Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Wednesday September 10, 2014

Read: Romans 12:6, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Have you ever met someone who is just naturally gifted? Some people are naturally gifted at sports and no matter what sport they try they seem to excel. Some people are naturally gifted at music and can teach themselves any instrument they can get their hands on. Some people are naturally gifted thinkers, absorbing and learning all kinds of material without trouble. Some people are naturally gifted at relationship and can encourage everyone just by being in the room. Do you know people who are naturally gifted like that?

You could say that all Christians are supernaturally gifted. When we put our faith in Christ and the Holy Spirit begins His work in us we are given a spiritual gift or gifts for use in building up and encouraging the body of Christ. There are no exceptions to this! Everyone who has faith in Christ is given a spiritual gift. That is what Paul is saying in 1 Corinthians 12:7: “To each one a manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” This means that there are no passengers in the church. There are no people in the body of Christ who have no gifts, cannot serve others and are simply along for the ride. Paul is crystal clear: each one is given a spiritual gift.

Notice the purpose of these gifts. They are given for the common good. All of these gifts that God gives are for the express purpose of building up the church and growing others in their faith. They are given so that we might encourage and serve one another. If you have a gift (and we’ve already established that every believer does) you have been given it so that you may serve and build up other believers. You have been gifted for the sake of everyone in the body of Christ.

In Romans 12 Paul continues his description of the body by reminding the believers that they all have different gifts that God has given them. We don’t all have the same gifts. God gives each of us different gifts so that we might serve each other, learn to depend on each other and to build up the body of Christ. We are not robots who are all made exactly the same and are all expected to work the same. The church is more like a crack commando squad where each member is a specialist in a different area. Without the skills and expertise of each member of the squad the job cannot be completed.

Paul goes on in 1 Corinthians 12 to list some of the spiritual gifts that God gives believers to build up the church. Each of these gifts are necessary to build up the church and accomplish the mission that God has given us. If there are believers who are sitting on the sidelines and not getting involved then the church is missing some of the skills and gifts that it needs. If, however, everyone is getting involved and doing their part then the whole body thrives and the church can grow and move forward.

This isn’t just theory. If you have faith in Jesus Christ then you have been given a gift by the Holy Spirit for use in growing and encouraging the church. You are a vital and necessary part of making the church function together. Are you using your gifts?

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray for the believers around the world who are suffering under persecution at the moment. Pray that God would strengthen and encourage them and that He would provide all that they need. Pray that they would be faithful and bold in preaching the gospel to those who don’t have faith in Jesus.
¥ Pray for the MOPS group as they meet at ChristLife this morning. Pray that the community mums who are involved would be encouraged and challenged as they see the love of Christ lived out. Pray that there would be many opportunities to share the gospel today.
 Witness Moment:
It is a powerful witness to the unbelieving world when Christians are using their gifting to love and serve one another. Let’s get involved!
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Share with the group what you think your spiritual gifts are. Invite them to encourage you in these areas or suggest other areas of gifting. If you are unsure invite them to tell you what they think some of your gifts might be.
2. Consider how you might be able to work together as a group to use these gifts within your church.
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro:  If you want to do a job right you need the right tools. Think about an example. You need the right coloured pencils to draw the perfect picture.
Share:  A time when you didn’t have the right tools to get a job done. What happened?
Read:  1 Corinthians 12:7.  Paul tells us that God gives every Christian the right tools for God’s job. In this verse what is the job that we are given tools to do? What is the common good? The tools God gives us are our skills, abilities and gifts. Whose good should we use these for?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has given us the tools we need. Pray that He would help you use them for good.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro:  If you want to do a job right you need the right tools. Think about an example. You need the right shoes to run around and play sport.
Share:  A time when you didn’t have the right tools to get a job done. What happened?
Read:  1 Corinthians 12:7.  Paul tells us that God gives every Christian the right tools for God’s job. In this verse what is the job that we are given tools to do? What is the common good? The tools God gives us are our skills, abilities and gifts. Whose good should we use these for?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has given us the tools we need. Pray that He would help you use them for good.

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