilled for us in Christ Jesus. His perfect record of obedience has been given to us or transferred to our account and we have been reckoned as righteous. The penalty for our sins has fallen on Jesus and the wrath of God has been emptied upon Him. By His stripes we are healed!  If nothing else let this truth fill you with joy and adoration and praise to God.

But read 1 John 3:21-22.

Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from Him anything we ask, because we obey His commands and do what pleases Him.

One effect of having death nullified here and now by the work of Christ  is  to be able to approach God with a pure and sincere heart. We can approach God confidently in our time of need, confident that He will grant us the grace we need to take another step. We can treat God as our loving heavenly Father. We can be assured that God looks upon us as He does His one and only Son Jesus and does not see our sins any more. They have been nailed to the cross! They have been forgiven! Read Hosea 14:1-4 (take in vs 4 a few hundred times) if you are not convinced.

The world should see you enjoying a deep and intimate relationship with God and a very fruitful prayer life. This is not a blank cheque, guaranteeing you a Ferrari and 5 storey mansion, but a promise that God will walk with you, listen to you, answer your prayers and draw near to you as you draw hear to Him.  This is a promise that God loves you and has opened His blessings to you right here and now. As believers in Christ Jesus our certain hope on the day of the resurrection impacts our life each and every step today.


þ Spend time praising God for your salvation and for the hope you have in heaven. Pray for whatever is on your heart.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Tuesday March 29, 2011

Read Daniel 12:2 Revelation 20

Daniel looks ahead to the end of time and sees the resurrection of the final day. Revelation 20 captures the same resurrection.  While there is much debate (often unhelpful) and a lack of consensus on the thousand years, let us not tarry over the arguments but let us seek to be encouraged by the Words of our Lord.

On that day of the resurrection, satan and his angels will be finally and ultimately dealt with. The beast, the false prophet and the devil are all thrown into the lake of fire and burning sulphur where they are tormented for ever and ever. That’s such a horrid picture isn’t it? But also notice that as all people are raised up certain books are opened up.   A Book of Deeds is opened up and people are judged by what’s in that book. Is it written in that book that you have given your heart to Christ Jesus? Is it written in that book that you put your faith and trust solely in Jesus and not in your own merits or deeds? Is it written there that you loved the Lord your God with your heart and soul and mind and strength and that you loved your neighbour as yourself?

O joy of joys! What grand hallelujahs will erupt from our hearts and through our mouths as we see our names in the book of life. What Hosannas will sing forth as Jesus bids us welcome into the eternal kingdom prepared for us. What praises will be shouted as we realise the goal of our faith, the salvation of our souls.

But notice Revelation 20:14 and it’s placement before vs 15 (where else could vs 15 go but before 15 anyway, right??). In vs 14 death and Hades (the abode of the dead as they await the resurrection and judgement) are thrown into the lake of fire. What’s happening? Death is being destroyed and nullified. From this point there will be no death! That’s great news for some, horrid news for others. Those who are thrown into the lake of fire in verse 15 will never die. They cannot die because death has been destroyed. That really breaks my heart and causes an incredible ache. Some people are choosing now, by rejecting Christ, a living eternity in this lake of burning sulphur and fire. But the good news is that everyone who believes in Christ shall not perish (in this eternal torment) but shall have eternal life. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

This is the hope that every believer has in the face of death is to motivate you and spur you on in this life. If nothing else let it do 2 things - let is fill you with joy that God has spared you and given you eternal life. and let it motivate you to share the good news with those who are headed to eternal destruction.


þ Pray that God will save those you know whom are headed to the lake.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Monday March 28, 2011

Read Daniel 12:1. Matt 24: 1-35

Times are tough but the Bible assures us that times will get tougher. As the end approaches and draws near there will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations. Things are going to get a lot worse.

But it’s not a call to pack your bags and head for the hills. It’s a time to hold up our heads for our redemption is near. It’s a time to loudly an unashamedly proclaim that Jesus is coming, repent and believe!

To be so brave and fearless in the face of persecution we need to have an eternal focus. We need to set our eyes on Jesus in the heavenlies. We need to set our heart on Christ above as He reigns in majesty and glory. We need to realise that this life is a small fraction of our eternity. The moment you pass from this world you will be with your Lord and Saviour. The Lord assures us that everyone who’s name is written in the book of life will be delivered.  Be assured and be confident that the Lord will deliver you from this fiery trial. Be certain that the Lord will rescue you from every evil attack and will deliver you safely to His heavenly kingdom. Be sure that you will stand victorious at the resurrection. Your enemies will be defeated. Your cause will be vindicated and you will be delivered!!!  In times of trouble you have eternal hope. Soldier on good Christian!

Let me though, ask you to do something different today. Prayerfully consider ways that you can encourage and support your brothers and sisters in the Lord with these words from Daniel. Who in your congregation needs to be encouraged and supported? How will you do this? Will you send a card, an sms or have coffee with them? How will you be a blessing to another today?


þ Pray that our Committee of Management would have an eternal kingdom focus and seek to use our funds to grow the Kingdom. Pray that they have wisdom and insight and direct and unified leading from the Lord.

þ Pray that you would have the words of encouragement to share with another.

þ Pray for the India Mission Team. Even though it is primarily a building mission pray that we’ll have opportunities to grow the Kingdom and to encourage our brothers and sisters there.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Saturday March 26, 2011

Read Daniel 9

There is so much confusion in Daniel 9. The numbers and symbols can overwhelm us and make us confused to the point where the passage just has no impact in our lives.

But let’s mine out the diamonds in these verses. Early in his prayer Daniel is concerned about sin. The Lord answers in vs 24 telling him that transgressions will end. Sin will be atoned for. Everlasting righteousness will be established. Sin will cease to exist. We know that this will occur when Jesus returns for the second and final time to judge the world and to deal with sin. All evil, sinners, death and even Hades, will be thrown into the lake of burning sulphur and fire. From that point forward nothing evil, wicked or immoral will exist. God’s perfect and pure kingdom will reign and YOU, believer in Jesus, will be in it! Hallelujah and praise God.

