Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Read: John 1:1-18, Isaiah 40:9-26 I have a friend who once had the opportunity to teach some Muslim students about the Bible. Muslims hold an extremely high and reverent view about their god, Allah. When the study turned to John 1:14 one of the female students became extremely agitated. The concept that God would become a human being, dwell amongst human beings and show them His glory was simply too much for her to understand or accept. Her concept of the glory of God was so high that this idea totally shocked her.
The first century audiences would have had the same reaction. What John is saying is simply inconceivable! This is the same God who appeared to the nation of Israel at Mt Sinai in a dark cloud. This is the same God who was so zealous for His glory that any animal or person who even touched the mountain should be put to death. This is the same God whose glory can be seen by no-one if they wish to live. This same God chose to put on flesh, become a human being and dwell amongst us through His son Jesus. This would have simply been too much for the first century people to comprehend.
Too quickly we can lose sight of how truly shocking this is. The great God of the universe puts on flesh, becomes a baby wrapped in cloths in a manger, lives life on Earth amongst His people, suffers, is humiliated and dies for the rebellion of His enemies.
Take a moment to reflect on the incredible glory of God shown to us in Isaiah 40 and wonder at the fact that this same God would choose to dwell amongst us. That the same God that can measure the waters (all of them!) in the palm of His hands clutches at Mary's breast with tiny hands. That the same God that spoke the universe into existence by His incredible power now cries out with the tiny cries of a newborn baby. Let us never cease to wonder at this incredible, gracious God who would humble himself to become flesh and to dwell amongst us.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Pray for the PlayPals mothers group as they gather at ChristLife today for the last meeting of the year. Pray that their time together would be encouraging and uplifting and that they would grow in their love for one another and for God. Pray that the community mums who attend would see the love of God in the church mums and would be drawn to Christ as a result. Pray that God would soften their hearts and grant them faith in Christ.
  • Pray for the mothers of young children in your congregation and community. Pray that God would give them great wisdom, strength and encouragement as they seek to raise their children. Pray that God would grow in their hearts a deeper love for Him, a deeper love for their husbands and a deeper love for their children. Pray that the congregation would be seeking to love and support these families.
My Additional Prayer Points
1. 2.

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