Friday, 31 October 2014

Friday October 31, 2014

Read: Colossians 1:13-14
Everyone loves a good rescue. It seems most popular heroes and stories involve a rescue of some description. Maybe it is the superhero, who fights off the bad guys to rescue innocent people from certain doom. Maybe it is the dashing young man who falls in love with a lonely women, rescuing her from a (perceived) life of loneliness. Or maybe it is the detective who diligently follows the clues to bring about justice and to rescue future victims. We all love the story of a thrilling rescue.

There is no bigger, more thrilling rescue in history than the rescue that God has performed for His people. Paul describes it here in Colossians 1:13-14:
“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

Because of our own choice to rebel against God we were under the dominion of darkness. The powers of evil, death and sin ruled over us and we were totally lost apart from God. Think of the person who is in so much trouble that there is absolutely no hope that they would be able to rescue themselves. That is the situation we are in. Nothing that we could have done could have saved us from that situation.

And yet God intervenes. He rescues us. He takes us from the dominion of darkness and brings us into the Kingdom of His Son, the Kingdom of Light. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ we have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness and death into the Kingdom of light and life. We have been brought into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Himself. We don’t deserve to be citizens of such a Kingdom. In fact, if we got what we deserved we would remain in the kingdom of darkness. But God graciously rescues us and brings us into His Kingdom.

There are two alternative ways that we can live as human beings. We can choose to remain as citizens of the kingdom of darkness, suffering under the dominion of sin and death. This alternative leads to ultimate judgment and condemnation when we stand before God in the final judgment. For those who choose this way of life there is no rescue or redemption.

Or we can choose to be citizens of the Kingdom of God’s Son. We can choose to be amongst God’s people. We can be freed from the burden and dominion of sin and death and be brought into the light. We can experience redemption and forgiveness. For those who choose this way of life there is no terror of ultimate judgment. For we are declared righteous in Christ.

How do we become a part of this Kingdom? It is all in Christ. Through faith in Him and relationship with Him through that faith we can be made right with God and become citizens of the Kingdom of the Son rather than the kingdom of darkness. What way of life will you choose?

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray by name for those you know who are still under the dominion of darkness. Pray that God would give you opportunities to share the gospel with them and that they might turn to Him in faith.
¥ Pray for the Youth as they gather tonight at ChristLife. Pray the Gospel would be clearly taught and they would follow Christ with their lives.
 Witness Moment:
It is our responsibility to present to people the two kingdoms that they can choose to be a part of. They can remain in the kingdom of darkness or they can be citizens of the Kingdom of the Son through faith in Him. There’s no middle ground.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
Imagine that you are talking with a non-Christian about Colossians.
1. How would you explain what Paul means by the ‘dominion of darkness’?
2. How would you describe what it means to be a part of the Kingdom of the Son?
3. Explain in simple language what they should do to go from one kingdom to the other.
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Sometimes we can’t get out of things ourselves and we need someone to come and rescue us.
Share: A time when you needed for someone to come and rescue you. What happened? Were you glad that someone came to help?
Read: Colossians 1:13-14 God has rescued us. According to this verse what has He rescued us from? What do you think the dominion of darkness is? What has God brought us into instead? How can we be a part of God’s kingdom?  What did God do to rescue us?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has forgiven our sins. Pray that He would help us tell others about Him.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Sometimes we can’t get out of things ourselves and we need someone to come and rescue us.
Share: A time when you needed for someone to come and rescue you. What happened? Were you glad that someone came to help?
Read: Colossians 1:13-14 God has rescued us. According to this verse what has He rescued us from? What do you think the dominion of darkness is? What has God brought us into instead? How can we be a part of God’s kingdom?  What did God do to rescue us?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has forgiven our sins. Pray that He would help us tell others about Him.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Thursday October 30, 2014

Read: Colossians 1:10-12
Everybody loves a generous giver. I was recently in the waiting room at a medical centre. The staff were selling chocolates to raise money for a charity. One young man asked to purchase all the chocolates in the box so that the money could go to charity (probably $20-$30 worth). The staff handed over the chocolates and he immediately began handing them out to everyone in the waiting room who wanted one. When he had finished he gave the leftovers back to the staff as a gift and promptly left. The effect on the staff and patients was amazing. Everyone was astonished at the generosity and kindness of this man.

There is no more generous giver than our gracious God. Even this man’s random act of generosity could never compete with all that God has given and all that He continues to give His people. Everything that we need God graciously and lovingly provides to us. We exist because He created us and sustains us (Hebrews 1:3). When we needed a rescue from our sins He graciously provided His Son. He provides the very faith we have in Christ by softening and stirring our hearts by His Spirit. He enables and helps us to live for Him through the power of His Spirit. All that we need God provides. We see this here in Colossians as well.

Paul prays that God would fill the Colossians with knowledge of His will so that they might live a life worthy of the Lord. He describes this life in four ways. Even these areas that Paul describes are not things that we do by ourselves. They are the outworking of the knowledge and grace that God provides. Even these things are given by God and we participate with Him in them.