In vs 25 God answers Daniel’s question about God restoring His rightful position.  God says that He is in control of the times. There will be a time and a period of time.  There will be events, even cataclysmic events, wars and desolations but God is still in control. All these things are decreed but the end will  come and God, our God, will reign supreme.  Throughout it all God will remain completely in control. Even though desolations are decreed and wars will continue to the very end, God is still in control. All things are working towards His chosen end.

Does your life reflect the total sovereignty and control of God? Do your words and your prayers? Do the people around you look at you and see a God in perfect and utter control?


þ Pray that God would allow you to see the world from His perspective and to live a life that reflects His sovereignty. Pray this for everyone in your congregation.

þ Pray that God would use you to bring others under His Lordship through repentance and faith.

þ If you have been anxious about anything spend time praying about it, confessing the anxiety, praying about the issue and giving thanks to God through Christ.

Pray that tomorrow’s service will be a time of gathering in God’s greatness and majesty. Pray that He’ll do great things among us and that those who are rejecting Him will repent and bow the knee.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Friday March 25, 2011

Read Daniel 9:20-29. 1 John 3:21-22. 1 John 5:14.  John 9:31

Knowing that God will hear our prayers in the thick of the jungle is a great source of confidence.  If only I could be sure that God will be there and hear when I call out to Him. If only we can be sure that when I really need Him, God will come through. If only.... Have you ever found yourself thinking like that? Have you ever procrastinated with such thoughts? Yeah, me too.

The reality is that I can be sure that God will hear me and answer my prayers. The reality is that God will never leave me nor forsake me. He will never let me down. That is not akin to saying that God will always and immediately do what I ask Him (or sometimes sinfully demand Him) to do.  God is not bound by my agenda.  He will do what He wants, when He wants and how He wants. He will always act righteously. He will always be just and fair and holy.  When I pray to the Lord from the depths of the flood, I can be assured of this. Even when overwhelmed I can be confident in the Lord.  Paul the apostle was being persecuted and attacked for His faith. He declared boldly and confidently, ‘The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and deliver me safely to His heavenly Kingdom’.  Job, when he lost everything, except his nagging wife, declared that the Lord is righteous. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away but even so, the Lord is to be praised!!!  The Lord will deliver you. The Lord will hear you. He will answer your prayers. Trust Him and march forward today. Step out in faith and find out for yourself just how reliable God is. Seek the Lord while He may be found and call on Him today.

Throughout my more than two decades of walking with the Lord I have seen Him answer prayers in the extremes. Sometimes He answers immediately and more than I expected. At other times He has waited. The result has always been to His glory, to His credit even if I couldn’t see it at the time. Be encouraged, God hears. God listens. God answers!   As we read in Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us,  to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.


þ Pray for our Session and Pastor as they lead us and guide us and take oversight upon us. Pray that they will be wise men filled with the Word and the Spirit. Pray that God would protect them from the wiles and temptations of the evil one.

þ Pray that the Committee of Management would be wise in its use of funds. Pray that God would grant them the ability to maximise every dollar spent and the ability to bring glory to the Lord and growth in His Kingdom.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Thursday March 24, 2011

Read Daniel 9:15-19. Hosea 14:1-4. 1 John 1:9

Sometimes, often after we’ve sinned, we feel like a shipwrecked Christian. Sometimes we feel so hopeless that God couldn’t possibly use us. Sometimes we feel so ill equipped and so ill prepared that we could be of no real use in  this world or in the church. Sometimes we just feel distant from God.

Praise God! The good news is that God allows U-turns. God wants us to turn and to come back to Him.  God wants us to confess our sins and short comings to Him. He wants us to admit our failings. God is a loving and compassionate God. He will forgive us when we ask Him. He will love us freely and turn His anger away. God will welcome us back with arms open wide and receive us graciously.  Even more so, God will work in us to change us from the inside out. He will heal us of our waywardness, purifying us from all unrighteousness.  God will grow us and mature us, making us to be like Christ Jesus.  We were created in Him to be holy and blameless (see Ephesians 1) and God will do everything necessary to grow us in this direction.

Unconfessed sin, ignored sin or unrepentant sin in our lives is like a malignant cancer that eats away at our soul. It slowly but surely corrodes our relationship with God and drives us further and further from the light (John 3:20).  We will never stand up for the Lord and confess His name publicly while we are walking in unforgiveness. We will  never put our lives on the line for Jesus while we’re indulging our fantasies. There’s just too much to lose.  The cure is confession. The antidote is to ask for forgiveness.

God will wipe away your sinful record and love you freely the moment you confess your sins. He will embrace you and begin a powerful work in you. But He wants you to take the initiative. He wants you to genuinely ask for His forgiveness. His hand is already outstretched and waiting. Will you take hold?


þ Pray that we would all seek the Lord’s forgiveness quickly after we fall into sin. Pray that the grace we receive from the Lord will be shared among us as we love each other with Jesus’ own love.

þ Pray that the unbelieving people in our world would see the love of Christ and be drawn to Him for salvation. Pray that God would use us to share that love with these people.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Wednesday March 23, 2011

Read Daniel 9:11-14, Deuteronomy 8

Sometimes the road beneath us can  be very rocky, sometimes even fiery! The prospect of tough times and difficult journeys can instil a fear in us that leads to inaction.

The anticipation of a rocky road can cripple us.  When hard times approach we quickly look for another route. We make excuses to turn around. We look for more comfortable alternatives. Sometimes we might just run away! How do you react when tough times look like coming your way?

Yet God works through these tough situations. We should fear them as much as anticipate great things from God through them. God allowed Israel to walk through a fiery trial in exile to bring their hearts back to Himself. He had earlier allowed them to wander through the desert for 40 years to teach them that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God, to humble them and to teach them.

Hard times bring character and moral growth.  Tough roads draw us closer to God in ever deepening dependence. Fiery trials get our abilities and skills out of the way so that God can work powerfully in us and through us.  Fiery trials burn off the dross and impurities in our lives. Rather than fearing fiery trials let us approach them with a sense of expectancy - anticipating that God would do great things in us, through us and among us. Let us be prayerfully walking whatever road God has called us to walk on. Let us march confidently and victoriously homeward as we sing His praises and declare the glories of Him who called us out darkness into His wonderful light.


