Thursday, 30 October 2014

Thursday October 30, 2014

Read: Colossians 1:10-12
Everybody loves a generous giver. I was recently in the waiting room at a medical centre. The staff were selling chocolates to raise money for a charity. One young man asked to purchase all the chocolates in the box so that the money could go to charity (probably $20-$30 worth). The staff handed over the chocolates and he immediately began handing them out to everyone in the waiting room who wanted one. When he had finished he gave the leftovers back to the staff as a gift and promptly left. The effect on the staff and patients was amazing. Everyone was astonished at the generosity and kindness of this man.

There is no more generous giver than our gracious God. Even this man’s random act of generosity could never compete with all that God has given and all that He continues to give His people. Everything that we need God graciously and lovingly provides to us. We exist because He created us and sustains us (Hebrews 1:3). When we needed a rescue from our sins He graciously provided His Son. He provides the very faith we have in Christ by softening and stirring our hearts by His Spirit. He enables and helps us to live for Him through the power of His Spirit. All that we need God provides. We see this here in Colossians as well.

Paul prays that God would fill the Colossians with knowledge of His will so that they might live a life worthy of the Lord. He describes this life in four ways. Even these areas that Paul describes are not things that we do by ourselves. They are the outworking of the knowledge and grace that God provides. Even these things are given by God and we participate with Him in them.

Bearing Fruit - One aspect of living a life pleasing to the Lord is to bear fruit in our lives. These are the good works and acts of service that God provides and enables us to do and the good character that He is working to bring about in our hearts. Even the good fruit that flows from our faith is a gracious gift of God to us.

Growing in the Knowledge of God - We have already talked about growing in the knowledge and understanding of who God is and what He has done. To live in a way that is pleasing to God is to continue to be growing in this understanding and knowledge. This is a gift of God as He works powerfully in our minds and hearts through His Word.

Being Strengthened - How gracious is it that God so often provides what He asks of us?! God is strengthening us with all power according to God’s might. He does this so that we might have endurance and patience. God calls us as His people to stand up for Him, to be strong and to endure but He doesn’t leave us without help. He Himself provides the strength and endurance we need. How generous!

Joyfully Giving Thanks - A life pleasing to God should include giving thanks to Him for all that He has done, specifically that He has done the work to qualify us to share in the inheritance of the saints. This gratitude flows from the knowledge that God gives us of what He has done for us and even this is a gift given us from God. Let us joyfully give thanks to God for all that He has provided us.

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray for the small groups that gather in your church. Pray that they would grow in knowledge of God and thanks for all that He so graciously provides. Pray that this would result in fruitful lives that honour God.
 Walk Moment:
Just because God graciously provides all that we need for holiness and life doesn’t mean we get to just sit back and enjoy the ride. He desires that we be striving and working alongside Him to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. No free passes here.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What sort of fruit do you think should be evident in the life of a believer?
2. What should we do if we can’t see this kind of fruit in our lives?
3. What are some situations that we might face in 21st century Australia where we need endurance and patience?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: God is a very kind and generous God. He give us so many things that we don’t deserve because He loves us.
Share: Some things that God has given you that you can be thankful for. See how many you can come up with.
Read: Ephesians 4:32  Because God has been so kind and generous with us we ought to be kind and generous towards others. What are some ways that you could be kind to others? How can you be generous? What should you do if someone does something wrong towards you?
Pray Together: Thank God for all that He has given us through Jesus. Pray that He would help you to be generous to others.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: God is a very kind and generous God. He give us so many things that we don’t deserve because He loves us.
Share: Some things that God has given you that you can be thankful for. See how many you can come up with.
Read: Ephesians 4:32  Because God has been so kind and generous with us we ought to be kind and generous towards others. What are some ways that you could be kind to others? How can you be generous? What should you do if someone does something wrong towards you?
Pray Together: Thank God for all that He has given us through Jesus. Pray that He would help you to be generous to others.

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