Monday, 22 September 2014

Monday September 22, 2014

Coming Up: Sonday September 28, 2014
In The World But Not Of The World - Romans 13
 Read: Romans 13:1-2, 1 Peter 2:13-17
If you want to start a lively discussion amongst almost any group start talking about politics. Tensions will flare, tempers will rise and people will start to air all their grievances about the policies and practices of the current rulers. Discussions like this seem to be particularly prevalent amongst church people, who not only disagree with those policies that directly affect them but also rightly disagree with policies of the government which conflict with God’s Word. If you really want to throw the cat amongst the pigeons in this kind of discussion, let me suggest reading out Romans 13:1-2.

This passage confronts the way that we tend to operate in 21st century Australia. Rather than recognise the authority that the Government naturally has over us we can tend to only acknowledge whatever authority our power we allow them to have over us. We tend to consider ourselves the highest authority and when the government stops serving our needs or delivering on our preferences we rebel, regardless of how subtle or hidden our rebellion is.

Paul commands that believers do something totally different. Rather than expect the government to fulfil our needs we are to submit ourselves to the government. We are to recognise their authority and submit ourselves to their rule. Why? Because their authority is given directly by God. Paul says this twice in verse 1, once in a negative way and once in a positive way: “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

We submit to the governing rulers and authorities over us not because they have some kind of intrinsic right to rule over us. Instead we submit to them because their authority and power is given to them directly by God. If we are rebelling against them then we are rebelling against what God has established and we are rebelling against God Himself. This is true whether the government is Liberal, National, Labour or Greens. God has established those in Authority.

This means we must obey the laws and decisions of the government, even when we don’t necessarily agree with them. Of course we must make an exception in cases where the laws of the land directly contradict God’s laws. In that case we have a duty as God’s people to obey God and disobey the government. However, for us in 21st Century Australia this would be the exception and not the rule. We cannot use this as an excuse to disobey the laws that we disagree with or don’t serve our purposes and desires.

Do we submit to the government that God has instituted or do we rebel against them? Do we use every chance we can to talk badly about those in authority and stir up trouble or do we seek to submit to those in authority over us?

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray for those who are in authority over our country. Pray that God would give them wisdom and guide them in making Godly decisions. Pray that those who don’t know Christ would have their hearts softened and would turn to Him.
¥ Pray that God would help us to submit, even to those we disagree with.
 Worship Moment:
In a way that we don’t fully understand God is sovereign over all things that happen in the Universe. This should prompt us to fall before God in worship and praise at who He is. Take a moment to praise God today.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What do you think it looks like for us to submit to the governing authorities?
2. Under what circumstances do you think it is legitimate to rebel against the government?
3. Can you think of any examples in the Bible where people disobeyed the commands of the government and obeyed God instead?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Everyone has to obey someone higher than them. Even leaders have to obey God.
Share: Who do you have to obey at home? Who do you have to obey at school? Who do you have to obey all the time?
Read: Romans 13:1 Paul tells the believers that they should obey the ’governing authorities’. What is an authority? Can you think of some examples? God wants us to obey those who He has put in authority over us. Who does God want you to obey? Is it ever okay not to obey? Why?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has put people in authority to help us and protect us.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Everyone has to obey someone higher than them. Even leaders have to obey God.
Share: Who do you have to obey at home? Who do you have to obey at school? Who do you have to obey all the time?
Read: Romans 13:1 Paul tells the believers that they should obey the ’governing authorities’. What is an authority? Can you think of some examples? God wants us to obey those who He has put in authority over us. Who does God want you to obey? Is it ever okay not to obey? Why?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has put people in authority to help us and protect us.

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