þ Believers in Vietnam, Iraq, Iran and Burma are doing it tough. They are persecuted by the authorities and by the community as well. Pray that God would use these tough times to glorify His great name and to bring many more into the kingdom. Pray that the believers will stand up through these tough times and remain faithful to Him.

þ Pray that Shiloh Church ministries will be well equipped and well supported to allow it to support and encourage the believers who are walking a tough road at present.

þ Pray that those in your congregation who are doing it tough will rely on the Lord and be comforted in Him. Pray that they would turn to Christ and find peace, strength in Him.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Tuesday March 22, 2011

Read Daniel 9:4-11. Deuteronomy 28-29

God is described as a covenant keeping God in this passage. Many believers have no idea about covenant and what it entails. A covenant is a legally binding compact signed in blood. When two parties enter into a covenant they agree to spill their own blood should they break the terms of that covenant.

God entered into a covenant with Adam and Eve and their descendants at the creation of mankind (Hosea 6:7).  God entered into a covenant with Abraham. He promised to bless Abraham with many descendants and to make a great nation from him. He would be brought into a great land and all the families of the earth would be blessed through him.  Abraham’s children and his descendants were a part of that covenant.  God entered into, or more correctly renewed,  a covenant with Israel. This covenant  again included all Israel and her children and descendants. Through the blood of Christ Jesus God has entered a new covenant with you and I. Like all the previous covenants, this new covenant too includes our children. This is why Peter declares in his first Spirit filled sermon, ‘The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call."

As you peruse the history of the covenants throughout both Old and New Testaments, you begin to see that God has indeed been constantly faithful to His covenant. He has upheld His end of the bargain at every stage. Never has He proven to be unfaithful.  He will not change now! God will remain faithful to His covenant.

God’s covenant faithfulness means you can go forth into the world today with confidence in Him.  You can trust God as you point people to Him. You can trust God and give up being anxious. You can trust God and go on that mission He’s been nudging you about. You can trust God and give sacrificially this weekend at church. You can trust God and love Him wholeheartedly.  God’s covenant faithfulness means you can trust Him completely.


þ Pray that our World Changers group would be granted deep wisdom and trust in God as they seek to lead us into mission. Ask God to give each one of us a world changer heart that aspires to share the Gospel with anyone who will listen.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Monday March 21 2011

Read Daniel 9:1-3, Psalm 73.

These are strange days aren’t they? Recently in London (that’s London England) the city officials ousted the largest Christian church in Europe (about 10,000 strong in membership) from its building. They were offered a new building across town in a small unsuitable building in an unsuitable part of town. Across the road from the old church, the planning authority approved plans to build a mega-mosque for approximately 80,000 people. This group has known links to terrorist groups.  In these strange  times,  parents have no rights to discipline and teach their children. The age of consent is as low as 12 or 13 in some countries. Legally a parent can do nothing in these countries if their son is wooed by an older man!!! Strange times! Married couples with kids have less rights than others in unbiblical relationships with adopted kids.

Can you interpret the times? Do you understand the times? Daniel was in a similar situation. Life was completely upside down. Life was contrary to the Word of God. And what did Daniel do? He studied the Scriptures. He read and searched and studied the Word of Our Lord.  Like the Psalmist, Daniel discovered that a right understanding  and interpretation of the times  can only come through a thorough understanding of Scripture.

Set yourself a goal - to read through the Bible in a year, or at least the New Testament,or the Old Testament in a year. Make it your goal to understand the times, to be able to correctly interpret the times.  Make it your goal to start seeing the world through the lens of Scripture. Start looking at the world through the eyes of Jesus.  Start thinking about events (local, national and international) from a Biblical perspective.  It’s only by understanding the Bible that we can really start to interpret the times.   If we are to be deliberately distinctive for Jesus we MUST know our Bibles. We must be able to see the world through Jesus’ eyes. We must know the truth.  Don’t just read your Bible. Study it. Learn it. Memorise it. Wield it and use it!


þ Pray that our Biblical literacy will grow phenomenally this year as we study the Word and put it into practice. Ask God to give each believer a passionate desire to know Him better and to know His Word intimately.

þ Pray that our brothers training in Myanmar will know God deeply through His Word.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Saturday March 19, 2011

Read Daniel 8:15-27

Our gathered worship should inspire mission! Huh? Read it again slowly. Our gathered worship should inspire mission!  As we focus on Daniel 7 – 8 you begin to get a sense of God’s oversight of control and sovereignty.  That confidence in God should spur us on to get the good news out into the globe.

In Acts 18:10  the Lord told Paul that he had many people in that city. Paul was to continue bravely and fearlessly preaching the gospel. God still has many people to save. He’s calling you and I to bravely and fearlessly preach the Word. He’s calling us to unashamedly make disciples for Jesus. Knowing that God is sovereign, you can go forth in confidence and victory.  Be it in your own backyard, in the state or this nation or even overseas, you can be sure that God will use you powerfully to grow His kingdom as you step out in faith.  Sharing the gospel is relatively easy.  You can open up doors of conversation by serving people with their needs. You can invite them to church or to a function and then talk to them about what they heard. You can give them a gospel book or even a Bible and then talk to them about what they read.

These kinds of tactics sound scary and often we don’t want to take that extra step. A series of “what ifs” enter our head. What if Jack doesn’t like me? What if Jill doesn’t want to be my friend anymore? What if I get the sack. These what ifs are simply excuses to stop us from stepping out in faith.  God is sovereign. No plan of His can be thwarted. No person or situation will out smart God or catch Him out. You can step out in faith fully confident that God will use you and bless your efforts for His name.

I urge you in  the Lord to step out in faith. Invite that non believer to church tomorrow. Make a time to sit over coffee and speak to them about Jesus. Buy them a Christian gospel book and ask them to read it. Step out in faith. Step out in courage and let God work powerfully through you.


þ Pray that God will grow the faith of everyone in your congregation. Pray that we’ll see God powerfully at work among us and through us as we seek to reach the community of Toowoomba and further abroad for Christ. Pray that we will be able to lead many people into the kingdom.

Pray that each and every person in your congregation would be humble and obedient.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Friday March 18, 2011

Read Daniel 8:1-14

It’s been two whole years since Daniel had his first dream. Now he has another one.  Daniel dreams of rams and goats fighting  each other.  Given the ending of chapter 8 (where Daniel lays ill for several days and is completely exhausted) we can only surmise that the dream was particularly scary,  life like and incredibly intense.

