Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Wednesday October 15, 2014

Read Romans 16:17-18

How would you react if a new person came up to you one Sonday morning and said something like, ’Did you realise that the Presbyterian form of government is totally unbiblical?’ What if a fellow believer after a congregational meeting said something like, ‘Boy it makes me mad when the leadership here….’? What if someone who used to come to your church rang you throughout the week to bag the current leadership, how would you respond?

In Paul’s day the Judaisers following Paul were set on creating dissension and disunity in the body of Christ by urging people to follow the laws of Moses. They wanted to destroy the Christian church or at the very least to bring it in line with the Old Testament Torah. The church was to watch out for these dissenters because the division caused would affect the Gospel of Grace that had been sown. Elsewhere, Paul tells the Ephesians elders that wolves in sheep’s clothing will come in among the flock seeking to scatter it. Peter tells us in 2 Peter 3 that scoffers will come in and ridicule the faith that we hold onto. Jude tells us in his letter (Jude 1:3-4) that ungodly men had already slipped into the church and were seeking to turn the grace of God into al licence for immorality.

We would be rather naïve to think that division and dissension is an issue from the past that has no meaning or relevance to us and our churches. In our own day, there are still many forms of division. When a person is upset by a decision made in church, he or she will invariably tell many other people in a bid to seek support and strength. This is a form of division that will destroy the gospel work that has been done. It must be warded off. If two people or groups in the church have an issue or altercation they will seek others to join their side. This kind of division will also destroy the gospel. At other times, outsiders may come in with a hidden agenda seeking to cause division so that they might lead disciples away after themselves or their own church. Usually they will gripe against church structures, the leadership or some theological stance that the church has.

The elders of the church have a particular role in guarding the flock under their care but here Paul encourages each and every church member to be on their guard. In particular each person is to be on guard for those who would create division and /or put obstacles in the way that are contrary to the Gospel.

Every person in the congregation can be on their guard and can take easy to apply steps given in Romans 16:17-18. The advice given is simple - keep away from them. In other words, do not give them a listening ear. Do not allow them to  present their case. Keep away from them. If necessary take them to the leadership of the church (elders and/or minster) and introduce them and leave them. As we saw previously, when a dissenter doesn’t get a foot in the door, one of two things will happen. They will either repent and come to their senses or they will leave. Dissenters rarely hang around when they realise that they have no audience willing to listen and to agree.  Paul’s advice is to keep away from them. He doesn’t even tell us to hear their argument first. We are to simply keep away from them.

Use today’s Bible reading and notes to pray along the following lines.
¨ Pray that the Lord would grant repentance to those who would create disunity within  the Christian church. Pray that Paul’s advice here to keep away from such people would be well headed until they either repent or leave.
¨ Pray that God would bless our cell groups with growing love, intimacy and unity. Pray that the leaders would be Spirit equipped to lead and disciple the cells. Pray that every person would be in a cell.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. How would you summarise Paul’s advice in dealing with people who would cause division?
2. If you have seen this happen in a local church, discuss what happened and how it was dealt with.
3. What is the difference between talking theology and having a reasonable debate and causing dissension/division?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Sometimes it’s hard because we have to tell people they are doing the wrong thing. We don’t want to be labelled a dobber or a dork or anything else. Sometimes it’s easier to say nothing than to speak up for God!
Discuss a time when you had to speak up and rebuke someone. How did it go? What was the outcome? How did the whole thing make you feel?

Read  Proverbs 9:8-9
What are the two possible outcomes to being rebuked?
Should the negative reactions stop us? Why or why not?

Pray together that God would make you wise and wiling to listen to rebuke or correction from others.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Sometimes it’s just not cool to tell another person they are doing the wrong thing. But God wants us to be holy ahead of being coo.

Discuss a time when you had to speak up and rebuke someone. How did it go? What was the outcome? How did the whole thing make you feel?

Read  Proverbs 9:8-9
What are the two possible outcomes to being rebuked?
Should the negative reactions stop us? Why or why not?

Pray together that God would make you wise and wiling to listen to rebuke or correction from others.

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