Friday, 5 September 2014

Friday September 5, 2014

Read: Romans 12:2, Romans 8:5-11
The natural process by which a caterpillar becomes a butterfly never ceases to amaze me. One day the insect is a plain, boring looking caterpillar eating all the foliage it can get its mouth around. Then, all of the sudden, it finds a place to build a cocoon and hides inside for some time. Just when it seems like all life is gone the cocoon breaks open and a beautiful butterfly emerges. The original caterpillar is virtually unrecognisable, a total transformation has occurred.

It is this kind of total transformation that Paul has in mind here in Romans 12 when he writes, “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” As Christians we are not to live or to think in the same sinful way that the world does. Instead, we are to be changed as God is at work transforming our minds. The kind of transformation that Paul is talking about is not partial or confined to only part of who we are. It’s not only our Sonday mornings that are changed, This is a total transformation. Everything about us is being changed so that we might be more like Jesus Christ.

Notice how this change works. It is not our sheer willpower that results in transformation. Paul is not commanding us to make the transformation happen by trying as hard as we possibly can to be different. Instead we are transformed by the renewing and changing of our minds. As the way we think is changed it results in a total transformation of who we are. In this passage the key for Paul is the renewing of our minds.

Paul has talked about the mind earlier in Romans. In Romans 1:28 God gives sinful mankind over to a depraved and sinful mind. This mind is consumed with planning, approving of and inventing new ways to sin. This mind leads to death.

But this is not the mind of the Christian anymore. We are changed by the Spirit so that our minds are now set on the things of the Spirit (Romans 8:5). Rather than leading to death our minds now lead to life and peace (Romans 8:6). God is at work transforming our minds by His Spirit so that we might be more and more like Him. Through Jesus Christ God is undoing in us the death brought by sin and bringing life by His Spirit.

We must also participate in this work that God is doing in our minds. We cannot simply sit back and wait for God to change the way that we think. We cannot just pray that God would change our minds and then continue to live in sin. We must be active participants in God’s work of renewing our minds.

How? By spending regular time reading God’s Word by ourselves and in community with other believers. By spending time in conversation with other believers and allowing them to speak into our lives. By listening to faithful and accurate teaching and seeking to encourage others by it. By setting aside time for prayer. By pondering, considering and meditating on God’s Word so that it’s truth might pierce deep into our hearts and minds. As we participate in God’s work of transforming our minds we will be amazed at how God transforms us to be more like Him.

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray that God would be at work in the hearts and minds of everyone in your congregation. Pray that He might give you opportunities to encourage other believers today.
¥ Pray for the Elders of your local church. Pray that God would strengthen them, encourage them and give them wisdom as they lead.
 Word Moment:
Make it a priority to spend time in God’s word and watch how it transforms you. You might be surprised.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What are some of the other ways that you can think of that we can participate in God’s  work renewing our minds?
2. As a group, how can you help each other in renewing your minds?
3. How can you tell if your mind is being renewed and you are growing? How can you encourage each other in this area?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro:  Have you ever seen how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly?  What happens?
Share:  Do some quick research together to see how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. Find pictures if you can.
Read:  Romans 12:2. God is transforming us through the renewing or changing of our mind. Just like the caterpillar God is transforming us into something beautiful. What do you think God might be transforming us into? How does God change our minds? How can we help?
Pray Together: Thank God that He is transforming us to be more like Him. Pray that He would help us focus on Him in our minds.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro:  Have you ever seen how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly?  What happens?
Share:  Do some quick research together to see how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. Find pictures if you can.
Read:  Romans 12:2. God is transforming us through the renewing or changing of our mind. Just like the caterpillar God is transforming us into something beautiful. What do you think God might be transforming us into? How does God change our minds? How can we help?
Pray Together: Thank God that He is transforming us to be more like Him. Pray that He would help us focus on Him in our minds.

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