This time, though, the Lord Himself gives us the interpretation of the dream. The ram is the Medo-Persian empire.  The shaggy goat is the Greek empire. The four horns represent the four rulers who took up the divided kingdom after Alexander died.  The small horn that arose is Antiochus IV. Antiochus was extremely anti-God - taking away the daily sacrifice, desecrating the temple, destroying copies of the Torah (Law of God) and forbidding its public reading, offering sacrifices etc. He did destroy the mighty men and the holy people.  But as vs 27 reminds us, ‘Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power’.

God  is able to humble even the most arrogant and powerful rulers. He can take great kings, mighty warriors, intelligent scientists and do with them as He pleases. No one can stand up to our Lord and King.  And yet, it is this great King - who defeated and humbled Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius, Alexander and even Antiochus IV—that comes to us as a helpless babe. He comes to serve not to be served. He comes to die on the cross, not to Lord it over people. He does not intimidate people to worship Him but woos them gently in love and patience.

As we stand out for Jesus and show the world His love, this is the type of servant love we are to be modelling. People will see God’s power in and through us as we love and serve them sacrificially as Jesus has done for us.


þ Pray that each and every single person in your church would have a servant, sacrificial heart. Pray that each person would attend church this Sonday ready to give sacrificially, ready to serve and ready to love others.

Pray that the Word of God would be powerful and active among us as we sit under its authority this Sonday. Pray that God would do great things among us.  Pray that God would heal those needing healing, give relief to the burdened and raise up the lowly and down cast. Pray that Jesus name would bring hope to us all tomorrow.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Thursday March 17, 2011

Read Daniel 7:15-28

The world has seen some disastrous results from monumental delusions. When the first World War began, the general consensus was that the troops would be home by Christmas.  How wrong they were! Countless numbers signed up for the quick war that would end all wars. Needless lives were lost. Not long afterwards, in 1938 just before WW II exploded, Neville Chamberlain declared that peace had been secured in his time because of the appeasement settlement with Adolf Hitler. Again they were desperately wrong!  Many a boxer has arrogantly taunted the opposition and boasted of victory only to be knocked out in the first or second round!

Great disasters occur when we are falsely assured of our victory.  However as Christians our assurance of victory is NOT false or based on insecure foundations. We are assured of victory because Jesus has already been victorious.  Look again at the assurance of vs 17-18:-

'The four great beasts are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth.

But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever--yes, for ever and ever.'

Even though human rulers and kingdoms will rise against the Lord, the saints (and yes, you as a believer are a saint) will inherit the Kingdom. Nothing or no one can take it away from you. In 1 Peter 1:3-5 we read, we are shielded by faith until that glorious day when we are in the Lord’s presence for all eternity.   You can take on the world. You can stand up for Jesus. You can make a difference. You can voice the truth. You can be the Christ man or the Christ woman of this hour because your future is certain. You will inherit the Kingdom along with all the saints. Live like a victor today!


þ Pray for the work of Student Life as they seek to reach out to students at university campuses. Pray for the staff that work in the head office. Ask God to bring unity, clear goals and purposes. Pray that the staff would be the motivation and spurring on for much great work to happen through out the land using university students.

þ Pray that God would provide Teen Challenge and Live Free Tassie with all they need to reach out to drug and alcohol affected young men and women. Pray that God would provide Christian staff and volunteers to support these programs.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Wednesday March 16, 2011

Read Daniel 7:9-14

When we are not courageous and deliberately standing out for our Lord and Saviour it’s mostly because of fear! Isn’t it? Think back over your own life and you’ll see that this is true.  I remember being out in the middle of a vast lake in  small row boat with a non Christian friend. The Holy Spirit was urging me to tell him about the Lord Jesus Christ. There was nowhere he could go. It was too far to swim to shore. I had a captive audience. What was it that locked my mouth shut? Fear !!!

How quickly fear dissolves when we realise that Jesus, the Son of Man, will soon be given all authority and dominion and power and glory. He will cause all peoples (even His enemies) to bow down at His feet. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.  Even the great earthly kingdoms that set themselves up against God and his people will be reduced to nothing in the presence of the Son of Man. They will be thrown into the great fire from which there is no escape. The Son of Man is setting up a kingdom that will never be destroyed or over come.

As a believer you and I are on the winning team.  As members of Christ body we are already victorious. We know the outcome. Jesus will win!!! How can we not be courageous? How can we not stand up and speak out for the Lord Jesus Christ.? How can we not shout out His praises? Being courageous beings with having a right perspective, and a right perspective, begins with indulging ourselves in the Word of God!

Go forth today with courage!


þ Pray that the work of Straight Talk would continue to bless and change many lives of students and their families. Pray that Jim and Faye would be blessed and provided for in this ministry.

þ Pray that the Christians in India would be courageous as they seek to make disciples in Jesus name. Ask God to bring a huge harvest into His body.  Pray that pastors and teachers would be raised up to equip, train and send out the new converts.

þ Pray that we’d see God provide for the India mission team and the Burma mission team. Ask for a generous spirit to be upon this congregation as we partner with them.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Tuesday March 15, 2011

Read Daniel 7:3-8

Have you ever had strange dreams and spent the day wondering what they were all about? Have you ever wished that someone could tell you what that dream meant. Daniel had spent much time interpreting other’s dreams. Now he was the dreamer and was quite perplexed at many of them.  At the outset, let us be clear that the interpretation of the four beasts with any particular kingdom, is difficult and all interpretations have problems. However we can make the following observations:-

  • There is a progressive ferociousness to the beasts. This is represented in the increasing numbers associated with each  beast. I bet you didn’t pick that up as you read it the first time, huh? Me either!

  • The lion with eagles wings and the heart of the man parallels well with the reign of Nebuchadnezzar and his ability to reflect the image of God in some of his wise counsel and rulings.

  • The bear (vs5) has nothing specific enough to relate it to any particular kingdom. The language appears to be emphasising the viciousness of the beast.  Some say it could be the Medo-Persian Empire.

  • The leopard represents dominion. The four wings allow it to fly in any direction.  It could be the kingdom of Alexander the Great.

