Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Wednesday October 1, 2014

Read Romans 14:9-23

We had the perfect evangelism event for Aussie males planned and mapped out. We had organised to run a wine tasting evening where the Gospel would be clearly shared. Just as we were ready to start our advertising campaign a particular fellow from the church came into the office and shared his past struggle with alcohol and the temptation that this event would place upon him. The leadership struggled and wrestled with this issue and eventually decided that running the event would be a stumbling block and thus needed to be cancelled.

According to Romans 14:9-12 each believer will stand before the judgement seat and will have to give an account of his/her life to God. This is not a condemnation. It is a reckoning or accounting. It’s much like a father asking his son to show him the homework he’s been working on for the last two hours. The father wants to see how productive the son has been. Even though a father in Paul’s day could dismiss a child from the family, the biblical picture here is of a loving God asking His children to give an account of their time on this planet.

In the light of this accounting or reckoning, we are told to stop passing judgement on each other in regard to the disputable matters and we are also commanded not to put obstacles in each other’s way. Our calling is to righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit and everyone who lives in this way is pleasing to God. There could have been no peace, no joy and no righteousness had over the church proceeded with the evangelistic evening.

Our calling is also to mutual edification and to peace. We should seek to build each other up in the Lord. Anything that pulls a brother or sister down must be removed or ceased immediately.  It is simply unloving, even sinful, to eat or drink anything that causes another to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or to drink wine than to cause a brother or sister to stumble.

If a brother or sister tells us that something we are doing or planning to do could cause them to stumble, our reaction should never be ‘I’m sorry it makes you feel like that but…’ Our reaction, according to the Word of the Lord, is to seek peace and edification of the other person!

Can you imagine a church where concern for others is a key driving principle? Can you imagine a church where believers actually consider how their actions impact others before they say or do anything?  Can you imagine a church where love for others is greater than love for self?

Unfortunately that sounds like a radical church in today’s Christian world. But your church can be the light. Your church can be the difference. Your church can lead the charge. All it takes is one person, YOU, to be the light. Go on, be different. Start thinking about others ahead of yourself today!

Use today’s Bible reading and notes to pray along the following lines.
¨ Pray that your congregation would be growing in other centred love and willingness to bless and edify each other. Ask God to allow this love to reach out to the world to show them that you are Jesus’ disciples.
 Word Moment:
As you read the Word of God, think about what God is saying to you personally not what He’s saying to others around you.
 Discussion Questions 
1. There is a fine line between the principle outlined today and legalism. Eg “Thou shall not drink alcohol” is legalistic but avoiding alcohol because of a brother’s struggle is loving and Jesus-honouring. How can we avoid this kind of legalism in our churches?
2. How would you sum up this principle taught in today’s reading?
3. Have you ever had to put this into practice? Share your story.

 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: God has so built His church that each person has a spiritual gift that is to be used for the blessing and benefit of others and not ourselves.  He wants us to look after each other and to care for each other.

Discuss  your spiritual gift and how you use it to bless and benefit others. How did you find out your spiritual gift?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:7
Who is given a spiritual gift?
What is the purpose of the spiritual gift?

Pray together that God would reveal to you your spiritual gift and where He wants you to be serving in the church.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Boys who care for each other and look after each other can be teased and called sissies. But this is what biblical mateship is all about. God has so built His church that each person has a spiritual gift that is to be used for the blessing and benefit of others and not ourselves.

Discuss  your spiritual gift and how you use it to bless and benefit others. How did you find out your spiritual gift?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:7
Who is given a spiritual gift?
What is the purpose of the spiritual gift?

Pray together that God would reveal to you your spiritual gift and where He wants you to be serving in the church.

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