Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Wednesday September 17, 2014

Read: Romans 12:10
“Blood is thicker than water.”

This old adage powerfully illustrates a principle that is still active in many families. The idea is that your commitment to your family is more important than your commitment to other people. Your family must be your highest priority. We see this tendency in the mother who will do anything to look after and protect her children. We see this tendency in the father who will do whatever it takes to protect his family. We see this tendency in children who will often care for their brother or sister when they are in trouble. We see especially how important this commitment is when it is broken and the devastation is horrific.

In a shocking move Paul uses this level of commitment to talk about the way that believers are to be devoted to one another. Paul writes: “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.” This word for devotion is the same word that would be used for the love that a family had for one another. Paul is encouraging the believers to love one another and be committed to one another in the same way that a family is committed to one another.

This kind of devotion is what makes believers care for one another when they are sick. This kind of devotion is what compels us to be there for believers who are grieving. This kind of devotion is what drives us to serve one another sacrificially and give to one another generously. In countries with extreme persecution this kind of devotion is what causes believers to endure imprisonment and even torture without giving up the other believers. This is a radical kind of love for one another.

One way that this devotion is worked out in our lives is by honouring and serving others above ourselves. That is why Paul immediately continues by exhorting the believers to “Honour one another above yourselves.” The ESV translation says “Outdo one another in showing honour.” Christians are not meant to compete with one another in order to gain greater honour for themselves. Just the opposite! This kind of devotion to one another means that we are trying to outdo one another in showing honour to others. We are trying to outdo one another in serving others. We are trying to outdo one another in loving other believers. Not so that we might be superior but because we desire to build up and honour others.

What would your church look like if this was the prevailing attitude? What would your church look like if the congregation was this devoted to one another? Instead of arguing about what music we sing we would seek to love others and honour their preference above our own. Instead of arguing about what ministries should receive funding we would prioritise others above ourselves. Instead of fighting over petty disagreements we would genuinely seek to love one another and to graciously build one another in the truth. Instead of scrambling for positions of power, authority or recognition we would give the honour to others.

This leads me to ask the question of myself: “What would my church look like if I was devoted to other believers like this?” Food for thought…

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray for those believers around the world who are enduring severe persecution for their faith. Pray that they would be encouraged in their faith and that they would continue to be devoted to each other.
 Word Moment:
Did you know that at the time of writing the New Testament it was illegal to call someone your brother or sister unless you were actually related as it could interfere with succession rights. Yet Paul refers to believers as brothers and sisters. Now that’s devotion!
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Practically, what do you think it would look like to be devoted to other believers?
2. What would your church look like if everyone in the congregation was devoted to one another?
3. How can you foster this kind of love and devotion in your own heart?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Your mum and dad love you and care for you very much. They would do nearly anything to look after you and care for you.
Share:  A time when it helped you to know that your mum and dad love you. How did it make you feel?
Read: Romans 12:10 Paul tells the believers to be ‘devoted’ to one another. What does it mean to be devoted? Believers are to love each other like a family loves each other and cares for each other. How could you show this kind of love to other believers?
Pray Together: Thank God that He loves us and is devoted to us. Pray that He would help us to love others too.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Your mum and dad love you and care for you very much. They would do nearly anything to look after you and care for you.
Share:  A time when it helped you to know that your mum and dad love you. How did it make you feel?
Read: Romans 12:10 Paul tells the believers to be ‘devoted’ to one another. What does it mean to be devoted? Believers are to love each other like a family loves each other and cares for each other. How could you show this kind of love to other believers?
Pray Together: Thank God that He loves us and is devoted to us. Pray that He would help us to love others too.

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