  • The fourth beast is separated from the rest grammatically. It’s emphasising this beast as different.  This beast is not described to make it more scary. It has been associated with the mighty Roman empire because of the iron and Daniel chapter 2.

  • Out of this fourth empire comes a small horn that speaks proud and boastful words. It could be a person of history or someone akin to 2 Thessalonians 2:3,8 who exalts himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped and even sets himself up in God’s temple proclaiming himself to be God. Both these occur just before the coming of the Son of Man in his glory.

Being able to figure out which beast represents which kingdom rule is not THE important point. What matters is that God has revealed the future to Daniel and revealed that He is in charge and control of all events, even those rulers that pit themselves against God and His people.


þ Pray for the Mustard Seed orphanage to shine the light of Jesus’ love into broken families,  to orphans and disabled people’s lives.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Monday March 14, 2010

Read Daniel 7:1-3. Revise Daniel 2

Did you notice when the dream that Daniel had was set? Read vs1-3 and take note of the timing.  We’ve gone back in time to the reign of Belshazzar (notably of chapter 5).

The dream starts with the four winds churning up the sea.  That the sea is seen in the dream is worthy of note. The sea was feared by the Hebrew land based people. It was dense, hostile and dangerous. It was there that Leviathan frolicked. It was there that storms raged and ships sank. However, the sea was (read Genesis 1 again) a part of God’s creation and came directly under His sovereignty. Psalm 95:4-5, 104:1-9 show that even the great seas were in His hands.  As such the seas were not to evoke fear but wonder and praise. Men were to see the power of the sea and turn to God in adoration and praise for He  alone could set its boundaries and mark its edges.  The animals that swam in the seas were not representations of the gods of the chaos world. They were God’s creatures created on day 5! He ruled even over them, even over feared Leviathan that no man could tame or kill.

As such the sea proved to be a worthy metaphor for the people of God. It looked out of control. It appeared fierce and untameable. It represented the tumult that the world raged against God but was completely under God’s sovereignty. How often do we see our lives and our circumstances as some saw the sea - uncontrollable, untameable and totally without rule or reign. Sometimes we are in despair as men are in despair at the raging of the sea.  Our lives, and our circumstances, are like the sea. They may seem out of control but they come under the sovereignty and reign of the Lord God Almighty.  Nothing in this world can rage against God and defeat Him. Nothing - no circumstance or person or thing  - can  remove God’s love from you and you from God’s love. Nothing can undo God’s plan for your life. Nothing can get in the way of God’s sovereignty. How does that change your day today? How does that change your approach to life today? How does that affect the way you deal with emergencies and surprises today?


þ Pray that our brothers in the Grace Reformed College in Burma will know deeply the sovereignty of God. Pray that they will be able to rejoice, praise Him and share His love with the people around them that are anti-Christian.

þ Pray this too for the pastors and workers at Shiloh Church Ministries.

þ Pray this for your Session, Committee of Management and other committees.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Saturday March 12, 2011

Read Daniel 6:25-28. Psalm 57

Courage comes, as we’ve seen over the week, from consistent prayer, from holiness, from preparation and from knowledge.  Another source of courage that we rarely consider is the Lord’s glory.  God allowed Daniel to be thrown into the Lion’s den so that His name would be glorified throughout the entire earth.  He sent Nebuchadnezzar to the wild beasts so that all would hear of His glory and majesty. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were allowed to be thrown into the fiery furnace so that the world would know this glorious God.  God allowed the Israelites to languish in slavery in Egypt so that His power and glory would be known throughout the world. He humbled the nations so that they would give Him glory.

As we read in Isaiah the prophet ‘I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols.’ (42:8).

Every situation you enter into is another opportunity for the Lord to be glorified. It’s another opportunity for God to show the world how powerful, majestic and compassionate He really is. If we approach all of life in this vein, courage will be our partner.   If our overriding passion is for the Lord to be glorified then fear (except the fear of the Lord) will flee far from us.  If we desire above all else to bring glory to our Lord and to see His glory manifest in our lives and circumstances we will be valiant. We will be courageous. We will step out in faith and speak up for the honour of our Lord and Saviour.

As you think about gathering together as the body of Christ tomorrow, is it your desire, your overwhelming passionate desire, that your God be glorified? Will you be courageous enough to serve others with your spiritual gifts tomorrow? Will you come ready to put into the service, rather than taking from it? Will you glorify God by giving sacrificially? Will you stand up for your Lord and sing to His glory and praise?

As the glory of the Lord becomes our motivation and passion we will stand out for Jesus.


þ Pray that the believers in Iran and Iraq would be courageous and willing to stand up for Jesus.  Pray that the Lord’s glory would be revealed through their lives, their testimony and proclamation of the good news. Pray this for your life too and for your congregation.

þ Pray that our youth workers and children’s workers would be well equipped by the Lord to teach, to model and to testify to the Lord’s glory.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Friday March 11, 2011

Read Daniel 6:23-24. Rev 20:7-15

Courage to stand against the enemy and to engage him/her/them in battle comes from a variety of sources. But don’t be fooled. Courage is not just the absence of fear. Courage is the ability and willingness to move forward despite our fears. One source of courage is knowing the end result. In Christ, you and I know the end result - all evil will be defeated. All sinners and wicked people will be cast into the lake of burning sulphur and fire. All those who love the Lord Jesus Christ and have honoured Him with their lives will be resurrected to eternity in a perfect paradise of blessing and bliss.  Can I walk courageously forward through this muddy situation I am in? Of course I can, because I know that Christ has won the victory. I know that the evil one attacking me at this time will be thrown in to the lake of fire for all eternity and that those who resist in rebellion against God will join him. That certainty, that knowledge, that assurance allows me to walk forward into battle with courage.

Throughout the Bible we see many episodes where the wicked get what they deserve. Here in Daniel 6, those who lied and sought to remove Daniel from his post were thrown into the lions’ den together with their families. Even before they reached the floor of the pit, they were overpowered and killed by the lions. Indeed, the lions were hungry for they hadn’t eaten the day before!