Bearing Fruit - One aspect of living a life pleasing to the Lord is to bear fruit in our lives. These are the good works and acts of service that God provides and enables us to do and the good character that He is working to bring about in our hearts. Even the good fruit that flows from our faith is a gracious gift of God to us.

Growing in the Knowledge of God - We have already talked about growing in the knowledge and understanding of who God is and what He has done. To live in a way that is pleasing to God is to continue to be growing in this understanding and knowledge. This is a gift of God as He works powerfully in our minds and hearts through His Word.

Being Strengthened - How gracious is it that God so often provides what He asks of us?! God is strengthening us with all power according to God’s might. He does this so that we might have endurance and patience. God calls us as His people to stand up for Him, to be strong and to endure but He doesn’t leave us without help. He Himself provides the strength and endurance we need. How generous!

Joyfully Giving Thanks - A life pleasing to God should include giving thanks to Him for all that He has done, specifically that He has done the work to qualify us to share in the inheritance of the saints. This gratitude flows from the knowledge that God gives us of what He has done for us and even this is a gift given us from God. Let us joyfully give thanks to God for all that He has provided us.

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray for the small groups that gather in your church. Pray that they would grow in knowledge of God and thanks for all that He so graciously provides. Pray that this would result in fruitful lives that honour God.
 Walk Moment:
Just because God graciously provides all that we need for holiness and life doesn’t mean we get to just sit back and enjoy the ride. He desires that we be striving and working alongside Him to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. No free passes here.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What sort of fruit do you think should be evident in the life of a believer?
2. What should we do if we can’t see this kind of fruit in our lives?
3. What are some situations that we might face in 21st century Australia where we need endurance and patience?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: God is a very kind and generous God. He give us so many things that we don’t deserve because He loves us.
Share: Some things that God has given you that you can be thankful for. See how many you can come up with.
Read: Ephesians 4:32  Because God has been so kind and generous with us we ought to be kind and generous towards others. What are some ways that you could be kind to others? How can you be generous? What should you do if someone does something wrong towards you?
Pray Together: Thank God for all that He has given us through Jesus. Pray that He would help you to be generous to others.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: God is a very kind and generous God. He give us so many things that we don’t deserve because He loves us.
Share: Some things that God has given you that you can be thankful for. See how many you can come up with.
Read: Ephesians 4:32  Because God has been so kind and generous with us we ought to be kind and generous towards others. What are some ways that you could be kind to others? How can you be generous? What should you do if someone does something wrong towards you?
Pray Together: Thank God for all that He has given us through Jesus. Pray that He would help you to be generous to others.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Wednesday October 29, 2014

Read: Colossians 1:9-12
When you study an apprenticeship today there are a number of components. Consider for example doing an apprenticeship to be a mechanic. A large portion of your apprenticeship is on-the-job training. You spend your time actually doing the work of a mechanic, servicing cars, changing oil, reconstructing engines and repairing problems. But you also spend some time learning the theory required to do the job. You go to TAFE or sit with a trainer and learn about how engines work, what gearboxes do, how they are put together and how electronics work in cars. Both are important. If you neglect your theory or your practice your work will suffer.

We see the same principle at work here in Colossians. Paul tells the Colossian believers that he and Timothy are praying for them. They are praying that God would fill them with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. Notice the priority that Paul puts on knowledge here. Paul wants them to have a thorough and deep understanding of all that God has done in the world and all that means for how they are to live. He wants them to understand who God is, what He has done and what that means for them.

Paul does not downplay knowledge of God, who God is and what He has done in the world. He doesn’t tell them to not worry about it and focus on living well instead. Paul prays first and foremost that the Colossians would be filled with  knowledge. He wants them to grow in understanding of God and His Word. Often we can be quick to dismiss growing in knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. We either think we have already arrived and know enough about all that or we think that pursuing that kind of knowledge is irrelevant for daily life.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, we see in the very next verse why Paul is praying for growth in knowledge: “And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way…” This kind of knowledge is not a means to itself. In fact, it is a necessary step in living in a way which honours God. Paul is praying that they might grow in knowledge so that they might live differently.

As we too grow in knowledge of the Lord we must be careful of two things. Firstly, we must never pursue knowledge merely for knowledge sake. We cannot study God’s Word as a purely academic exercise without allowing it to change our lives and grow our relationship with God. When we do we have totally missed the point. A greater understanding of God’s Word must result in a changed life and a deeper relationship with Him.

Secondly, we must never abandon the pursuit of knowledge and the desire to grow in understanding of God’s Word. There is always more to learn about God and about what He has done for us. Through this kind of knowledge God works to change us from the inside out.

Let us pray that God would fill us with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray that God would be at work in all those in your congregation (including you!) that they might grow in knowledge of God and what He has done. Pray that through this growth many lives would be changed and that people would honour Him.

Word Moment:
Knowledge and insight into God’s Word is a means by which He works to change us and the way that we live. We cannot hope to change and yet neglect our study of God’s Word. If you want to change start with God’s Word and prayer. You’ll be amazed what He does!

Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What would you say to a believer who doesn’t think it matters whether you study God’s Word or not as long as you live a good Christian life?
2. What would you say to a believer who says it doesn’t matter how you live, just what you believe?

Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Getting to know our friends well means we can be better friends to them. When we know them well we can do things that they like.
Share: A time when your friends showed how well they knew you. What did they do? How did it make you feel?
Read: Colossians 1:9-10 Paul prays that the people reading the letter would grow in knowledge of God. How do you think we can grow in knowledge of God? Who could we ask to help us? In verse 10 Paul says that knowing God better helps us to live better. How could knowing God help us live well?
Pray Together: Pray that God would help you to get to know Him better. Pray that He would help us live well.

Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Getting to know our friends well means we can be better friends to them. When we know them well we can do things that they like.
Share: A time when your friends showed how well they knew you. What did they do? How did it make you feel?
Read: Colossians 1:9-10 Paul prays that the people reading the letter would grow in knowledge of God. How do you think we can grow in knowledge of God? Who could we ask to help us? In verse 10 Paul says that knowing God better helps us to live better. How could knowing God help us live well?
Pray Together: Pray that God would help you to get to know Him better. Pray that He would help us live well.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Tuesday October 28, 2014

Read: Colossians 1:3-8

“A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous,” says President Snow in the film adaption of The Hunger Games. Seeking to use hope and fear to control the population and keep them submissive to a tyrannical regime, he observes that giving the people too much hope is dangerous. If this is true then those who are in Christ have a ridiculously dangerous amount of hope. We have the kind of hope that can change hearts, transform people and shatter empires. We have a kind of hope that changes and effects everything in our lives.

Paul talks about this hope that we have in Colossians 1:5, a hope that we have stored up in heaven. What is this hope? This is the hope of eternal life given to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without Him we would be entirely without hope in this world (Ephesians 2:12), under the righteous judgment and punishment of God for our rebellion against Him. But God intervened. Jesus Christ, God the Son Himself, lived a perfectly sinless life without any kind of rebellion against God and then died a horrific death on our behalf that He didn’t deserve. He paid the penalty so that we could be made right with God. He was raised from the dead showing that God’s wrath was satisfied completely and that death had been defeated forever.

Now, because of what Christ has done on our behalf, we have the hope of a glorious future. A future with no suffering, no sin and no evil. A future where we will spend eternity with God, serving Him and loving one another. We look forward with certainty to the day when we stand before God and are declared righteous because of Christ and are ushered into His kingdom forever.

This indestructible hope that is stored up for us in heaven changes everything about how we live now. Notice that Paul mentions two things that grow from this hope in our lives. Firstly, we have faith in Jesus Christ. Because of what He has done for us and the hope that we have in the future through Him we grow in faith in Him. We grow in our trust in Him and putting our lives in Him. An understanding of God’s grace and this hope that we have been given must result in faith in Him.

Secondly, this hope that we have in the future grows in us a love for all the saints. If we understand what Jesus has done for us and are living in light of the future hope we have in Him then we must love those other believers around us. This isn’t an optional part of being a Christian. If we understand the Gospel and truly believe what God has done then this will grow love for other believers in our lives.

Think about it. God the Son Himself was willing to suffer and to die for the other believers around you because He loved them so much. How can we not love them? God has graciously brought about faith in Himself through the work of His spirit in their hearts. How can we not love them? And we will one day spend eternity with them in perfect relationship with God and with them. How can we not love them? If we truly understand the Gospel and all that God has done we cannot help but love our fellow believers.

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Thank God for the incredible, life changing hope we have in Christ. Pray that He would help you to live in light of that hope, that He would grow your faith and trust in Him.
¥ Pray that He would grow your love for other believers and that you would be bold in serving them and building them up. Pray specifically that you would grow in your service of the other believers in your church.
 Walk Moment:
Loving other believers is not just about having nice feelings inside, its also about how we live. If we truly love others then we will serve them, encourage them, build them up and be devoted to them. Pray that God would give you opportunities to love like this.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What practical things could we do to grow in our love for other believers?
2. How would growing in understanding of the Gospel and the hope we have in the future grow our love for one another?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: It’s fun to look forward to something exciting that will happen. When you’re super excited about something what do you do?
Share: A time when you were excited about something that was going to happen. What were you excited about? What did you do?
Read: Colossians 1:5 Paul says that we live differently because of the hope stored up for us in heaven. Do you know what that might be? Why do you think that hope is so exciting? Are you excited about heaven? Why or why not? How could this excitement change what you do?
Pray Together: Thank God for the hope He gives us through Jesus.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: It’s fun to look forward to something exciting that will happen. When you’re super excited about something what do you do?
Share: A time when you were excited about something that was going to happen. What were you excited about? What did you do?
Read: Colossians 1:5 Paul says that we live differently because of the hope stored up for us in heaven. Do you know what that might be? Why do you think that hope is so exciting? Are you excited about heaven? Why or why not? How could this excitement change what you do?
Pray Together: Thank God for the hope He gives us through Jesus.