Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Wednesday October 8, 2014

Read 1 Timothy 1:12-20

Imagine someone like Manuel. He’s been attending No Hope Christian Church for a few decades. He has no plan for his life and has found life itself to be devoid of meaning and joy. Since he became a Christian life has been routine and somewhat boring. He often reflects back to the wild old days when as a non believer he would live it up and party all night. Deep down He wants to be used by God but nothing ever seems to happen and he never seems to get anywhere.

Manuel’s story is the direct opposite of the Apostle Paul’s. Paul was a violent and angry young man. He was a blasphemer and a persecutor of Christians.  He described himself as the worst of sinners. But when he was converted he Lord’s grace shone brightly and many were brought to repentance and faith though his ministry.

After reading of Paul’s change, Manuel sat with his pastor and through prayer and petition and much self examination and counsel he determined a mission statement for his life. Manuel wrote down his statement as ‘to serve God faithfully in life and in church, pastoring as many people as possible (ie his spiritual gift) and to grow the kingdom by 12 converts each year.

After discovering his spiritual gift and determining a God-centred plan for his life, Manuel’s life changed completely.  Work became a mission field and an opportunity to glorify God by the quality of his work. Several people took time to listen to the Gospel because they saw a radical change in Manuel’s life. Life outside of work also changed dramatically. It was no longer a search for fun and entertainment but an opportunity to disciple believers and to make disciples from non believers. Manuel started a small men’s group and ministers to them weekly. Church on Sonday is now a joy and a blessing. He pastors people in the church, especially immigrants who have few or no relatives in the country. Manuel’s prayer life has also blossomed. Instead of the routine and boring prayers that were uttered out in a monotone drone he now prays with passion and brings heart felt tears to the Lord about the people he’s ministering to and his workmates. He also reads his Bible expectantly, waiting anxiously for the Lord to speak to him and to show him how to minister to the many people he’s pastoring and working with.

What changed in Manuel’s life? He realised that God had a plan for his life and stepped into that plan. He sought God with his  entire heart, soul, mind and strength and committed himself to serving God, no matter what the cost.

Our Christian lives will always be boring and monotone if we choose to disengage from God and assign Him only a small Sonday morning portion of our week. But if we seek God with our entire heart, soul, mind and strength, then life becomes a joyous journey filled with God’s powerful work. When we seek God, everything changes.

Use today’s Bible reading and notes to pray along the following lines.
¨ If you know any Manuel’s or if you are a Manuel pray that God would bring a complete change of heart and that He would reveal His will and plan for their/your lives.
¨ Pray that each and every person in your church would come alive to God’s plan for their life.
 Walk Moment:
Routine lives that compartmentalise God and assign Him to Sonday mornings rarely bring glory to God. Lives that place God at the head and that are lived for Him 24/7 bring Him glory and honour.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What things stop believers from seeking God with their entire heart, soul, mind and strength?
2. How can your cell/family grow a more God-focused life in each other?
3. What do you like\dislike about Manuel’s own mission statement.?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Love is more than a funny felling in our tummies. Love is more than thinking nice things about someone. Jesus shows us that love for Himself is shown by obedience.  We know what Jesus wants when we read the Word, the Bible. 

Discuss  What shows love in the following relationships - parent/child, husband/wife, friend/friend.

Read  John 14:15-17
What does Jesus say love results in?
What does Jesus promise to do for us?

Pray together that God’s Spirit would lead us in obedience each and every day.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: The word ‘love’ doesn’t mean much to many boys. What does it mean to you? Jesus shows us that love for Himself is shown by obedience.  We know what Jesus wants when we read the Word, the Bible. 

Discuss  What shows love in the following relationships - parent/child, husband/wife, friend/friend.

Read  John 14:15-17
What does Jesus say love results in?
What does Jesus promise to do for us?

Pray together that God’s Spirit would lead us in obedience each and every day.

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