All these types of scenes in the Bible point us to the final and irreversible judgement of the evil and wicked. God will judge the world through is Son Christ Jesus. He will bring restitution.  He will vindicate us His  people. He will deliver us safely into His heavenly kingdom.  You and I can be confident and courageous because of the nature of our God and because of the promises that He’s made. Evil will not flourish. It will not be victorious. God will vindicate His people and judge our enemies. In Christ I can be courageous.

Take time to reflect on what your life would look like if you were more courageous for Christ Jesus. Picture it. Dream about it, then spend time asking God to make you that much more courageous for Christ Jesus.


þ Pray that the pastors and workers at Shiloh Church Ministries in India would have great courage to continue preaching the good news. Pray that we’ll see more people come to the Lord through their witness and testimony. Pray this too for the believers in Nigeria, Nicaragua and Burma.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Thursday March 10, 2011

Read Daniel 6:15-22. 2 Peter 2:1-9

If you were making the movie, “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” how would you film the events around today’s reading? It’s interesting that the writer sees fit to pass over the night by focusing on the king and his concern rather than on Daniel.  We hear nothing of Daniel in the den. We don’t see him being lowered in. We don’t know if he prayed or hid or whatever in the den. But we do see the king tossing and turning all night. We see him refusing to eat and to celebrate. We see him running to the tomb and crying out to see if this God was able to deliver Daniel from the den of lions.

Was Daniel delivered? Of course he was! God is able to rescue His children from all trials. Paul the apostle cried out

The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

If you and I are going to stand in the day of battle, if we are going to live for Christ then we need to know and internalise this very truth. God is able to rescue us. No matter what situation we are in or what powerful enemy besieges us, God is able to rescue us. God will never forsake us. He will deliver us safely into His heavenly kingdom.  Daniel had seen His God deliver many times. He even saw (or at the very least, heard about) his friends being  delivered from the fiery furnace.  Daniel was confident that God would deliver him. As you and I experience God’s deliverance we will grow in confidence and trust God even more. We will be more courageous to speak out, to step out in faith and to stand up for the name and honour of our God.

As we live for God each and every day, we will grow in anticipation of that wonderful day when God will finally deliver us from all evil and we will finally stand in His glorious presence.


þ Spend time praising God for the deliverances you have already experienced.

þ Pray that God would deliver the Myanmar Bible college students from the enemy and from the persecutions so that they can powerfully and boldly preach the good news. Pray that many of the Buddhists would turn to Christ for salvation.

þ Pray for Session. Ask God to fill these men with courage and decisiveness. Pray that Session would be wise and diligent in overseeing the congregation.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Wednesday March 9, 2011

Read Daniel 6:10-16

Daniel really is in the hot seat. He learns of the decree issued by the King - for the next 30 days anyone who prays to any god or any other person except to the king shall be turned into cat food.  How would you react if you were in Daniel’s sandals? Before you answer that just think how close we really are to that situation here in our own day in our own Aussie culture. We’ve already seen gospel ministers jailed for preaching the sinfulness of homosexuality.  It won’t be long before laws are passed - anyone caught proselytising will be fined and jailed. Anyone caught speaking against other religions or other gods will be reprimanded.  Anyone who narrow-mindedly deems only one God and one means of salvation shall be ousted from the fellowship of churches.

How you and I would react in those situations is easy to determine. How you are reacting now foreshadows how you will react then. Are you building a strong relationship with the Lord now? Are you praying passionately and consistently now? Are you walking valiantly with the Lord now? Praise God if you are doing these things now, you’ll do them when the enemy strikes. If you are living for the Lord today, you’ll be ready to die for Him tomorrow.  If you were asked to participate in a triathlon tomorrow your performance would be gauged by your current levels of exercise and preparation.  Our spiritual lives are exactly the same!

In the face of danger and possible extinction, notice what Daniel does. He did what he always did - he went to the upstairs room and prayed. He knelt before the Lord and gave thanks.  He praised God.  We are called to rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS, not just when life is going well. Even in the darkest pit, when our lives are threatened, we are called to rejoice in the Lord. Such rejoicing only comes when we have the sovereign Lord Jesus firmly in our sights and when we are walking close to Him.  Daniel didn’t praise God that he was an old man, 80ish, and so thin and bony that the Lion’s wouldn’t like him. He didn’t praise God that he was finally going home from a rotten world. We aren’t told what Daniel praised God for. However, we can guess that it was about God and His character and His ability to save. He probably focused on God and praised God for who He is and what He’s done.  When the battle strikes will you be found praising God? Will you be singing glory to God? Will you walk forward in victory with the victor’s song joyously emanating from your lips? If you live for God today, I know you will.


þ Spend time praising God for who He is and for what He’s done.

þ Pray for the various committee groups in your church.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Tuesday March 8, 2011

Read Daniel 6:6-9

Attack can come from many places and from many angles. Satan, also called ‘the father of lies’  (John 8:44) will bend the truth to get at and destroy believers. The administrators and satraps presented themselves to King Darius and basically lied.  “All the  royal administrators, satraps, prefects have agreed that the king should issue an edict,” they cried. But Daniel had not been neither consulted nor told of such a plan. It was all a lie to trap Daniel and to remove him from office.

These jealous men knew something about Daniel. They knew that this aged sage would serve His God above and beyond any human, king or decree.

They commented in vs 5 that they will only catch him out if their plan has something to do with the law of His God. They had seen him serve God above Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar. They knew he prayed thrice daily. They knew that God came first. So they sought to attack him at his most consistent point.

The point at which this jealous party attacked Daniel was the point at which he was also his strongest. Daniel had spent 80 years cultivating good, godly habits. He prayed daily. He sought the Lord through tough times and good times. He let nothing move him from seeking His God. Three times a day he would stop his life and seek God. Such a building program is not impossible for you and I to emulate. We can easily pray in the morning., at lunch time and then in the evening. We could probably up it to 5 times a day without too much struggle. Prayer for Daniel was not a routine motion of bowing and chanting. It was an intimate meeting with the divine. It was a connection, a relationship, a trusting dependence on the creator God who sustained all things by His powerful word.

When you pray, you are meeting with God. It is a time for you and God to grow intimately  close to each other. It is an opportunity for you to pour out your heart to God, to listen to God and to sit quietly in His presence. Make it your goal to spend quality time with God at least three times a day for the rest of this week. Make it your goal to stop worrying about what your friends at school or at work think as they see you going off to pray.


þ Pray for the work of Shiloh Church ministries as they serve displaced Christians, orphans, widows and the disabled. Pray that the love of Christ would flow out of them into the community and bring many to the Lord in repentance and faith.

þ Pray that the chaplain(s) at Harristown High School will have ample opportunity to preach the good news to the students, to staff and to parents. Pray for a rich harvest in this school.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Monday March 7, 2011

Read Daniel 6:1-5

When we choose to live for the Lord and make a firm decision to be deliberately distinctive, we WILL face opposition.  The Scriptures assure us that we will have trouble (John 16:33) and that if we want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus we will face persecution (2 Tim 3:12). The reason is simple.  It is revealed to us in 1 John 5:19 that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.  Satan can and will use the people of the world  to attack those believers who stand out brightly for Jesus.  Yet Luther, the great reformer, used to find solace in  these very attacks because they were an encouragement that he was doing great damage to the kingdom of darkness through his life and preaching.

How do we fight these battles? How do we prepare ourselves? For Daniel  there was at least a two pronged attack. The first attack was prayer . Daniel had resolved to meet with his God at least three times a day. He had been conscious to start each day with God as had the biblical greats like Abraham (Gen 19:27), King David (Psalm 5:3) and even Jesus himself (Mark 5:3). For Daniel, prayer was not incidental but essential. It was not fast food takeaway but his staple daily diet.  If you and I are going to weather the attacks of the world we must, must must must, must spend time with the Lord each day. We must start the day with the Lord and seek His face regularly throughout.  We will never be spiritual warriors if we give God 15 tired and worn out minutes before we fall into a deep exhausted sleep at the end of the day.

The second means of attack is to walk in holiness.  Daniel had proved himself to be a trustworthy man. He was neither corrupt nor negligent.  He conducted himself in excellence and qualities.  If we heed the NT and work at all things as though working for the Lord (Col 3:23) we will close the door on possible attacks and render null and void many of the attacks of the evil one. To be holy and blameless is to have both private and public integrity. We must consciously choose to put aside sinful tendencies and practices in our public life but also when nobody else is watching. To be ready for battle and to ward off the enemies attacks, I need to turn off the TV late at night when scantily clad or naked women are being shown. I need to stop viewing inappropriate sites on the internet and on the phone. I need to stop harbouring bitter thoughts of revenge and payback. I need to put aside the coveting of the neighbours things. I need to walk in holiness whether I am being watched or not.


þ Pray for the work of Teen Challenge and Life Free (Tassie) as they seek to battle addiction in the lives of teenagers and young adults.  Pray that God would bring victory to those affected.

þ Pray that God would bless the work of Straight Talk.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Saturday March 5, 2011

Read Daniel 5

History is a good teacher - well it should be anyway. Belshazzar was explicitly told that he should have known better because he had seen the history of his father.

"But you his son, O Belshazzar, have not humbled yourself, though you knew all this.  Instead, you have set yourself up against the Lord of heaven. You had the goblets from his temple brought to you, and you and your nobles, your wives and your concubines drank wine from them. You praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or understand. But you did not honour the God who holds in His hand your life and all your ways.”

We’ll be meeting tomorrow as a congregation. We need to learn from history that being humble before the Lord in our gathered worship is a good thing, pleasing to God. The marks of a humble church are obvious - prayer (seeking God’s decision and input) plays a vital role.  Obedience is espoused and encouraged. The service is conducted in obedience according to the Word and not according to what the world likes or what makes us feel good. The Word of the Lord is central and all sit under its authority eagerly waiting to hear what the Lord has to say. God is honoured as the entire congregation seeks Him and praises Him. The ‘Me-ism” so prevalent in many churches is humbly slain in preference to ‘He-ism’. He is the centre. He is the focus. He is the Lord.

Corporately, we see the humility that the Lord loves but we also see it individually. Individuals come to serve, not to be served. As they drive home, individuals don’t ask, ‘What did I get out of the service today?’ They ask, ’What did I put into the service today?’ Individuals give sacrificially. They display their love for each other in fellowship, in giving, in serving each other, in following each other up, in unity, in using their spiritual gifts to build up the body and in commitment to each other.

Tomorrow when the church gathers you will be able to contribute to it being humble and honouring to God.


þ As we prepare for our Compassion Launch (a church partnership to support a group of children in one village with Compassion) pray that we will have the Lord’s compassion and that we’ll support many children. Pray that God would be glorified through this venture.

þ Pray that through Compassion many will hear the gospel and come to faith in Christ Jesus.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Friday March 4, 2011

Read Daniel 5:24-31. Proverbs 16:18

We use the saying,  ‘The Writing is on the wall’ to signify that some event is about to happen or something is about to end. For Belshazzar the writing was literally on the wall. The words were scribed by the hand from God and no one could interpret the words except Daniel, the God worshipper. Each word in the inscription has a coin meaning - a mena, shekel and half mena.  Each word also has a pun or word play attached to it. Daniel reveals the mystery as follows.

Mene : God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.

Tekel : You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.

Peres : Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians."

Belshazzar’s kingdom has been weighed on the scales and found wanting. He had defied the one true living God and had worshipped idols - statues of wood, clay, stone, bronze, silver and gold. A kingdom is not measured by it’s size and wealth but by it’s relationship to the Lord. The same is true of any life. We cannot measure a life by one’s value or net worth. We cannot measure a life by the person’s achievements.  On an eternal time line, what matters is our relationship to the Lord. Even the most wealthy, the most athletic, the most intelligent,  the most gorgeous, if they do not submit to the Lordship of Christ Jesus, will be condemned for all eternity in the eternal fire. Their life, eternally speaking, will have been a complete waste.

But even the most humble believer can have eternal impact in this world as they bow before the  Lord and let Him work through themselves.  The most humble of believers can see the Lord move mountains as they simply step out in faith and trust the Lord. The most humble of believers can change eternity for others as they share their faith, as they love with the love of Christ, as they share their worldly possessions. The most humble of believers can call upon the Lord and know that He will answer and do what is best.


þ Pray for the work of Mustard Seed Orphanage as they seek to support orphans, widows and the disabled. Pray that we would be able to support them financially, practically and prayerfully. Pray that God would provide for this ministry and grow His kingdom through it.

Pray for the Bible colleges in Myanmar (Grace, RBC), Ask God to grow and mature the students in their understanding of the Scriptures. Pray that they will be equipped and able to start new churches throughout the land. Pray for a great harvest throughout the country

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Thursday March 3, 2011

Read Daniel 5:13-23. 1 Peter 5:6-7. 1 Cor 1:26-29

The irony and comedy continue. As Daniel is called to the great throne room he is offered great wealth and prestige to read the writing on the wall. Daniel rejects any offer of reward from this king, though he accepted it from the real King Nebuchadnezzar. Then he begins to explain the writing on the wall with a rehearsal of the history of King Nebuchadnezzar. Again this former king is held up as the example of real kingship.

You can almost hear the biting sarcasm in Daniel’s words as the point is made:-

"But you his son, O Belshazzar, have not humbled yourself, though you knew all this.

When we turn to the Lord first and foremost we are not being weak or impotent. We are being humble. The Lord loves genuine, true humility. The Lord lifts up the humble. He exalts the humble and draws near to them because they are drawing near to Him.  The Lord works powerfully through those who humble themselves before the Lord.

The opposite side of the equation is pride. When we think we have all the answers and are determined to do it our way, in our strength, in our time we are being proud. What we are declaring to the world is clear - “Hey! Look at me! I don’t need anybody!” That kind of light will never draw people to the Lord. It may attract those who need pragmatic assistance to get their life in order but they won’t be coming to the Lord for grace and salvation. They’ll be coming to you to learn your methods and secrets of success. Hear this very carefully -  successful people still end up in hell!!

Thinking through pride and humility reveals a very important truth.. When the world looks at us they see one of two things. They can either see me walking tall and confident and victorious in my own strength or they’ll see Christ working in me. The latter comes with true humility and is a powerful magnet to draw people to Christ Jesus.


þ  Do you have pride to repent of? Talk to God. Confess the pride and ask for His forgiveness. Read 1 John 1:9 and spend time praising God for His forgiveness.

þ Pray for Andrew Bryan and his family as he serves in Student Life. Ask God to endow Andrew and his team with deep wisdom to reach as many students as practical. Pray that all resources for their work would be provided.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Wednesday March 2 2011

Read Daniel 5:10-12. Psalm 18

We don’t often associate the Bible with comedy but there are some very funny scenes in the Bible.  Picture the situation in the throne room of Belshazzar. After throwing down the gauntlet before Yahweh by drinking from the sacred goblets, a hand appears and writes on the wall.  This great king grows pale, his knees knock together and after the wise men and enchanters prove impotent he grows even paler  as the fear wells up even further. He is almost scared to death.

And in comes the queen, or more probably the queen mother, and cries out the fitting salutation, ‘Long live the King!!’ Fitting words to a king scared to death!  Then she dribbly commands the king not to be alarmed and not to be pale (as if he could help it, anyway).  And to rub salt in the wounds the queen mother speaks of Nebuchadnezzar as the real king, emphasizing the delicate reign Belshazzar has over the kingdom.  Can you hear the sting in her words, “ ... King Nebuchadnezzar your father--your father the king, I say...”? Can you hear the mockery to this young, impotent king. Nebuchadnezzar would have known what to do. Nebuchadnezzar was not a scared weasel as you are! Nebuchadnezzar, the King, your father was NOT like you. OUCH!!!

But being in trouble is no laughing matter. Yesterday, we were encouraged to call out to the Lord of Lords in our time of need. But in reality, how often do we turn to God first and foremost? How often do we exhaust our own wisdom and expertise and ideas before we fall prostrate before the Lord?

We need to build dependence upon the Lord into our psyche and approach to life. Prayer and seeking God should be the first item on our agenda. We need to walk closely to God day by day so that we can call on Him at every step. As God delivers us from each situation we will grow in trust and confidence in our God. The cycle will snowball and we’ll call upon Him more so. As we trust God and allow Him to work in and through our lives, we will see Him powerfully at work because we are stepping out of the way and letting God be God and allowing Him to do what He does best.


þ If there is any situation in your life that needs God’s intervention spend time telling God about it now and asking God to intervene. Pray for the wisdom and the ability to step out of God’s way and to allow Him to work powerfully.

þ Pray for Glenvale Chaplaincy. Ask God to be bless the ministry of the chaplain. Pray for doors to open to speak about Christ with students, parents, staff and workers. Pray for a rich harvest in the school.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Tuesday March 1 2011

Read Daniel 5:5-9

As Belshazzar praised the gods of gold, silver, bronze, wood and stone a dismembered hand appeared and wrote a message on the wall.  This would-be great king is reduced to a jellied wreck.  His face grew pale from fear. His knees knocked together and his legs gave way. He couldn’t even stand he was so frightened.

In his fear he called for the priests and magicians that represented these false gods of stone, wood, bronze, silver and gold. But they too remained mute.  Like the gods, these priests were useless to intervene. They could do nothing, absolutely nothing to help the jellied legged king. Even the promise of great reward and grand promotion could not bring forth a solution to the unreadable writing on the wall.

For believers, there really is only one place to look for help. Of course you know the answer.  When we are in need we look to the God and seek His mercy and grace in our lives. We seek His input into our lives. We turn first and foremost to our Saviour. Indeed the Bible encourages this very course of action. In the book of Hebrews we read;

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

When you feel the urge of temptation racing towards you, turn to God and find grace to help you. When a situation advances that you have no control over, turn to God and call out for His mercy. When you need wisdom parenting, find God first and foremost.  When peer pressure starts to mount up, approach the throne of grace with confidence so that you may find grace and mercy to help you in your time of need.


þ Pray for the work of Creation Research. Ask God to bless their ministry as they seek to teach the gospel (from Genesis onwards) to both believers and non believers. Pray that they would have ample opportunity to debate and discuss creation issues with evolutionists and atheists. Pray that many would come to the Lord through their work.

þ Pray for David and Kristy Richards with their work with Uni Impact in New Zealand. Pray for resources and needs to be met. Ask God to open doors for them to make disciples in Jesus’ Name.